Doctor X
Doctor X
| 27 August 1932 (USA)
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A wisecracking New York reporter intrudes on a research scientist's quest to unmask The Moon Killer.

Crwthod A lot more amusing than I thought it would be.
TaryBiggBall It was OK. I don't see why everyone loves it so much. It wasn't very smart or deep or well-directed.
Roxie The thing I enjoyed most about the film is the fact that it doesn't shy away from being a super-sized-cliche;
Haven Kaycee It is encouraging that the film ends so strongly.Otherwise, it wouldn't have been a particularly memorable film
theterminator-92378 Doctor X is a early example of one genre mixing with this movie could originaly be a mystrey and then they had the horror and comedy elements into it and the story in which trying to find a serial killer who only kills in the moonlight a Doctor will be put up to questioning professors at his instistue to find out if they re the killer and they are followed by a newspaper reporter who falls in love with the story and the daughter of Dr X. Lionel Atwill,Fay Wray and Lee Tracy are Dr X ,Joanne Xavier and Lee Taylor are the main characters who really show that a movie released in 1932 has a good as acting as now. The Supporting cast is Preston Foster,John Wray,Harry Beresford,Arthur Edmund Carewe,Leila Bennett,Robert Warwick,George Rosener, Willard Robertson and Harry Holman. Originally I thought that this movie was going to be a horror but then i watched it and it grew on me with the comedy and the romance and the way that the movie really has that erire tone is still there and for a movie that was relesed in 1932 i was very impressed with this one.
GL84 After a rash of murders in New York, a reporter's quest for the truth leads to the seaside mansion of a famed scientist are conducting a series of illegal experiments on the nature of evil, forcing him and his still-alive captors to stop their experiments before he can finish.This here was a pitiful and absolutely wretched effort. What makes this one so terrible is the fact that there's just no possible way the story to this one can mean anything when the large portion of what's going on here tends to fall into the rather ridiculous and lame comedy that's supposed to be down-right hilarious but truly isn't. Not only is the lead's constant bungling around his clothes for different objects at a given time or his thousand-words-a-minute smooth-talking to get out of sticky situations unbearably unfunny, but the film has the gall to believe that not just one or two but three separate scenes of him being trapped in a room with skeletons that manipulate themselves on their own are gut-busting hilarious enough to warrant that many repeat returns to that gag that this is a great example of the purposeful horror/comedy that's not funny. That each of these scenes last as long as they do not only makes this one a staggering chore to get into in the first half but also drowns out the horror to a bare minimum in these parts which is really only in the fact that the rampage is on-going and we get detailed explanations of the victims' remains in such a state that the technical jargon for these sequences is almost as bad as the boredom from the supposed laughs to come along. What tends to keep this one remaining as a horror film is the films' final half which is where this one really gets going with some admittedly decent and suspenseful times in their experiment chamber where the different attempts to provide the search for their mission manages to get pretty enjoyable by holding out the killer's identity quite well here in the first sequence as the chaos makes it quite chilling, while the second attempt is even better with the identity switch putting the killer with her while the others are helpless to watch culminating in a great brawl that ends this on a high note. Still, the massive flaws with this one really hold it down the most.Today's Rating/PG: Violence.
Edgar Allan Pooh . . . in order to watch his daughter being strangled? Someone said "It takes all kinds," but the team of freaks assembled by DOCTOR X plays like a geriatric version of the X-MEN. Whenever the title character "Dr. Xavier" can tear himself away from the Wolverine's shenanigans with his daughter Joanne, he's beating the bushes for the INVISIBLE MAN. In the guise of Clark Kent, SUPERMAN saves KING KONG's mistress from a Fate Worse Than Death. DR. JEKYLL has smeared himself with Henrietta Lacks to become MR. HYDE, and FRANKENSTEIN's not far behind. Clark keeps on greeting JACK THE RIPPER with a joy buzzer before changing the channel from BEACH BLANKET BINGO to BONFIRE OF VANITIES. This DOCTOR X is an evocative trifle, suggesting much but fleshing out little. Though color movies may have done okay 83 years ago without any shades of blue, clunkers and groaners apparently never go out of fashion at the American Cinema.
McQualude Doctor X isn't the story of just one but five mad scientists, all complete with mad scientist laboratories: simmering flasks, bubbling beakers, sizzling Jacob's Ladders, popping power breakers & crazy theories. Director Michael Curtiz (Casablanca, Captain Blood, Yankee Doodle Dandee) uses shadow effectively to throw us red herrings, cast menace and provide a rich atmosphere. Lionel Atwill is Doctor X (Xavier), owner of a seaside mansion that is home to four more great scientists happily working away until a series of murders throws suspicion on the gaggle of geeks. Lee Tracy is a newspaper reporter with a fondness for practical jokes (hand buzzer, exploding cigars) looking for a scoop and determined to do anything to get it. Fay Ray is Joanne Xavier, Doctor X's daughter. Here she is strong, determined, confident and independent; although still gets some opportunities to exercise her exquisite screams. Fay Ray could display an unmatched sensuous vulnerability that played so well in King Kong and which we get to see for a few seconds near the end of Doctor X. The downside is that the story is preposterous, sometimes goofy and has trouble deciding if it wants to be a comedy or suspenseful thriller. Doctor X, determined to prevent bad press, rigs a silly experiment to find the killer himself and when the experiment goes fatally wrong, decides to up the ante and do it again. What I found implausible is that the other scientists would risk their lives, again, and that Doctor X would risk his daughter's life without adequate precautions but that is what happens. In a dark comedy this would work but here it just seems silly. Lee Tracy's many scenes of practical jokes not only drags the pace but seem out of place against the otherwise dark and serious tone.