The Son of Kong
The Son of Kong
| 22 December 1933 (USA)
The Son of Kong Trailers

Beleaguered adventurer Carl Denham returns to the island where he found King Kong.

Karry Best movie of this year hands down!
Neive Bellamy Excellent and certainly provocative... If nothing else, the film is a real conversation starter.
Clarissa Mora The tone of this movie is interesting -- the stakes are both dramatic and high, but it's balanced with a lot of fun, tongue and cheek dialogue.
Ginger Very good movie overall, highly recommended. Most of the negative reviews don't have any merit and are all pollitically based. Give this movie a chance at least, and it might give you a different perspective.
utgard14 Following the events of King Kong, director Carl Denham (Robert Armstrong) finds himself being sued right and left for all the damage Kong did. To add to his troubles, he discovers a grand jury is about to indict him so he sets sail with Captain Englehorn (Frank Reicher). These are the only two of the main cast members from the first film to return. Eventually the two run across the man who sold Denham the map to Skull Island and he tells Denham there is treasure on the island that they left behind when they captured Kong. So they all return to Skull Island, along with a pretty stowaway (Helen Mack). Once there, they find an albino "Little Kong," the son of Kong from the first picture.Obviously this was a rushed production. It was written, shot, and released the same year as King Kong. In many ways it feels like a B movie. It takes over forty minutes of this barely over an hour movie for Little Kong to show up. Out of those forty minutes, there's maybe ten or fifteen minutes of necessary story. The rest is filler. When Little Kong does show up, it's not that impressive. He's played mostly for laughs, at times resembling the Bumble from Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer! But he does have some nice fight scenes with dinosaurs and a giant bear.Robert Armstrong reportedly liked this movie more than King Kong. If that's true then it probably speaks to Mr. Armstrong's vanity since he got to be the romantic leading man and hero for this one. He's likable and his performance is fine but Carl Denham being made into the hero is one of the many problems with this movie. Denham's rough edges are what made him such a good character in the first film. Softened up, he's a rather bland character and a poor fit for leading man. Helen Mack is no Fay Wray but she's very attractive and does about as well as can be expected given the weak script. Willis O'Brien's special effects are not surprisingly the highlight of the picture. Ernest B. Schoedsack returns to direct, although noticeably without Merian C. Cooper, who is only an executive producer on this one.Doing sequels is tricky business, then and now. Even more so when you're following up one of the greatest films of all time. The truth is King Kong didn't need any sequels. But greed always wins out in Hollywood. Is Son of Kong a bad sequel? Yes, of course. I don't see how that could be disputed. Is it a bad movie? Not really. It's watchable and even entertaining in spots. But the specter of its predecessor is always looming over it.
Prismark10 This is a hastily produced, low budget sequel to the mammoth box office smash, King Kong. It is a legitimate sequel with some of the original cast returning and many of the same production personnel.The film starts almost after King Kong's death with Denham (Robert Armstrong) being pursued by creditors and sued by various people because of the chaos and destruction caused by King Kong in New York. Feeling guilt as to how he treated Kong, he quickly boards a ship to Asia until the promise of hidden treasure lures him back to Skull Island.There he encounters the son of Kong who is stuck in quicksand and Denham helps him out for which Kong is grateful. Also in the island are various pre historic creatures such as dinosaurs and a cave bear who gets involved in a fight with Kong.The film's short running time, almost a hour belies the fact that it has a lot of padding. We have the weasel villain, Helstrom, a drunk loser who cannot be trusted. Hilda, the damsel who hides out in the ship to Skull island. The staunch captain of the ship from King Kong and various mutinous crewmen.Son of Kong is almost a comic character in this film. Junior is lesser in size, frequently simpering in pain, pulls funny faces at the camera and badly animated. It seems the producers realised that King Kong was wrongly misconstrued as the villain in the original when it was forcibly kidnapped out of its natural environment.There are some nice fight grapple scenes featuring Kong, in fact Vince McMahon stole some of the moves for his WWE wrestlers by the look of it. However away from Kong the film is dull because it was quickly made as a cash in.
AaronCapenBanner Robert Armstrong and Frank Reicher return as Carl Denham and Captain Englehorn in this rushed sequel to "King Kong". Denham, now broke and besieged by lawsuits over the Kong destruction, accepts an offer from the Captain to join him on a trip to the East Indies as traders. In the Dutch port of Dakang, they meet a young singer(played by Helen Mack) who will later stow away on their ship, which is now headed back to Skull Island to search for a rumored treasure. When they arrive, they are surprised to find a pint-sized version of Kong(son apparently) who is quite friendly, and saves them from a giant bear attack. They find the treasure, but the island sinks as a consequence, threatening all their lives... OK sequel is still reasonably entertaining, though lacks the scope and ambition of the first. F/X are good, and film is fun, if too rushed, especially the climax, though the ending is still satisfying.
MartinHafer I cannot blame RKO for rushing this film into production. After all, "King Kong" made a fortune and the public was clamoring for more. However, I wished they'd rethought plot just a bit before they began filming, as it started off so great but then the movie degenerated into a bit of a sappy affair.The beginning of "Son of Kong" was great. Now that Kong was dead, a LOT of New Yorkers were mad at Denham (Robert Armstrong)--and everyone was ready to sue him because of all the damage the creature did! I loved this, as too seldom do sequels talk about the public's reaction to the idiot who orchestrated the big mess! And so, he sets off to sea and goes in search of a fresh start.Now you would think with a planet this big that the chances of Armstrong's character to stumble upon another enormous ape would be practically nil. Yet, despite not trying to do so, he ends up finding what appears to be Kong's younger and a bit smaller son! What are the odds?!?! However, and here is where the film falters, this Son of Kong is nice...really, really nice. He smiles and mugs for the cameras repeatedly AND is incredibly helpful and kind towards Armstrong and his new hot babe (Helen Mack). The end result is a film that might please little kids and those who don't want a violent monster film....but the other 98% probably will be disappointed by this kindler, gentler sort of ape! Watchable but it could have been a lot better.