The Land Before Time IV: Journey Through the Mists
The Land Before Time IV: Journey Through the Mists
G | 10 December 1996 (USA)
The Land Before Time IV: Journey Through the Mists Trailers

When Littlefoot grandfather falls ill, The dinosaurs only way to cure him is a flower in the forbidding land of mist which hold unexpecting perils and danger.

SnoReptilePlenty Memorable, crazy movie
Kailansorac Clever, believable, and super fun to watch. It totally has replay value.
Forumrxes Yo, there's no way for me to review this film without saying, take your *insert ethnicity + "ass" here* to see this film,like now. You have to see it in order to know what you're really messing with.
Yvonne Jodi Unshakable, witty and deeply felt, the film will be paying emotional dividends for a long, long time.
allyball-63124 The pacing has improved a lot in this movie and the conflict is much larger than the other 2 sequels before this one. The animation in this movie is still pretty good except a little better. The animation on the night flowers is really flippin' good! I also really like the new characters. Ali is sweet and I kind of ship her with Littlefoot (even though I prefer him with Cera) and the villains are just downright hilarious. Not to mention that this movie introduces the adventure aspect of The Land Before Time that persisted throughout most of the later (and arguably better) sequels in the franchise. I'll admit that the parents were kind of stupid in this movie but really that's a problem with movies 2-7. I also really like the songs in this movie. The first song is a very soothing melody, the villain song is one of my ultimate guilty pleasure songs and the last song is kind of cute.
Mightyzebra This is one of many animated sequels to "Land Before Time". Each one is about dinosaurs.This LBT will appeal to some but not to others. For people who did not like LBT2 very much at all but like LBT1 and LBT3 a great deal, this will be their kettle of a film. For people who find LBT5 etc too babyish, you will probably like this one quite a lot as well.As for the actual film, it has the same sort of companionship and teamwork as the first, the second and the third LBT's and you could even say this is less babyish than LBT2. The animation is quite well done, especially the backgrounds. The music is one of the highlights, not repeating and constantly gloomy or happy unlike in some of the other LBT's. The storyline is both exciting and tedious in places, but there is a good adventure. The old characters are pretty much the same, which is good, unfortunately the new character, a longneck called Ali, is pretty much a spoilt, silly character, but luckily improves as the story goes along. The songs are pretty good for a LBT, especially "It Takes All Sorts" and "Grandma's Lullaby". That's pretty much it in highlights and disadvantages... Oh yes - the baddies are a bit silly, but scary enough to entertain people who like very bad villains the the LBTs.What happens is that outside the valley, the weather and pretty much everything else is changing - for the worse. Meanwhile, a wandering herd meet Littlefoot's grandparents and Littlefoot's grandpa becomes very sick. Along with Littlefoot's new friend Ali, he is determined to find the nightflower in the mysterious beyond, which may be able to cure his grandpa...Enjoy "Land Before Time IV: Journey Through the Mists."
----- Skaer'scinth My third favorite film in the series, JTTM is simply a masterpiece, fit to culminate R.A Smith's tenure in LBT. The film has just the right balance of sunshine,laughter,sadness and triumph blended into an hour and about a quarter of delight.(Possible Spoiler) The value this movie teaches is that diversity of friends and loved ones is a great thing to have, especially for vulnerable young 'uns. From the CUTTTTTE mouselike creature Tickles to the elderly archelon Archie, this movie sports a character cast of variety, fit for its powerful theme. The highlight was the extremely amusing song "Who Needs You" in which the birdlike Ichy and the deinosuchus Dil continually insult each other with some fine choice sentences. True to the Land Before Time legacy, this film has not in one bit disappointed me!
G.Spider After the excellent Land Before Time 3, this fourth film comes as a disappointment. It involves Littlefoot and his friends setting off into the land of the mists to find the cure for his grandfather's illness. Also thrown in is a female young Brontosaurus. The concept of ignoring or forgetting friends for the sake of innocent love is the only interesting thing this sorry mess has to offer. It lasts the same amount of time as the other Land Before Time films but seems longer due to the plodding, uninspiring plot.Another major problem is the film's villains, the weakest yet. Instead of dinosaurs all we get is a rather uninspiring crocodile and an even more uninspiring bird which wants to kill Littlefoot and company for reasons best known to itself.The one really good thing about this waste of time is that you don't need to have watched it to understand the next film in the series and can therefore skip this pointless plodder and move straight on to the far superior Land Before Time 5.