Open Season
Open Season
PG | 29 September 2006 (USA)
Open Season Trailers

Boog, a domesticated 900lb. Grizzly bear finds himself stranded in the woods 3 days before Open Season. Forced to rely on Elliot, a fast-talking mule deer, the two form an unlikely friendship and must quickly rally other forest animals if they are to form a rag-tag army against the hunters.

TinsHeadline Touches You
Senteur As somebody who had not heard any of this before, it became a curious phenomenon to sit and watch a film and slowly have the realities begin to click into place.
PiraBit if their story seems completely bonkers, almost like a feverish work of fiction, you ain't heard nothing yet.
Allison Davies The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
The Strict Movie Reviewer In 2006, Sony Pictures Animation decided to make there move and make there first animated movie! Open Season. To be honest, it's actually a good start for the company. The movie is actually not that terrible! There is adult jokes in the movie. For instance, in the beginning when Ranger Beth was going to show that domesticated bear Boog was going to do, Boog see's some hunters while driving down and Boog decides to slap his butt in front of them. Extremely unnecessary, but funny too! It's a great movie for mature kids! 6 out of 10!
Robert My first review on this site as a registered user was Open season 2. I had, of course, previously seen Open Season 1 and then just a few weeks ago saw Open Season 3. Seeing all of them now (and the 1st for the second time) I can now exclaim that they should have stopped at this movie.I was okay with it for the most part. The things that bugged me most was just the bear giving in and becoming friends with the annoying animal that almost ruined his life multiple times. I do understand the message, however I found it kind of odd and didn't make the movie as good as it could have been.Anyway, it's still better than the second movie and definitely better than the third movie. Thus, I rate it 7/10.
Gavin Cresswell (gavin-thelordofthefu-48-460297) I've just gotta say that I'm just a little disappointed in this movie. It's not bad or anything, but it would've been so much better. The computer animation has some nice colorful backgrounds, but it seems to be suffered by it's shallow character animation. The characters are either uninteresting or annoying except McSquizzy because he gave me a few chuckles here and there. The story, while having it's moments, is just painfully predictable that uses the same old "buddy" cliché from other animated features. The humor has it's funny parts, but then it gets very tiresome it would make you snooze throughout the film. The strongest aspects goes to the adequate music score from Ramin Djawadi and the voice cast in this film. Martin Lawrence and Ashton Kutcher did great and so were a few cameos including Patrick Warburton and Billy Connolly. Open Season is far from being the worst animated feature of all time, but with a better story and better characters, it would've been better.4/10
TheLittleSongbird I will admit Open Season isn't outstanding, but it was likable and fun. It is too short however, there are some predictable parts in the story and it occasionally feels too rushed. That said, it looks wonderful, with some lovely backgrounds and colours and the character designs are agreeable. The soundtrack is cool, the script has its funny moments with some of the more adult humour decently done and enough wit to satisfy anybody and the characters are likable especially Grizzly. Also the voice acting is surprisingly good, I was surprised at some of the choices(ie. Billy Connolly) of those to do the voices but all breathed life more than adequately to these fun characters. Overall I liked it, it was flawed yes but it was fun, that's all that matters at the end of the day. 7/10 Bethany Cox