DOA: Dead or Alive
DOA: Dead or Alive
PG-13 | 15 June 2007 (USA)
DOA: Dead or Alive Trailers

Four beautiful rivals at an invitation-only martial-arts tournament join forces against a sinister threat. Princess Kasumi is an aristocratic warrior trained by martial-arts masters. Tina Armstrong is a wrestling superstar. Helena Douglas is an athlete with a tragic past. Christie Allen earns her keep as a thief and an assassin-for-hire.

Matialth Good concept, poorly executed.
Listonixio Fresh and Exciting
Kien Navarro Exactly the movie you think it is, but not the movie you want it to be.
Zlatica One of the worst ways to make a cult movie is to set out to make a cult movie.
torstensonjohn Before we as an audience had the film "The Condemned" we have this little nugget. A fight style tournament, experts in their fighting styles get picked randomly, fly to an island and have to parachute out of a plane to find it. These fights are not to the death rather but loser goes home prize is 10 million dollars. Now the acting is pretty flat, there is 2 subplots mixed in while the fights are picked. For men the "horn dog" side will be satisfied as the women are scantly clad in much of it. The savior of this fil is the cinematography and choreography with the fights and martial arts. Jaime Pressley is actually funny and wildly good with her stunts in this. Devon Aoki, wow, exceptional skill set and reminds me much of Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon style. Holly Valance was amazing in her role as fighter and thief. I was a little dismayed at Eric Roberts performance as the antagonist not his better moments and his fighting was god awful. I rather enjoyed this film though and if your a fan of martial arts and some comedy watch it. I went 7/10 here
adonis98-743-186503 World's best fighters are invited to DOA, an invitational martial arts contest. There, four female rival fighters will have to work together to uncover the secret that the organizer of the tournament is trying to hide. (The movie adaptation of the best selling video game series Dead or Alive.) A film where a simple kick in the face turns into a shotgun sound and Eric Roberts uses sunglasses to steal people's powers but also has some of the worst, dumbest and cheesy moments like a lesbian joke and a forced love story that goes nowhere. (0/10)
freydis-e This is better than other computer beat-em-up adaptations like Streetfighter and Mortal Kombat. The plot makes more sense and is more interesting than either of those movies, while managing to stay closer to the original games. Essentially this is 'Enter the Dragon' with (lots of) women, though it lacks the dark and dangerous edge of that earlier movie. As ever, Cory Yuen does a good job with the many fight scenes, despite working mostly with non-martial-artists. The production has an expensive feel, and it's surprising that the budget didn't run to more impressive stars.The main attraction here is the procession of gorgeous super-feisty women, often wearing very little – pure exploitation, but this too is faithful to the original computer games, right down to the beach volleyball. Sadly, while looking good, these are not great actresses. Jaime Pressley is pick of the bunch – while not big enough physically for Tina Armstrong, she brings a personality which fills the screen. Devon Aoki never brings much personality to anything, but this may well be her best performance after DEBS. Holly Valance, sadly, is barely an actress at all and the male support is pretty drab, with Steve Howey as a stereotyped nerd the pick of a bad bunch. Anyone who knows who Kevin Nash is should get a laugh from his performance as Bass. It's disappointing that, after the female leads have been built up well early on, they then spend too much time sidelined, while various dull and characterless men fight one another.Fans of the games may enjoy this. Anyone who enjoys watching half-dressed women fighting will too. For others it's good mindless fun, but don't go out of your way.
S Ali I never played DOA game before in my life but it looks similar to Tekken. Maybe one day I will buy one and play it.The film isn't good but good special effects and fight scenes too. The reason why I watched this film because I know the director 'Corey Yuen' who made some best martial art films like Ninja in the dragon's den, Righting Wrong and Fong Sai Yuk 1 and 2.Tina vs Zack fight scene, Corey copied the exactly same fight choreography from 'She shoots straight (1990)'.If you like Jet Li then watch Fong Sai Yuk 1 and 2, both good martial art movies, a lot of action and comedy.