R | 20 March 2010 (USA)
Tekken Trailers

In the year of 2039, after World Wars destroy much of the civilization as we know it, territories are no longer run by governments, but by corporations; the mightiest of which is the Mishima Zaibatsu. In order to placate the seething masses of this dystopia, Mishima sponsors Tekken, a tournament in which fighters battle until only one is left standing.

SpuffyWeb Sadly Over-hyped
KnotStronger This is a must-see and one of the best documentaries - and films - of this year.
Suman Roberson It's a movie as timely as it is provocative and amazingly, for much of its running time, it is weirdly funny.
Billy Ollie Through painfully honest and emotional moments, the movie becomes irresistibly relatable
ozaidan-34511 Not that spoilers are relevant but still, I better put a warning here that I am going to write a few spoilers.Why this film is no good, to start with, quite a few characters are hard to recognise, even for a Tekken fan. Thankfully their outfit is there to help, but this is another problem; most of the outfits are so cheap that it turns a character like Nina Williams from sexy to vulgar. Jin gets gradually his outfit through the film, but we never get to see him with the improbable haircut like in the games. I get it, this is not a cosplay contest, but the casting feels like it could have been a little better. Something else looks cheap in this film, the background set. Sure the story is all about a tournament and it is always more or less the same ring they are fighting in, you could hope for something a little better looking.Visually this film is no good, but then again, it is a fighting movie, we came here to watch blood and sweat. Do not blink whenever you see a punch, it will not last very long. The fight a incredibly short; the best of all being the final fight (between... I will not spoil it here, although it will not be any surprise who are the two fighter for this epic battle) that lasts about 30 seconds. Hello, ever heard of the concept of a boss?Bad acting, bad costumes, in fact bad everything. Except Heihachi who looks like a senior cosplayer.
TJMBuddlake First off, I am a die hard Tekken fan. It is one of my favorite fighting game franchises. When i heard that there was a Tekken movie, my immediate thought was "Oh no, they are going to ruin it." WELL, I was wrong. I actually enjoyed it! I liked every bit of it. The story may not have been that great but you think about it, its hard trying to establish a story entwining 40 or so fighters in the entire franchise. The acting may not be great, but they are trained stunt-men and martial artists. The sets were cool, the costumes/makeup were great (except for Heihachi, his hairdo was a mess). There were some moments that had me scratching my head in disbelief but I'm not going to complain. (Thats what nitpickers do and I'm not a nitpicker). My only disappointment is that some of my favorite fighters weren't featured. Like Hwoarang, King and Lili. Thats all I have to say. Its no masterpiece nor as good as MK but I recommend this to anyone that enjoys Tekken or martial arts. I give this movie a 7 out of 10.
Shaun Anderson (ShaunAlanAnderson) As a huge fan of the Tekken series, upon finding out about the game being adapted into a film, I honestly never had high hopes in the first place. Normally, video games that are made into a film are normally horrendous (with the exception of Resident Evil) and on seeing the trailer, I knew this would be no exception. First of all, there are a lot of inaccuracies in the film. First of all, Jin (the main character) wasn't introduced until the third Tekken game but it is understandable to have him in the movie as the majority of the games are centred around him. However, Jin was only 15 when his mother died but in the film he was an adult. Speaking of his mother, Jin, in the video game she was murdered by the character Ogre which is the reason why Jin began to fight and enter the King of the Iron Fist tournament, but in the film she is not killed by Ogre but by a bazooka? and Jin goes to the Iron Fist to kill Heihachi, who in the video game was Jin's mentor!I could ramble on more about the inaccuracies like Steve Fox being Jin's mentor, or Paul Phoenix not being involved in the film even though he is in all the games, but there are other criticisms at hand. The acting - TERRIBLE! It was like everyone done a half-hearted performance, not bothered about what events occurred. It was like they were just waiting for filming to end.Characters - Now I know that they can't include every character in Tekken, but they probably had the worst selection ever! They had Christie to play the female lead which makes no sense. They had Sergey, Raven, and others who weren't introduced until Tekken 5 or 6. And Foo, who played Kazama didn't even look like Jin! He wasn't broad enough and they pathetically modified his hair to make it look like Jin only to have it look like an ice-cream cone.And where was Hwoarang in this? Everyone loved a bit of Hwoargie in the games!So overall, I give it a 3/10. The visual effects, the fight sequences and Yoshimitsu's outfit are the only positives about the film. You can tell that they put a lot of work into locations and such with their rather large budget. However, if you're a die hard Tekken fan like me, don't watch it, you will be frustrated. This goes on the list of bad video game to movie adaptations along with Street Fighter, House of the Dead and more. So don't waste 90 minutes of your life watching this frustrating film. Just play the game.Anderson
killswitchmagic by kloxalot "did not seem to be a video game movie...unlike " street fighter." they did a good job of making the fight scenes seem realistic. the story line wasn't to bad either. i thought this film was going to be a disappointment...i was wrong. i thought it was better than any of jaun claudes movies. the women in this movie are all hott. there was even a little bit of sex scenes that were kinda spicy. the characters all had there own unique style. the one thing i was disappointed about was that yoshimitsu made a quick appearance and did not get enough camera time. some quirks about the movie was there really no surprise ending. all around it was a pretty good action packed movie that was surprisingly good...worth the time to watch." i agree with moast of this.. really did a good job on it . my only issue was the lack of characters and the more known ones had small roles but maybe there could be a 2 coming ...each character was presented really well Looks and fighting styles .. storyline strayed a little but jump back on quick .. all and all really good game to movie transfer .. better than street fighter or mortal kombat . if your a tekken fan this is a must watch!!!