Miss Conception
Miss Conception
R | 06 June 2008 (USA)
Miss Conception Trailers

Georgina is an ambitious young London professional who learns she has only one month left in which to conceive a child. After exhausting all possibilities with her baby-phobic boyfriend, Georgina turns to her wildly optimistic friend Clem, with whom she sets out to identify and "land" the perfect father for her child.

Platicsco Good story, Not enough for a whole film
MamaGravity good back-story, and good acting
Humaira Grant It’s not bad or unwatchable but despite the amplitude of the spectacle, the end result is underwhelming.
Tobias Burrows It's easily one of the freshest, sharpest and most enjoyable films of this year.
mark-818-758555 Where do you start with this movie? OK...well...The attempted British accent - think Dick Van Dyke...enough said.Storyline; as has been said by other people is implausible from a number of different aspects. The main one being that the two girls sit down to write a list of situations to try and get Heather pregnant...and miss out the 'go down to a bar every night for the next four nights and pick up a different guy each night' option...Heather wouldn't last more than ten minutes in a bar without being chatted up! She would have the pick of the bar. Also, she's a boss on a building site???? OK...?Casting; Why do filmmakers continue to cast British people as Americans and Americans as British...is it just so that we can complain about the bad accents...instead of concentrating on the bad movie? I'm unsure. There must be so many aspiring actors and actresses that could have been in this film and been more suited!Filming; OK in the main...but is a little amateurish in my opinion in quite a few places. It almost struck me as though certain shots were straight out of the how to film a movie book.Will Mellor; Was Will Mellor...He's just Gaz of Two Pints! He's OK in this.Comedy; I've heard that it's all about timing...and this movie misses every cue.Fight scenes; OK I am being generous...there is some arm holding followed by a severe case of slapping! Yes slapping...between two heterosexual men! I am to believe that her ex is so mad that he grabs his best friend's arms, wrestles at arms length (it's more like an extended hug) and then slaps him! Nope! I don't buy that!Predictability; Go with your instincts on this. Fast forward to the end and get the (lack of) surprise over with.Script writing; Well again I'm being generous here...I would say a 12 year old girl wrote this (sorry to all the 12 year old girls out there...I didn't mean to insult you!). Absolutely no twists or turns with this movie. Even down to a turkey baster making an appearance!Key phrase in movie; When the male dancer chats to his mate over the phone while Heather goes into the hotel bathroom to get ready...he says that he thinks that she's a little soft in the head...and to be honest...that's actually remarkably accurate for her reactions to all the encounters she has in the movie in my opinion.Travelogue; Her (ex)boyfriend doing the trains, planes and automobiles thing getting back from Ireland to the UK...to be honest, I don't understand the whole getting a taxi from the port back home...needing money...walks to the service till...then gets to a random road somewhere - that not being home. This adds nothing to the movie! When I've needed a taxi and not had enough money, the taxi driver has more than usually taken me to the nearest working ATM and waited for me to get the money out and then taken me (surprise, surprise) to the address that I ask to go to.Heather; Great looking girl...but must be struggling to get quality film roles to accept this sort of nonsense this late on in her career. It's not as though she is just starting out...and she does actually IMHO have some acting talent...usually!Am I the target demographic for this movie...absolutely not. Why did I watch it? Well I was flicking through the channels abroad found an English speaking movie channel and it was on. I should have carried on flicking!
siderite It takes a sexy American actress posing as British to make this film watchable? No. The only possible audience for this film is the women who are close to menopause and want children. Men, stay away!If you thought that this is a romantic movie, think again. It is all about the babies. This girl learns that she really has only one chance left to have a child, lest she turns barren. Her boyfriend is not the baby loving type, so she quickly dumps him (with the whining reason that having a baby is the most important thing for her) and proceeds on planning to lure a man to make her pregnant.The only positive thing going for her is that she tries to get in touch with her former boyfriend only to be blocked by the new girlfriend wanna-be.What follows are pathetic attempts to make men sleep with her (I mean, how hard can it be?!) and then a silly happy ending, since the guy really loved her, even with all the deception and self-centricity.Bottom line: if a guy listens to what his body is telling him and shags lots of women, he is a bad bad boy. If a woman listens to her body and tries to fornicate with as many men as possible in order to have a child, she is a sensible victim of premature menopause. Gah!
kevingattaca OK so let's get this over with..... Heather gets ONE point for the accentWe've all done this before ;Watched a movie with the fast forward button ?, Sometimes it's just the first three minutes of the movie that we realise that we have been cheated once more by life ?, No mater that you checked the review, No mater that there was the front picture of a scantily babe ( or guy depending on the day ? ) No, No NO you scream ?!, My only hope can be that None of my hard earned money from a Lottery Scratch Card has gone on this utter waste of time ? for far to long lottery cash has gone on holding up this type of movie/Star time and time again...This is NO Richard Curtis film, Lacking Heart, Interest and Humor You might as well save your money and buy a Lottery Scratch Card instead at least you'd know that you weren't wasting your money............Oh wait ?!K
njtomiami It was difficult to laugh at the supposed jokes, delivery and timing was really off. The only scene that caused me to laugh out loud was similar to a scene from "What about Mary" when Mary mistakenly uses a certain body fluid as hair gel.Why is the movie advertised as country of Orgin "Germany". It takes place in the UK with British and American actors. Nothing German here.Too many details are so unauthentic it was distracting, for example, our pretty petite lead character owns a construction company (more realistic if she was the secretary), the film production assistant has a Valley Girl accent (British accent would be more appropriate), The lead character is going though menopause at the age of 34 (at least make her 40 yrs old?). Pros about the movie: I enjoyed the character who played the macho construction guy. The best part about the movie is how gay friendly it was.