Metalstorm: The Destruction of Jared-Syn
Metalstorm: The Destruction of Jared-Syn
PG | 19 August 1983 (USA)
Metalstorm: The Destruction of Jared-Syn Trailers

A seeker named Dogen rescues Dhyana after her father is murdered by the evil Jared-Syn. To avenge her father's death, Dogen must find Jared-Syn's hideout in the mysterious "Lost City", but the only person who knows where it is an aging, burned-out seeker named Rhodes. Along the way, they will need to do battle against the hunter Baal and his Cyclopean minions for engaging Jared-Syn in a final encounter.

Vashirdfel Simply A Masterpiece
Beanbioca As Good As It Gets
Invaderbank The film creates a perfect balance between action and depth of basic needs, in the midst of an infertile atmosphere.
ActuallyGlimmer The best films of this genre always show a path and provide a takeaway for being a better person.
Scott LeBrun The 1983 3-D Charles Band production "Metalstorm: The Destruction of Jared-Syn" is pretty damn forgettable and obviously quite low budget but, like many other movies of its kind, it's not without its cheesy charms. One is simply going to have to be partial to this type of thing to begin with. It's highly derivative of other sci-fi features that have come before it, and it is undeniably crude. It's full of nonsense and short on sense. The characters are well defined if not exactly fleshed out (you're never in much doubt as to who is a good guy and who is a bad guy.) The action is reasonably effective, with well done stunts and explosions, and the special effects do give this the appeal of really good cheese. The most worthy component is the rousing music score by Charles's brother Richard Band; it deserves to be in a better movie.Stiff, but not completely unlikable, Jeffrey Byron stars as Dogen, a "ranger" in a world of the future who must do battle with the overlord of the title, played by Mike Preston of "The Road Warrior". Jared-Syn, assisted by his creepy son Baal (R. David Smith), makes life miserable for people such as amiable old miner Aix (Larry Pennell) and his daughter Dhyana (a young and super sexy Kelly Preston). Knowing he needs help, Dogen gets tracking assistance from the weary Rhodes (Tim Thomerson, who easily steals the show). As the story plays out, he must also deal with a cyclopean being named Hurok (Richard Moll).The ending to this is quite anticlimactic and disappointing (clearly there were thoughts of making a sequel to this), but getting there provides some degree of fun. If you can turn off your brain for 83 minutes, you should have a good time with this. It never really catches fire (some might even say that it's dull), but helping to give it some visual buzz, other than the 3- D, are the various desert locations and the cinematography by Mac Ahlberg, who shot many movies like this during the 1980s. Byron is a rather colourless lead, and one may wish that the more charismatic Thomerson were in that role instead. Mike Preston is an amusing villain, and Moll likewise has a real presence on screen, as always. The briefly seen Pennell is endearing, and Kelly Preston offers up a lot of spunk as the imperiled girl, who is set to be sacrificed by Jared-Syn to a great big life-giving crystal.This may not be anything great, but it's not the worst sci-fi adventure you'll ever see, either.Five out of 10.
R Becker Yes, Jeffrey Byron does resemble Viggo Mortensen. Yes, the talentless Kelly Preston is a movie star to this day (for reasons that utterly escape me). But this tedious attempt to weld together STAR WARS, THE ROAD WARRIOR, a little bit of RAIDERS OF THE LOST ARK, and whatever else was handy really only comes alive once Tim Thomerson and Richard Moll are on the screen. Well, that, and the surprisingly exciting score by Richard Band is another plus. But overall, if you get the chance to see METALSTORM, pass it up. For one thing, the cinematography is so badly lit that you'll have a hard time being sure it's the same leading man in many shots. For another, the editing is choppy and distracting during any action scene. For still another, the sand-monsters are about as cornball as they could be. But worst of all--the script is flat and dull, and the directing is lackluster. Give it a miss, you'll never be sorry.
Teresa This is about the worst film ever made, with the possible exception of Megaforce. SPOILER: There's no Metalstorm, and Jared-Syn lives!!!!It was originally shown in 3D at theaters, the quality of which gave one headaches for hours afterward.Two questions come to mind w/r/t to the title: One, where in the h*ll is this so-called frickin' metalstorm? Two, when is Jared Syn's "destruction" when he escapes at the very end of the stinking film? Definite MST3K fodder, if MST3K had lasted long enough to work it's way down to this egregious infliction of deep hurting.
Aaron1375 This movie was just bad. I only saw it once though so I don't remember a lot of it...I just remember it being quite boring. I think I saw this one on TNT's old Monster vision show and Joe Bob didn't give it very high marks either. Very bad special effects and a bad plot as well. Though it does have Richard Moll in it. What really gets me is the second half of the title of this one. Let's just say it is ironic that it is called the destruction of Jared-Syn. The finale is really bad and I wasn't even sure what happened as they were flying through the cheap special effects.