A Boy and His Dog
A Boy and His Dog
R | 14 November 1975 (USA)
A Boy and His Dog Trailers

Set in the year 2024 in post-apocalyptic America, 18-year old Vic and his telepathic dog, Blood, are scavengers in the desolate wilderness ravaged by World War IV, where survivors must battle for food and shelter in the desert-like wasteland. Vic and Blood eke out a meager existence, foraging for food and fighting gangs of cutthroats.

ThiefHott Too much of everything
GamerTab That was an excellent one.
FeistyUpper If you don't like this, we can't be friends.
Dynamixor The performances transcend the film's tropes, grounding it in characters that feel more complete than this subgenre often produces.
Sarah C. Is this the nastiest, most disgusting movie ever made? Hardly.Is this the most plot-less idiotic movie ever made? Perhaps.Is this the most America-hating, nostalgia-subverting, most flippantly juvenile, most misogynist, most misanthropic, most "dudebro"-pandering movie ever made? Depends. Is this the most endearing story about a friendship between a person and their pet that truly transcends time and space and knows NO boundaries and MEANS IT? Absolutely.
Sam Panico Vic (a very young Don Johnson, who any of child of the 80's knows instantly) and Blood (voiced by Tim McIntire, who was George Jones in the 1981 TV movie Stand By Your Man) are a human and dog team traveling through the post-apocalyptic fallout after World War 4. Unlike the way my dog just barks and barks until I wake up, Blood can speak telepathically.That telepathy comes at the expense of his ability to search for food, so the incredibly intelligent, human-hating mutt uses Vic to help him. Vic's only hungers are food and sex. He's pretty much a moron with no basic standards of ethics or morals. While the two have an antagonistic relationship, they realize that they need one another.While watching old porn movies at a makeshift drive-in, Blood smells Quilla Julia Holmes, who comes from "Downunder," a town inside an underground vault. Vic saves her from mutants and the two have sex, despite Blood's dislike of her. She leads him to the city, where Blood refuses to enter.Quilla June's father, Lou Craddock (Jason Robards, Something Wicked This Way Comes) has sent her to the surface to recruit new blood for Topeka, a biosphere city beneath ruined Kansas. The Committee rules all, forcing its people to dress in 1930's costumes. Vic has been brought here to be a stud, donating his sperm at the expense of the pleasure that he needs. And even worse — once he impregnates 35 women, he'll be sent to the farm and never seen again.Quilla Jane breaks Vic out as part of her plot to kill off The Committee and their android goon, Michael. That said — Vic wants no part of this plot, only to get back to his home above ground and his friend Blood. Michael kills Quilla Jane's other rebellion members before Vic takes him out. Quilla proclaims her love for Vic and asks to return to the surface with him.When they find Blood, he is starving and near death. Quilla Jane tells him to leave the dog to die and spend the rest of his life with her. Vic makes his mind off — killing her off camera, so that Blood can eat her. Vic states that she should have never followed him as Blood jokes that she didn't have bad taste. They walk off into the sunset together.A Boy and His Dog comes from a series of stories by Harlan Ellison, whose prodigious output is only rivaled by his cantankerous nature. Two of his scripts for TV's The Outer Limits, Demon with a Glass Hand and Soldier, were so close to The Terminator that Ellison has an "acknowledgment to the works of Harlan Ellison" credit in Terminator: Genisys (and Ellison was supposedly paid for his inspiration, which you can learn about here). He also wrote what many consider the greatest episode of the original Star Trek, The City on the Edge of Forever.Ellison tried to write the screenplay, but hit writer's block. The final script was written by producer Alvy Moore (Hank Kimball from Green Acres, who also produced The Witchmaker and Brotherhood of Satan and appears in this film as Dr. Moore) and director L. Q. Jones (an actor in movies like The Beast Within and The Wild Bunch who also wrote Brotherhood of Satan), which Ellison was either somewhat happy with or totally upset with, depending on who tells the story. What is known is that he was unhappy with Blood's final line: "Well, I'd certainly say she had marvelous judgement, Albert…if not particularly good taste." The book ends differently, with Vic remembering a question that Quilla had asked of him: "Do you know what love is?" Vic finally remembers the answer: "Sure I know. A boy loves his dog."If you've ever played the video game Fallout, then you'll be delighted to learn how much comes from this film.Vic and Blood would have further adventures, even one tale where Ellison tried to off the pair due to either his dislike of the film's ending or being sick of fans asking for more stories about the duo. There was nearly a sequel, A Girl and His Dog, which would have had Blood team up with a female warrior named Spike.Read more at http://bit.ly/2hIuPZc
kjarvis1212 Let me start by saying I'm well aware of the cult classic status of this film. And while I have several cult classics that are near and dear to my heart, this is not one of them. In fact, this is one of the worst films I've ever seen in my life. Sure, the premise sounds intriguing: a young man and his dog, who can communicate with each other, roam the barren landscape, in search of food and, well, women in a post-WWIV world. I've always been fascinated by the post- apocalyptic genre, but this film is just a complete fail on all levels. While Don Johnson, as the "boy," is sort of enjoyable in the lead role, literally nothing else comes together. The script is head- scratching. The plot is scattered at best and practically inconsequential in the final act. I understand that there are some who like this sort of abstract film making, but I do not. I prefer for there to be a point of some kind. Rest assured that there is absolutely no point whatsoever to A Boy And His Dog. If you want to invite some friends over, get hammered, and laugh your asses off at an incomprehensibly incoherent movie, then this is the film for you. But if you're looking for a genuine and satisfying movie experience, you'd best steer clear of this one.
jake-law123 Was not expecting to enjoy this film this much. It had the perfect balance and amount of quirkiness, humor, drama, and creativity. It takes a huge twist to the post apocalyptic genre.A teenage boy (Vic) and his telepathic dog (Blood) work together as a team in order to survive in the dangerous post-apocalyptic wasteland of the Southwestern United States. The dog promises him women to rape if the boy finds the dog food to eat. They come across a female of the underground city, who lures him down there to his unknown fate.Right away the idea of the telepathic dog intrigued me, not just the idea, but the voice and sound editing is amazing. It's really grounded in reality in a stylistic way. There's almost no music in the film, and the conversations between the two get heated up quick, making you feel the desperation of their situation.Everything is simply set up well. The quick prologue informs us of the aftermath of World War 4 turning everything to dust, a quick glance of the aftermath, an introduction to our characters etc. There's always something new happening regardless, it never gets repetitive or boring, especially with the constant bickering of the 2 main characters. It's like the fact that it's a dog and boy makes it automatically interesting to listen to.In the third act when the boy goes to the underground city to find the girl, he leaves his dog. This is where the film was ruined by some, the film's third act doesn't include the dog and apparently drags. I won't say they're wrong, but I will say it makes up for it simply for the final thing of dialogue in the film...nuff said. Trust me, it makes up for everything.I loved this all together. It just hit me right for some reason. It's not a phenomenon in the post apocalyptic genre, but it's a fresh touch to the typical wasteland setting, with interesting characters and plot. Highly recommended.
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