Field of Dreams
Field of Dreams
PG | 21 April 1989 (USA)
Field of Dreams Trailers

Ray Kinsella is an Iowa farmer who hears a mysterious voice telling him to turn his cornfield into a baseball diamond. He does, but the voice's directions don't stop -- even after the spirits of deceased ballplayers turn up to play.

Vashirdfel Simply A Masterpiece
Plustown A lot of perfectly good film show their cards early, establish a unique premise and let the audience explore a topic at a leisurely pace, without much in terms of surprise. this film is not one of those films.
Derry Herrera Not sure how, but this is easily one of the best movies all summer. Multiple levels of funny, never takes itself seriously, super colorful, and creative.
Portia Hilton Blistering performances.
Alyssa-the-Critic The emotional core of this film is driven by the haunting and simple piano, synth and panpipe score of James Horner, by the sincerity of Costner as Ray Kinsella, and the startling clarity of the story Alden Robinson crafts onto screen -- A man that himself has no inkling of belief in the likes of "the voice", of ghosts or the supernatural. Which you wouldn't know it to watch this film that has you believing, has you alongside Ray and his supportive wife trusting the magic, and ultimately renders itself timeless only 19 years later.Featuring great supporting performances by Amy Madigan, Ray Liotta, James Earl Jones and the late Burt Lancaster as 'Doc "Moonlight" Graham '. Quite simply Phil Alden Robinson's best picture to date, and perhaps any to come!We follow Ray Kinsella (Costner) as he takes a leap of faith in the aftermath of a series of existential crisis of his own imagination, to first build a baseball diamond on his rich farmland. But the journey only begins there... To this we are taken on a road trip down memory lane (metaphorically and physically) in his search for answers. Why did the voice choose him?This call to action builds and eventually culminates in one of the most emotional and crushingly heartbreaking pay-offs in movie history. Sons and fathers. Fathers and sons. That is the underpinning of what this movie is really about. Family. Regret. Passing (death) and the path to redemption all set against America's greatest passtime; Baseball.Laced full of quaint and funny moments, Field of Dreams (1989) is two parts drama, one part comedy and a helping of adventure to connect it all. Look for a stellar performance by James Earl Jones and in particular a speech that should have your hairs standing on end, whether you like the sport or not!
The-IMDB-Care-Bear It has been at least 10 years since I last watched Field of Dreams. It was a wonderful film then and it is a wonderful film now. However most of us know this already so I am not going to delve into that.What I'm doing here today is to complain. After watching Field of Dreams I immediately - out of reflex - wanted to log into the IMDb forums and talk to fellow moviegoers about the film.But I could not.I have been active on IMDb since 1997 (Con Air and The Saint). I have made a lot of comments in almost 20 years on the forums. I have made a lot of friends, a few enemies, and even some enemies who became friends. It is amazing how film and music really breaks barriers so people who might disagree on everything else can find some common ground in film and music.I have not really used IMDb since the forums closed, I doubt many have. I may hop in to see how an actor is up to or when a film may be in the works but the heart of IMDb has been shut down and wrenched out. What good is having a film site but not allowing people to honestly (or even dishonestly but that is what IGNORE is for) talk about the films?Thanks for the 20 years of chatting with my fellow movie fans at least.However the only reason I logged in today was to say: You guys at IMDb really mucked this site up.
slightlymad22 Continuing my plan to watch every Kevin Costner movie in order, I come to 1989's Field Of Dreams. Plot In A Paragraph: Ray Kinsella (KC) an Iowa corn farmer, starts hearing voices, he interprets them as a request to build a baseball diamond in his crop field.Is this heaven?? I don't like baseball, never have had even the slightest interest in the game, so why do I cry like a baby every time I watch Field Of Dreams?? I will admit from the off, I am bias. I love this movie. It is not just one of my favourite KC movies, it's not just my favourite movie of 1989 (and in a year that featured Last Crusade, Lethal Weapon 2, Batman, Back To The Future 2, Dead Poets Society and the classic Weekend At Bernie's, you know how high that praise is) one of my favourite movies of the 1980's, it's one of my favourite movies in general.KC, Amy Madigan, Ray Liotta, James Earl Jones and Burt Lancaster are all perfect. Everything about this movie is perfect, not just the casting, the performances, the screenplay, the directing, the atmosphere and the score all knock it out of the park (yes pun intended again) I will deliberately avoid talking about the movies ending (so I don't ruin it for those who have not seen it) but I cried like a baby when I seen it in 1990, and I have cried every time I have watched it since, and I watch it a couple of times a year. It doesn't matter if I sit and watch it all, or catch the last twenty minutes on TV, I will be in floods of tears. If I'm not already crying, the way KC's voice breaks, will do it!! EVERY TIME. I read somewhere that the best motion pictures find meaning in not aspects of the story but rather in the underlying emotional core and heart that defines the story. Field Of Dreams is a perfect example of that saying. It's no surprise that Field Of Dreams is still entertaining and touching people regularly today (it plays regularly on TV in the UK) more than 25 years after its release. A timeless classic. 10/10 for this reviewer.
mwcrunner In this movie we see a pretty good story based on the novel of it and James Earl Jones gives out one of his best performances as he did as the voice of Darth Vader and Mufasa in the Lion King. This story tells about Ray Kinsella who owns a farm and hears a mysterious voice telling him to build a baseball field so that he will come. That puts him and his family in a financial crisis though as building the baseball field cost them a lot of money and if they didn't have the money to pay off for the field they would have to sell the farm. Everything worked out in the end though as for more people started to believe that the 1919 Chicago White Sox were playing again in the field that Ray built. This is sort of a ghost story here but not the scary type. Also James Earl Jones's character was a ghost too and pretended that he was actually a famous writer. Also the person that Ray built the field for was none other then his own father and they saw each other again when he came. Now I don't believe in ghosts, but this is still a good film.