The Straight Story
The Straight Story
G | 15 October 1999 (USA)
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A retired farmer and widower in his 70s, Alvin Straight learns one day that his distant brother Lyle has suffered a stroke and may not recover. Alvin is determined to make things right with Lyle while he still can, but his brother lives in Wisconsin, while Alvin is stuck in Iowa with no car and no driver's license. Then he hits on the idea of making the trip on his old lawnmower, thus beginning a picturesque and at times deeply spiritual odyssey.

Solemplex To me, this movie is perfection.
Executscan Expected more
HeadlinesExotic Boring
Josephina Great story, amazing characters, superb action, enthralling cinematography. Yes, this is something I am glad I spent money on.
karenjanicedansby For me this was pure torture to sit through this movie that was getting such rave reviews and being proclaimed as such great art. It was slow with meaningful filming such as a ball rolling by slowly in one scene. From the dialog, to filming, to the story line it was just not well written or filmed in my opinion. As many rave reviews as it got I assumed it would be an enjoyable experience but what I got instead was me wishing I had picked any movie other than this one. If you like watching a tractor and farmland for many scenes and such art as a ball rolling slowly by then you will love this movie. If the repetitiveness of the same looking scenes over and over gets tiresome and slow story line and dialog then think twice as there are few movies I ever get up and walk out of and this was one I wanted to leave but didn't.
love-to-live-nrc In real life we just assumes that all people are selfish and don't spend time for helping others, but when i saw this movie the people who found by the old Alvin Straight's is just opposite which i thought of, they listen and care for him. You'd think it was a fantasy, this kindness of strangers, if the movie weren't based on a true story. Richard Farnsworth is just wonderful, a world of emotions conveyed in every detail of his face and expression. Straight (Richard Farnsworth) is a 73-year-old man from in Laurens, Iowa, who learns that his brother is dying and wants to see him one last time. His eyes are too bad to allow him to drive. He lives with his daughter Rose (Sissy Spacek), who is somewhat retarded and no good behind the wheel. Nor do they have a car. But they have a tractor-style lawn mower, and the moment Alvin's eyes light on it, he knows how he can drive the 300 miles to Mt. Zion, Wis. The first mower engine blows out, but he gets another one, a John Deere, hitches a little trailer to it, and stubbornly sets off down the road.
utgard14 A charming and heartfelt story, based on real people and events. It's no surprise to see the Disney name attached but there is quite a bit of surprise (for me, at least) to see David Lynch directed this. It's certainly unlike any of his other work. It's a slow movie but a genuine and special one with a truly great cast and realistic dialogue. The story is about an elderly man named Alvin Straight who drives his riding mower hundreds of miles to see his estranged brother who recently had a stroke. Richard Farnsworth plays Alvin and gives an amazingly understated performance. Sadly, and perhaps fittingly, this would be his final film. Sissy Spacek is exceptional as his mentally disabled daughter. There's a wonderful supporting cast of fine actors, particularly those who play the many people that Alvin meets on his journey. That deer woman was something else. It's just such a good film. Not for all tastes, I'm sure, but rewarding for those who give it a chance.
ofpsmith Maybe I should be more specific. This film is great because of it's incredible story. Alvin Straight (Richard Farnsworth) is an elderly man living with his daughter Rose Straight (Sissy Spacek) in Iowa. When he hears that his brother Lyle Straight (Harry Dean Stanton) had a stroke he heads over to his home in Wisconsin to check on him. But Alvin has no driver's license so he drives on a John Deere 110 lawn mower. It is based on the true story of Alvin Straight who drove his lawn mower to check on his suffering brother. What I like about this film is the story, the cinematography and especially the acting. Alvin drives and meets many people on his way, including a runaway girl, a bunch of cyclists, and a friendly family who fixes his tractor when it breaks. I don't want to give away the ending but it's really great. Check this one out.
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