Bull Durham
Bull Durham
R | 15 June 1988 (USA)
Bull Durham Trailers

Veteran catcher Crash Davis is brought to the minor league Durham Bulls to help their up and coming pitching prospect, "Nuke" Laloosh. Their relationship gets off to a rocky start and is further complicated when baseball groupie Annie Savoy sets her sights on the two men.

Teringer An Exercise In Nonsense
Baseshment I like movies that are aware of what they are selling... without [any] greater aspirations than to make people laugh and that's it.
AnhartLinkin This story has more twists and turns than a second-rate soap opera.
StyleSk8r At first rather annoying in its heavy emphasis on reenactments, this movie ultimately proves fascinating, simply because the complicated, highly dramatic tale it tells still almost defies belief.
kenpotter On the surface, "Pastime" might seem similar, but "Pastime" is the best baseball movie, and "Bull Durham" is the worst. I love baseball movies, love Kevin Costner, love "Field of Dreams", but this is the worst. It smells like a pathetic attempt to teach mediocre people to be content with mediocrity.
Lars Lendale ***************** SPOILERS !!!!!!!!! *********************Bull Durham is the best baseball movie ever, best sports movie and also an incredibly underrated movie about sexuality and life in general. But it's also, the funniest movie I've ever seen. The shower scene, the fight outside the bar, Nuke rejecting Annie, Crash breaking the mirror, Crashing calling out the umpire, there are so many funny moments that simply have not been matched as of today. If you have never watched this movie, it doesn't matter if you know much about baseball because you quickly get the basics knowledge of the game. I highly advise everyone to watch it, because you don't know what you're missing. So much insight on human behavior, maturity and transition in life.The dialogue, the lines are superb, Crash's speech, Crash' advices, his perspicacity on life and baseball, his reasoning, his theories and discipline, his name-calling make him the best character in sports cinema. His "if you think you're playing well because you're getting laid or you're not getting laid or because you're wearing women's underwear, then you are !" is the truest sentence on Earth. I don't understand how Costner who plays perfectly, every line sounds great, every emotion correctly expressed, didn't win an Academy Award. And it's the proof that with a small budget, a great movie is totally feasible. The montage is very good, camera work excellent and for a picture made in 1988 it still looks good in 2016. It's eternal. To think Stallone gets a nomination for playing a character full of laziness and clichès is embarrassing. There hasn't been any other duo as believable, romantic and sexual than Crash and Annie. After all, look at the erotic scenes, nothing extreme or shocking, but they are very exciting.This movie should go down as one of the greatest movies ever made.
raymond_chandler A freewheeling, bawdy humor enlivens this love letter to the quintessential American sport. Susan Sarandon met her love Tim Robbins on this film-set, and their chemistry is entertaining and funny. Kevin Costner literally inhabits the role of Crash Davis, a lifetime minor-leaguer in pursuit of a dubious record. Robert Wuhl steals all the bases as the hilarious assistant manager/coach. If you like comedy with a bit of adult frankness and a lot of heart, run, don't walk to watch Bull Durham. It is a safe bet for an enjoyable evening. A double-header with Pastime (1990) would make a clean sweep of good times."Don't think. It can only hurt the ball club."
851222 Greetings from Lithuania."Bull Durham" (1988) is about baseball and about falling in love. Sounds corny, but it's all about that actually. It works both, it not a deep romantic story, but it sure knows a lot about baseball. Performces are very good in here, especially by Tim Robbins and Susan Sarandon. Susan Sarandon should have been probably even considered for Oscar for best role, she is that good in here. Kevin Costner is more or less is Kevin Costner is here, which is also a good thing.Overall, "Bull Durham" is a very enjoyable romantic sports movie. Story is very simple, and the approach to it is also easy and enjoyable. At running time 1 h 40 min this movie barely drags and it's an entertaining easy ride.