The Foot Fist Way
The Foot Fist Way
R | 24 June 2006 (USA)
The Foot Fist Way Trailers

An inept taekwondo instructor struggles with marital troubles and an unhealthy obsession with fellow taekwondo enthusiast Chuck "The Truck" Williams.

Micitype Pretty Good
Tacticalin An absolute waste of money
Twilightfa Watch something else. There are very few redeeming qualities to this film.
Bea Swanson This film is so real. It treats its characters with so much care and sensitivity.
mike_cable The Foot Fist Way, a literal English translation of tae kwon do, is a film about a passionate martial arts school instructor who takes his job very seriously.When he encounters some personal problems, he starts to lose the self control and discipline that he is such an important aspect of his training. He puts himself in some awkward situations and tries to deal with the outcomes.The humour is a bit strange at times but it is generally an amusing film with some bad language and adult themes at times. So not a film to watch with the family.Often compared to Napolean Dynamite, it is perhaps a little lacking in the same impact but still along the same themes of entertainment.
Lohkabre This is hands down one of the funniest movies I have ever seen. Don't expect big stars, don't expect people getting hit in the nuts, and don't expect huge testicles on a bulldog. Instead think of an intelligent script, a couple of unknowns who do a fantastic job, and very intelligent delivery. I can't even describe what makes this so funny. It's just the way the whole thing is handled. You have to watch it to believe it.Unlike what the previous commenter said.... the main actor is NOTHING like a Will Ferrell portrayal. In fact, it is quite the opposite. Will Ferrell likes this movie so much because it is the type of humor he likes, and I've seen some of his stuff when he's not scripted into a quick buck Hollywood shitfest. It's funny. Like this is.And the little kid Julio.... freakin' AWESOME. Just give it a try, guys.
gavin6942 A karate (okay, tae kwon do) instructor (Danny McBride) loses it when his wife is found to be unfaithful ... and then he does something. You know, like flip out. On his students.This film came to me sadly over-recommended. I mean, not really highly recommended, but even moderately was just too much. There was some "I heard it was good", and it was to go along with "Pineapple Express", which I enjoyed. But this just wasn't really that funny. At all. Sure, it had a few good moments. A kid gets beat up, there's a poor Chuck Norris knock-off. But this just isn't all that good. That's all I even really want to type. Disposable film.Do yourself a favor and watch films not starring Danny McBride. He's a fine cameo or bit player but not a lead.
vipher20 I hate that I didn't like this movie. If I sit down and am prepared to be open and laugh at a movie, I can usually find the humor in it, but I am just dumbfounded on how this movie could reach anywhere above a 4 rating on IMDb....much less the 6.3 rating it has at the time of this posting. I think I recall laughing maybe three times the whole movie....of which were somewhat forced. To be honest, I think I've actually lost some respect for Will Ferrell and Adam Mckay just for recommending this movie so highly. This flick actually had some potential: The main guy being a loser that takes his goofy job waaay to seriously, his placement of some obviously "Pedro"-like kid as his top student, the dumb blonde wife, the overly-cocky bad guy........but unfortunately, it just doesn't deliver on any of the ideas. I seriously think (not just exaggerating) that Ferrell and Mckay were on something the first time they watched this, and possibly every time since. If you're just some mindless frat-boy that thinks foul language is funny, well then I guess you might think this is funny. But there's no joke behind a lot of it, just randomly placed f-bombs. At least with most of Mckay's stuff, there's still a joke behind the language.People have mentioned the acting. Well let me reinforce that. The acting is BAD. The wife is the worst of all, and I can't believe they couldn't find ANY other hot girl to play the part. Look on IMDb at her acting credits......there's a reason she's only been in one other role. You could probably find better acting in most high school one act plays. Danny McBride was fine, and really is pretty decent when under a good director and writers. But it's almost like they just made it up as they went along. I guess I understand comparing it to Napolean Dynamite just for the fact that the characters are intentionally lame, but other than that, it's more or less a slap in the face to Jon Heder to say this movie can amount to ND in anyway (and "No"--I'm not any kind of hardcore Napolean Dynamite fan). It actually took me four sittings to finish this movie (sometimes cause I didn't have the time to finish it or cause I just couldn't make it through it any longer). I only gave it two stars cause by the time I had to turn it off the third time to go to work, I actually sorta wanted to know how it ended and sit down the fourth time to finish I guess the end of the story had somewhat of a redeeming factor. And please understand, I get the whole dry-humor, lame characters, low-budget thing. I watched the Sasquatch Dumpling Gang, and while it definitely wasn't that great.....I still got the humor more than I did this one and actually laughed once in a while at get the point. It's BAD.