The Love Guru
The Love Guru
PG-13 | 20 June 2008 (USA)
The Love Guru Trailers

Born in America and raised in an Indian ashram, Pitka returns to his native land to seek his fortune as a spiritualist and self-help expert. His skills are put to the test when he must get a brokenhearted hockey player's marriage back on track in time for the man to help his team win the Stanley Cup.

Solemplex To me, this movie is perfection.
Greenes Please don't spend money on this.
Huievest Instead, you get a movie that's enjoyable enough, but leaves you feeling like it could have been much, much more.
Dynamixor The performances transcend the film's tropes, grounding it in characters that feel more complete than this subgenre often produces.
whats_up_doc-59971 It's hilairous. Simples. Go in with an open mind and allow yourself to lighten up.
agoode-41974 I've always been a fan of Mike Myers, so, for my first review on this site, I thought I'd start off with The Love Guru. This movie has been included among the list of the worst movies ever made. And, while I'll admit it does have it's flaws, I still really like it. And, based on the other reviews, I think I'm the only one who does. I'll start this review off by stating the bad things, and then I'll talk about the good things.Guru Pitka singing 9 to 5 seemed pretty unnecessary, as was his rendition of Space Cowboy. I mean, I get that Pitka's first name is Maurice, but still. Not needed. Some of the jokes were a little immature, too. Half of the penis jokes, short jokes, "I'm making diarrhea sounds with my cup", and stuff like that. Some of the short jokes were funny, but I'll get to that later...Okay, it's later. On to the good things.Stephen Colbert and that other guy who's name escapes me were the highlight of the film. They have the funniest scenes. Justin Timberlake was hilarious as his character, as well. Jessica Alba looked very pretty, like usual and John Oliver was great, too. And, even the most avid of Love Guru haters have to admit that the More Than Words sequence, while generally unneeded, was really pleasant to listen to. Whoever played Raj has a really good voice. Mike Myers also has some really funny scenes, as well. The Pitka vs Rooster scene was one of the funniest, to me.This isn't Myers' best movie by any means, but it isn't his worst either. 7/10
Justin Basquez (thebasquez) I liked the "blowme" scene so I added a star... besides that I never really like Mike Myers a whole lot so this was just the movie that made me dislike him.This shouldn't be called, "The Love Guru" it should be called, "Unfunny penis jokes, by Mike Myers."You know that guy Marco Schnabel? Sounds familiar... oh its the guy that directed the movie!... well see yeah. Hope you had a nice career. *flushes toilet*Okay seriously, I didn't like Austin powers, I didn't really ever totally liked Mike Myers.... so its not like this movie wasn't a disappointment so I gave it another star so it would be above my other bad ratings...You see I dislike bad writers, like Mike Myers, who think they write good movies that are bad... THEN CONTINUOUSLY DO IT!M. Night Shyamalan is by far worse, so bad, I seriously gave "Birdemic" a better rating then Avatar the Last Airbender the movie...I'm doing the same with this movie, no disappointment, 1 funny joke, ehhhhhh 3/10
Theodore Keating I found this movie to be crude, but interesting. Mike Myers didn't exactly reach the same level of cultural achievement as George Harrison here, but still there was some interesting work on cultural stereotypes.Basically it's a story of a white swami (Mike Myers) who helps a black hockey player (The 40-Year-Old-Virgin's Romany Malco) get his baby back. So in a way it's one of those white-guy-hangs-out-with-black-guy flicks, with the added layer that both of them have, I guess you could say, racially unstereotypical roles.Actually the theme of breaking social barriers is something of a theme of the film. (And obviously this is also done by the rather cheap jokes, but I suppose you could look at that as the attempt to sell the unpopular.) Justin Timberlake plays the French Canadian hockey player who steals the black guy's wife, creating a sideplot of an interracial relationship. The love guru himself is a white American inheritor of thousands of years of Indian tradition. Possibly even more different, is that a black gentleman becomes a student of these Indian teachings. To do this, he must confront his past, in the form of his mother, who is a very strident woman active in the black church (with his non-black non-Christian friend in tow). And then, to process this encounter, the pair repair back to a bar (where the hockey player, oddly enough, is the only non-white). More examples of this sort of playing with stereotypes could be multiplied, since it's essentially what the movie's about. In fact, I might guess at if it's relative lack of popularity might have something to do with the sense that it's not always very positive in its portrayal of the average hockey fan.... Of course, the film's budget made the inclusion of a Beatles song out of the question, but it is interesting that they named the wife Prudence, which for me, at least, brings to mind the song "Dear Prudence", which John Lennon wrote while the band was visiting an ashram in India. But of course all that doesn't make the film a *good* picture. The constant reaching for cheap laughs marks it as a film meant simply for laughing, perhaps, rather than a really insightful picture of daily life, which many comedies are. But it also doesn't deserve the sort of heartless vitriol which some comedies so easily attract to themselves from the perhaps pompous sort. It deserves to be seen as a movie with *some* merit. (7/10)