Scooby-Doo! Spooky Games
Scooby-Doo! Spooky Games
NR | 17 July 2012 (USA)
Scooby-Doo! Spooky Games Trailers

Shaggy is selected to participate in the World Invitational Games in London, England.

Raetsonwe Redundant and unnecessary.
JinRoz For all the hype it got I was expecting a lot more!
Humaira Grant It’s not bad or unwatchable but despite the amplitude of the spectacle, the end result is underwhelming.
Guillelmina The film's masterful storytelling did its job. The message was clear. No need to overdo.
zak zeman scooby doo in spooky games.Scooby and the gang are in London having fun with the crowd scenery which is always great no matter what well until an ancient statue comes and wrecks havoc in the games.In this special you'll see all sorts of gags goofs and even splats not to mention scooby doo and the gang including shaggy pole vaulting.Get into this awesome scooby doo special everyone.