Big Top Scooby-Doo!
Big Top Scooby-Doo!
G | 09 October 2012 (USA)
Big Top Scooby-Doo! Trailers

When Scooby and the gang hear of a werewolf plaguing a traveling circus, they go undercover as circus performers to get to the bottom.

Deanna There are moments in this movie where the great movie it could've been peek out... They're fleeting, here, but they're worth savoring, and they happen often enough to make it worth your while.
Marva It is an exhilarating, distressing, funny and profound film, with one of the more memorable film scores in years,
Bob This is one of the best movies I’ve seen in a very long time. You have to go and see this on the big screen.
Dana An old-fashioned movie made with new-fashioned finesse.
Syl If you like Scooby Doo and the gang, you will enjoy this adventure where they venture to Atlantic City, New Jersey for a vacation but they end up solving a mystery involving a big top circus. I just enjoy watching the gang solve another mystery. I just enjoy the cast of characters who haven't aged in decades. If you love Scooby Doo Adventures, you will definitely enjoy this light-hearted adventure with the gang.
generationofswine Yet again we have one of the rare endings that serves as an actual pay off to the movie. The ending works very well.The problem is the rest of the story sort of stinks. The plot is good, but the execution and the humor is "meh." And it gets doubly bad because of the whole premise. The Big Top, it is a classic Scooby Doo setting and yet it fails to deliver the classic Scooby Doo feel nor does it have the matching classic Scooby Doo story.In the premise they had the making to merge the Scooby of old with the new Scooby--in a far better way than the Goblin King--and it still fell short, painfully short.The plot worked, the ending worked, but everything else failed to hit the mark and only a few of the jokes really stuck like they should.
callanvass A bunch of jewel thieves posing as werewolves are terrorizing a circus in Atlantic City. The gang goes undercover as circus performers to see who the culprits really are. This one is actually pretty good! It's very creative and has entertainment in spades. Get ready for some hilariously bizarre stuff in this one. Did you ever think Scooby would turn into Shaggy after getting bitten by a werewolf? How about Daphne being a badass on a motorcycle? Usually she is very danger prone. Normally, I'm not a fan of werewolves. They aren't that intimidating to me. I have to say the werewolves looked pretty cool here, even if more than one werewolf nullified the impact a bit. I also enjoyed the storyline of Shaggy getting too big for his britches. Watching him develop an ego was interesting and I thought they pulled it off very well. It was really unusual to see Shaggy be such a condescending jerk. It was also funny to see Shaggy jealous of Scooby. There were some original story lines in here and I loved it. Fred's obsession with the circus provided laughs as well. The villains aren't that predictable either. Usually, I can predict the villains in anything Scooby. This one managed to keep me guessing with some good twists. I really enjoyed this one. It has a bit of everything. Scooby fans will love it!7.5/10
fabian5 I just saw both 2012's Big Top and 2010's Abracadabra-Doo in the past week and I have to say that Big Top was probably the best Scooby Doo episode made in the 21st century--2002's The Cyber Chase. Unlike Abracadabra-Doo where one could guess who the true villain was from miles away--since only he had the technical know how to pull off all the stunts with the griffin in that episode--with Big Top, a werewolf is terrorizing a circus and his identity is not obvious to the viewer until minutes before he is finally captured.In Big Top, the gang discover that the circus is not a very friendly place and almost all the circus ringleader's employees have an axe to grind with their new circus ringleader--Marius Brancusi--who just inherited "the greatest place on earth" from his uncle. Therefore, the villain could be anyone and discovering his identity turns out to be a difficult job which is great for the plot. Doubleday, in the end, is revealed, to be the werewolf villain partly because he is disgruntled that he didn't get the chance to run the circus after Marius' uncle left the circus even though he had been helping running the circus for years unlike Marius. But something is not right: the jewels the Werewolf stole have not been recovered and Doubleday can't talk since he has been tranquilized. Then the gang realise that Doubleday had an accomplice all along and must give chase to catch this second person before he gets away. So, the plot is quite intriguing and is lots of fun and this episode at 80 the longest Scooby-Doo direct-to-video movie ever made and certainly one of the best too since the Witch's Ghost and Zombie Island. Recommended.
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