PG-13 | 25 February 2005 (USA)
Cursed Trailers

A werewolf loose in Los Angeles changes the lives of three young adults who, after being mauled by the beast, learn that the only way to break the curse put upon them is to kill the one who started it all.

Beanbioca As Good As It Gets
ChanFamous I wanted to like it more than I actually did... But much of the humor totally escaped me and I walked out only mildly impressed.
Taraparain Tells a fascinating and unsettling true story, and does so well, without pretending to have all the answers.
Karlee The joyful confection is coated in a sparkly gloss, bright enough to gleam from the darkest, most cynical corners.
NileFortnerBoogieBuddha954 I believe the movie Cursed is not a bad film. It takes a very stylized unique approach. It mixes an old horror film genre, with a new modern day look. I believe the film received negative reviews because at the time a majority of audience members didn't understand what this film was trying to accomplish. Cursed is a film straight out of the late 1970s. It captures the unique look and sense of a movie from that era, from its cinematography, to the feel of its script. Like the Scream movies, Cursed is a PG-13 horror flick, aimed at the same teenage audience it portrays on screen. Slashers like Craven's previous stalkers Ghostface or Freddy Krueger are out (although Krueger does make an amusing brief background appearance). This time the subject matter is werewolves. Brother and sister Ellie, played by Christina Ricci (Addams Family Values, Black Snake Moan) and Jimmy, played by Jesse Eisenberg (The Social Network, Adventure land) are driving home one evening when something hits their car, causing them to spin out of control and hit another vehicle, driven by Becky, played by Shannon Elizabeth (God I miss Shannon Elizabeth). As they attempt to save Becky, trapped within her car, a monstrous form rips her free, killing Becky and injuring Ellie and Jimmy. Who let the dogs out? (Damn that was a bad pun LOL) (It's a fu#kin' Werewolf people!)This may not be Wes Craven's best film; however, it is still entertaining to some level. Screenwriter Kevin Williamson (Scream) and Wes Craven still work well together. The story does get a little predictable, and the characters are paper thin (not well rounded, or unique) Jimmy is a stereotypical geek that we've seen over and over again. Plus, I know Christina Ricci is a much better actress than what she is given to do in this film.I do believe some effort went into this film. My biggest issue is I just didn't find it to be scary, and honestly some parts are a little dull. With some rewrites, the story could have had better scares, more suspense, tension, better character development and more. So these are my final Bitchin' Buddha thoughts on Cursed. The movie knows its audience. It is a decent, fun, watchable B movie. If you enjoy those, you might enjoy this. I do believe this film could have been much better with some rewrites. I believe the film cursed earns a…6/10This review is brought to you by Boogie Buddha, and remember, don't just get down, but get Boogie. Thank you for reading/viewing, and I hope you have an amazing day as always. :)
oliviagd15 I have a very personal connection with this movie, this was the absolute first horror movie. I liked the actors and wanted I start with something not too scary, which looking at it now as a very big horror person is a problem, not very scary. I do like the characters very much and I'm sorry but I find Jesse Eisenberg very attractive in this movie. I like the funny elements in this film and the side characters are very enjoyable as well. I do feel this movie could have pushed the limit a little bit more and been a bit more violent or gruesome, for a Wes Craven movie I thought they were kind of playing it safe. Still I enjoyed the end and I really enjoyed how Eisenberg's and Ricci's got super confident in themselves was a good touch. All in all it is not a great but it is enjoyable
Leofwine_draca And there I was expecting a single modicum of wit, intelligence and originality. It turns out that CURSED is werewolf-lite, a simple retelling of the lycanthropy legend for the modern teenage audience that adds even less to the genre than the rather flaccid Jack Nicholson-starrer, WOLF (at least that had a good lead). For shame, Wes Craven, a director who seems to have the power to make some of the best and worst films of the horror genre at the same time. Few can argue that the likes of A NIGHTMARE ON ELM STREET and SCREAM are true genre classics, but the rest of his output divides me. I admire films such as RED EYE and LAST HOUSE ON THE LEFT, but other fare – like the SCREAM sequels and VAMPIRE IN BROOKLYN – are just total rubbish, like this movie.If I had to lay the blame at anybody's door, though, I'd opt for Kevin Williamson, the talent-free scriptwriter who's got only one decent film to his name (SCREAM). Everything since then has been flawed, unoriginal and a simple reworking of the same themes. CURSED has the same flaws, with a lightness of touch that sits ill at ease with the theatrical werewolf stuff, dumb characters and an emphasis on clichéd teen themes over genuine thrills and scares.Things begin on a fairly good note, with a well-shot car accident that results in Shannon Elizabeth (American PIE) being munched upon by an unknown beast. Even before this happens, though, we've been introduced to lots of uninteresting and unimportant supporting characters and more of the self-referencing that Williamson loves (here, we see statues and props from The Wolf Man as well as actor Scott Baio and others playing themselves). The film then runs the gamut of themes that were clichés back when TEEN WOLF ran them out in the 1980s: the nerdy guy is bitten by the werewolf and becomes suddenly super strong and a hit with the gormless girls; the dowdy girl bitten by the werewolf is suddenly an object of desire, even infatuation, for her male colleagues while developing a liking for blood.The annoying thing is that the two central characters never even complete a full transformation, not really. Not that that's a bad thing –the state of the CGI effects (despite the presence of top FX man Rick Baker on set) renders these werewolves as dumb-looking idiocies, no better than the beasts in AN American WEREWOLF IN Paris. Despite the short running time, nothing much happens until the overdone, melodramatic climax which plays out all the clichés once more. I'm really sick and tired of these scenes of victims fighting off deadly attackers and recovering from being thrown through walls etc. Why not actually go ahead and KILL off some of those folks in the overpopulated cast list for a change instead of playing safe all the time? The cast is lacklustre, with Christina Ricci still searching for the right role ever since THE ADDAMS FAMILY and Joshua Jackson virtually playing the same guy he did in DAWSON'S CREEK. Only Jesse Eisenberg and Milo Ventimiglia come out of this with dignity intact. Then again, there's not much dignity to be had in running away from silly animated werewolves in a film that constantly reminds us of the toothless state of modern horror. No wonder HOSTEL garnered so much attention when it was released the same year.
TheMarwood After the Weinstein's re-edited and then buried the Christina Ricci staring and produced Prozac Nation for 5 years, she mistakenly wonders into another film the Weinstein's will declare war on. This Wes Craven bomb was shot without a last act and then scrapped after the Weinsteins were unhappy with what was shot and then retooled with some different cast members and reshot. Weinsteins were unhappy with the last act and further reshoots and tinkering commenced. And so on, until it was further cut for a US release with a PG-13 rating and died pretty quickly in the box office. The making of horror stories about Cursed are far more interesting than the film itself, which is actually kind of watchable in a cheesy schlocky way. There's some werewolf CG effects that don't look completely rendered and it's not remotely frightening, but this truncated mess has some stupid charm.