R | 26 December 2000 (USA)
Crocodile Trailers

A group of friends including Brady Turner, Claire and Duncan McKay go out on a boat trip on a lake in Southern California, but their joyful weekend turns into horror, when a giant killer crocodile searching for its stolen eggs, picks off anyone who gets in its way. Can they all escape in one piece or will they slowly and painfully fall to the mammoth reptile.

Jeanskynebu the audience applauded
RipDelight This is a tender, generous movie that likes its characters and presents them as real people, full of flaws and strengths.
Odelecol Pretty good movie overall. First half was nothing special but it got better as it went along.
Donald Seymour This is one of the best movies I’ve seen in a very long time. You have to go and see this on the big screen.
Nick Duguay Well, it's crap, but it's entertaining crap. A lot of people judge this movie very harshly because it was directed by Tobe Hooper and I can't blame them. This isn't a good movie. It's silly, it panders to the teen crowd with awful dialogue and stupid jokes. The crocodile is laughable. Bad CGI. But there a few moments I do enjoy, some nice cinematography and overhead scenes of the lake and forest. And if you're a fan of the campy teen scare scene you'll probably enjoy the beginning at least a bit. Overall I'd say it's very middle of the road.
gerrard2 okay, okay, i understand that the film was never dreaming to be a success. and probably will never be a success either. But Crocodile is one of those films which are if you like a guilty pleasure. it certainly doesn't match up to lake placid alligator for that matter but it does what any film intends to do, which is entertain people. And I'm proud to admit I'm one of those people who really enjoyed it. Yes there was many predictable moments and the crocodile looked like computer animation. But this shouldn't be taken away from Tobe Hoopers ability on how to keep a target audience entertained. its very clichéd with some of the characters which is the typical hero, the girl who slept with the other girls boyfriend, the bad guy turned good, the friendships idiot guy and off course the local law enforcement officer.If anything is to be flawed in this film none of it should be blamed on Tobe Hooper as the low budget for this film is the many reasons why this film went straight to DVD. For example if Tobe Hooper was given around 6 million to make this movie, i believe this would of been a very profitable movie.If you can put up with a CGI looking crocodile you'll find this movie very interesting indeed. Hoopers done better, but you cant fault the man for his efforts on this Croc flick.
Michael_Elliott Crocodile (2000) ** (out of 4) Direct to DVD film from director Tobe Hooper about a bunch of college students who hit the river for some sex and beer but end up being menaced by a twenty-foot croc. The film starts off okay but wears out of steam by the fifty minute mark. The characters are all very obnoxious so it's hard to care if any of them live or die. The CGI effects are among the worst I've ever seen. Hooper's direction puts this slightly above most other direct to DVD titles but the film is a long way off from Alligator.
redhead9898 I give it six stars because it was boring and it had barely any excitement but it was good. Some deaths were pointless,and some deaths were just plain stupid and idiotic...the first hour could have had a little more excitement then 2 deaths per 30 minutes. I liked the ending but i wish the 3rd main character would have died. If you watch it on TV, turn it on when it's at the the last 45 minutes with action, if you rent it, you might want to go to scene selection and skip to about (i'm guessing) like the last 5 chapters of it. we think you should give it a try and try to watch the last half-hour of this movie (which is the action sequences) and you would provably enjoy that, it is a okay movie in my opinion.