R | 12 January 2007 (USA)
Primeval Trailers

A news team is sent to Burundi to capture and bring home a legendary 25-foot crocodile. Their difficult task turns potentially deadly when a warlord targets them for death.

TrueJoshNight Truly Dreadful Film
Baseshment I like movies that are aware of what they are selling... without [any] greater aspirations than to make people laugh and that's it.
SanEat A film with more than the usual spoiler issues. Talking about it in any detail feels akin to handing you a gift-wrapped present and saying, "I hope you like it -- It's a thriller about a diabolical secret experiment."
Ginger Very good movie overall, highly recommended. Most of the negative reviews don't have any merit and are all pollitically based. Give this movie a chance at least, and it might give you a different perspective.
Elrin I was shocked to see how ridiculously low the meta-score and IMDb rating is for 'Primeval' - it really deserves much more credit for what it is. However, I can see how this might have come about. For a start, whoever was in charge of marketing this film should be completely banned from the industry - I hold them responsible for the failure of this blockbuster. The adverts, so called 'genre' (this is not so much a horror as political adventure/thriller) and even the title completely mislead the audience. I was expecting a sort of crocodile/lake placid romp from beginning to end. And to be fair, at least a quarter of the movie did live up to this expectation. The other 3/4 of the film were completely unexpected and this may be one reason for its poor rating. A lot of people would have bought tickets expecting mindless gore and a shallow outlook on the picking off one by one of the American team with nothing else to it but survival.There is so much more depth to this story! And an excellent script - just the right balance of humour, moral debates between reporters, politics and...general build up of tension as stories circulate about 'Gustave' the demon croc and the civil war which is simultaneously terrorising the people in its territory. To be honest, I've seen a LOT of creature features and horror flicks and I do not really categorise Primeval as one. It is more an adventure thriller which just happens to feature a nasty 25ft crocodile. And in a way, it's a nice mixture. Entertaining a wider audience!The cinematography is breathtaking - also really unexpected! This is clearly not a low-budget film. You see beautiful shots of village life along the river, Africa's wildlife and gorgeous scenery. I was rather impressed by the director - and while some of the plot is slightly predictable (as you often see with similar films) he/she don't always take the obvious shot. I think the only let down is the CGI of the croc himself...though it's not terrible as people keep complaining about. It is a little OTT and the creature's movement isn't a lot of like genre-fans will be disappointed. But as I said, this film isn't about the croc as much as it is his surroundings.Anyway...I didn't mean to go on. To summarise:PRO: * Amazing Cinematogrpahy * Depth to plot * Not too obscene (nothing very sexually explicit or that much swearing...which is what you often find in these films) * Not that predictable and an interesting twist * Humorous but not really cornyCON: * Misleading marketing * CGI is slightly disappointing
MBunge If you think Schindler's List would have been better if it had werewolves in it, if you wish there had been a sea monster in Titanic or if you believe the Civil War epic Glory would have been improved if it had featured an alien robot…Primeval is just the movie for you. All other normal people should probably avoid this film.Tim Manfrey (Dominic Purcell) is a network news producer who's just had one of the stories blow up in his face. Partly as punishment and partly to get him out of sight, his boss assigns him to cover the search and capture of a giant crocodile in Central Africa. Tim gets teamed up with a pretty reporter named Aviva Masters (Brooke Langton) who is looking to prove herself and Matthew Collins (Gideon Emery), who will lead the effort to capture the croc. Tim's wisecracking cameraman Steven Johnson (Orlando Jones) tags along. Once in Africa, the team hooks up with their guide, Jacob Krieg (Jurgen Prochnow), demonstrating that even in 21st century cinema, no one knows more about hunting in Africa than white guys. An African teenager named Jojo (Gabriel Malema) tags along as they head off in pursuit of Gustave. That's what the natives have named the giant croc, who gained a taste for human flesh because of all the bodies dumped into the river by government and rebel forces. As our intrepid group gets picked off one at a time by either Gustave or by soldiers loyal to a local African warlord, viewers will be left wondering why they didn't do something more productive with their time. Like bite off their toenails.Primeval is one of those horror movies that has a funny black guy in it. When the funny black guy lives, that's usually a sign the film is trying to do something different. It may not succeed, but it's making the attempt. When the funny black guy dies, that's normally the mark of a movie that's just going through the motions. The funny black guy dies in Primeval. There's really not much more to say. This thing is basically one of the giant monster movies they show Saturday nights on the SyFy channel, just with better production values. It's professional and efficient and not excessively stupid for this sort of thing, but it simply has no worthwhile qualities at all.If you're a fan of giant monster movies, you should probably know that Primeval is only 40% about the giant crocodile. The other 60% is about what a Godforsaken nightmare Central Africa is. It's not all that preachy about who's responsible for all the war, genocide and suffering that's been going on for decades there, but it is more than a bit offensive when the funny black guy starts talking about how slavery wasn't that bad a deal since it got his ancestors out of Africa.Watching this movie won't make you want to claw your own eyes out. That's the best thing I can say about Primeval.
Supanoon There has always been a special place in my heart for Killer Croc movies. "Crocodile" from Tobe Hooper was super cheesy but entertaining as hell; an example of a "good" killer croc movie. Then there is "Blood Surf" that was so bad it made me giggle at the title creature every time it poked it's low budget face out of the shrubs (yes only the face is shown unless it's crappy CGI). "Primeval" is genius, even better than Hooper's croc movie. The special effects are beautiful; the croc actually looked real and monstrous at the same time, making it at least somewhat frightening. The night scenes combined with tons of blood made it look beautiful at times too, especially the kill at the bridge.Now, this is definitely a movie for moviegoers who love a good laugh and blood and gore. I see in the forums that certain people consider some of the dialogue is "racist," but I have to disagree. Orlando Jones is hilarious, and if your sense of humor is very intact you will find him to be the most enjoyable character due to him being the character who makes sure the movie does not take itself too seriously. Jones and the croc are the stars of the movie, they save it from being too generic.If you want a good storyline, do not watch this movie. It's fun as hell, but the story is too political when it should be about the croc. The tone shifts a bit too much showing that the director or writers tried to tie in political criticism just to express a last opinion. It would have been great overall popcorn fun if the movie would have been strictly about Mr. Gustave the Crocodile and no African rebels and such. Other than that, I love this movie and will always be able to watch it. Fun it is, deep it is not.
kirk-246 Gustave is a 30 foot crocodile who has killed hundreds of people in Africa.A news team is willing to help some people lure and capture the killer croc before it gets them.Basically, that's the movie's plot, and it didn't disappoint me.Many people didn't like this movie because they thought the movie was just about a killer and not a killer crocodile when they watched the trailer.If you get past the major differences between the trailers and the movie itself, you may actually enjoy this movie.There's also some pretty good special effects and a boatload of graphic violence and gore.Give this movie a shot if you can handle the brutality of the violence and the fact that the movie is not revolved around a human.It's revolved around a giant crocodile, so get used to it.Orlando Jones is also in this movie, and his character was quite pleasing.