R | 02 July 1980 (USA)
Alligator Trailers

A baby alligator is flushed down a toilet and survives by eating discarded lab animals that have been injected with growth hormones. The now gigantic animal escapes the city sewers and goes on a rampage, pursued by a cop and a big-game hunter.

Hottoceame The Age of Commercialism
Lawbolisted Powerful
Bumpy Chip It’s not bad or unwatchable but despite the amplitude of the spectacle, the end result is underwhelming.
Fleur Actress is magnificent and exudes a hypnotic screen presence in this affecting drama.
George Taylor John Sayles, who wrote Brother from Another Planet, strikes again. In this crazy, fun little film, a little girl's pet alligator gets flushed, encounters medical waste and GET's GIGANTIC. It terrorizes Saint Louis, gets hunted by Henry Silva and Robert Forester and there's all kinds of havoc, A really fun B monster movie.
judemom It's so cheesy and the bad acting makes a cheesy classic the movie for time had some impressive effects but there are some really awful effects the alligator looks real on a technical level it was pretty good for 1980 but the acting ruins that for me hardly anyone remembers this film at all i wish that it was in theaters worldwide so people could know about this film i could see this being remade in today have it directed by Denis Villeneuve and these guys to write it Michael Green, Hampton Fancher but yeah the movie itself is just that so bad it's good thing.
Julian R. White "Alligator" certainly isn't a major landmark kind of film, but it's certainly watchable. The creature looks quite nice, and the film itself has an easy to follow plot and not too much dead horse beating. I like the idea of nature being the monster, and I always have. Don't expect to see anything spectacular in this film, but unlike many that I have seen that are similar, it's not going to bore you to death either. Definitely worth the watch.
Wizard-8 "Alligator" wasn't the first "Jaws" rip-off that screenwriter John Sayles scripted - two years earlier, he wrote the enjoyable "Piranha". This second rip-off proves to be just as enjoyable as the earlier work. Like "Piranha", this screenplay is written to be slightly tongue-in-cheek. It's not to be taken completely seriously, and the gentle comic relief is very amusing. However, the movie does not forget that at its heart it is a monster movie. The attack sequences are pretty well done, with some pretty good special effects for what was a fairly low budget. It's all held together by a good performance by Robert Forster - he makes a very likable hero. If what I have said so far hasn't convinced you to see this movie, think about this: What other movie puts in its cast not only Forster, but Dean Jagger, Henry Silva, and Sidney Lassick?
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