Android Cop
Android Cop
NR | 04 February 2014 (USA)
Android Cop Trailers

In the year 2045, a Los Angeles Police Department detective and his new android partner enter the Zone, a forbidden section of the city plagued with an unknown disease. There, they discover the source of the illness and attempt to stop it using the android's advanced technology and weaponry.

Matrixston Wow! Such a good movie.
Senteur As somebody who had not heard any of this before, it became a curious phenomenon to sit and watch a film and slowly have the realities begin to click into place.
Suman Roberson It's a movie as timely as it is provocative and amazingly, for much of its running time, it is weirdly funny.
Mathilde the Guild Although I seem to have had higher expectations than I thought, the movie is super entertaining.
silverkelt This is supposed to be a sort of apocalyptic future, but its highly convoluted, what is the real tragedy, is that Micheal Jai White really could be a fairly good action star, when you see movies like Never Back Down 2, you see the potential for it. BTW.. this isn't a ITS such a BAD movie, its sort of good movie.. its a BAD movie and its really BAD.. it follows on the heels of other MJW movies I have seen lately. I have a hard time even finishing his last few. This is overall poor performance from the cast, with cheap production and a rip story-lines as well. This isn't the sort of independent low budget movie, that you say, "hey, that is sort of cool" no.. its horrendous. Recommend "skip it"
goverthana I saw the negative reviews, I chose not see the movie but then I saw the actors list and there it was Michael Jai White (Blood and Bone) then I thought give it a shot after seeing him in (Spawn) once and then in the other films as well with good records, well, very good action sequences kind of reminds me of Steven Seagal, Dolph Lundgren, Jean-Claude Van Damme action flick fighting scenes from the 90s, those who love action movies not to be missed, this Golden Egg as it is said, is laid only once in a while so to say sadly. So if you haven't watched it yet - go and watch it strongly recommended. It's a story about futuristic post apocalyptic cops fighting crime against No One (the poor whom are placed in a self contained sector whom has no amenities whatsoever living a poorly unhygienic life with diseases being falsely subjected as the evil criminals by the powerful corporate governance of the future for corporate gains), our hero has some troubles of his own with his sidekick whom happens to be a A.I. Humanoid SuperCop and they are mislead by their own superiors to this wasteland after the earthquake and nuclear disaster to combat and destroy their so-called enemies without being known that they are actually the victims of the corporate governance - the story keeps on going from one place to another, its never boring filled with action adventure although some characters might seem to weak to be the villains but hey! are they really villains? Watch and find out - good overall entertainment it sits right between being cheesy with good story and it will give a hunch to us all what will come of us with some being greedy for power and money leaving the rest to rot - good philosophy behind this movie if you analyse it.How come the good talented actors don't get good high budget films instead thrown off to the side? Sidelined Good action heroes, This happened in the 90s to Chistopher Lambert (Highlander), Lou Diamond Phillips (The Big Hit) till now Matthew McConaughey (Reign of Fire), Scott Adkins (Universal Soldier: Day of Reckoning), Adrien Brody (Predators), Vin Diesel (Riddick), Dwayne Johnson (Faster) and the others like Karl Urban (Dredd),Taylor Kitsch (Battleship), Aaron Eckhart (Battle Los Angeles) - these actors have full potential to become good action stars but nevertheless depends also on good plot.Some actors like Chris Evans (suitable only for franchised superhero plots only not fight sequence action star), Jeremy Renner (vee=ry premature fight sequence action star not realistic), Christian Bale (good for fight sequence action movies like (Equilibrium) not for some franchise superhero plots).Best action Stars of All time (Clint EastWood, Arnie, Stallone, Kurt Rusell, Bruce Lee, Charles Bronson, John Wayne ..the list goes on from the past with good records - they had this outright energy and charisma of Heroes as well as acting skills that can stand out one from the other not clone like what you see nowadays) so the guys like Chris Evans,Jeremy Renner, Christian Bale, Mark Wahlberg, Matt Damon, Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Channing Tatum, Josh Hartnett, Hayden Christensen, Ryan Reynolds (worst action star looks like a cutie pie to me) they all just look plain, the faces look straight with highly educated looks from a very high profile background not like a streetwise rookie with some punch furthermore they tend to show nothing extra with a clone like feeling, I can't see any differentiating talent with all of them other than that of few weeks of training for the action sequences with a Kung Foo Fight sequence coordinators for their respective films, from the above list Matt Damon is taking up some serious efforts and to me he's becoming more matured, the others are pretty much clones.Current Best Action Heroes, My Pick - Jason Statham, Jet Li, Michael Jai White, Dwayne Johnson and Scott Adkins.
TheLittleSongbird You can do worse than Android Cop, but you can do with much, much better as well. It is saved from total disaster by a couple of passable(but nothing more than that) effects and the performances of Michael Jai White and Charles S. Dutton. White has a lot of charisma and manages to put some meaning into his monologues while Dutton performs with terrific gusto, funny and a touch menacing. Unfortunately the rest of the acting is not good, the worst is Larissa Vereza who is both annoying and bland, you often don't have a clue what she's saying. Randy Wayne is bad too, he is robotic emotionally even for a robot, plays it far too straight-faced and is nowhere near aggressive or charismatic enough(he doesn't even command or intimidate physically because he's too short and scrawny). Kadeem Hardison doesn't get much to shine with, he has talent but has such an insignificant character that it's a waste really. The characters are very poorly developed and are not interesting or likable at all, the "villains"- difficult to call them that when there isn't really a main one, just a handful of insignificant ones- are written stereotypically, don't seem much of a threat and just seem to be there to be a source of conflict(that doesn't work, seeing as how poorly they are written). The worst case however was for the titular character, absolutely no effort to make to explain where he came from, the reason for his creation and existence and how he came to be the way he was, it is very difficult to engage with a character that we know nothing about and is this poorly acted. Most of the special effects are static and cheap, and the practical ones are little better. The android suit can't even be classed as one, it read too much of a man in a nylon tight-suit. The editing is very choppy and whatever good locations there are are not used very well with no time to enjoy them, in fact most of the settings are dreary and yes that is even for the type of movie Android Cop is. The worst aspect though of Android Cop is the writing(both in script and story). There is barely even a script, when there are bare bones of it has a lot of stilted lines especially anything that comes out of Vereza's mouth(her English is not easy to understand and she stumbles on a lot of her lines) and sketchily drawn characters. The story is little more than a convoluted jumble, too much is thrown in within such a short running time and nothing makes sense as a result. The action sequences are generic and has nothing new to what's we've seen before in action movies we've seen previously, it doesn't help also that some of the worst of the production values are in the action sequences, while there is no sense of suspense or conflict which adds to the pointlessness of the "villains" and even the titular character. If Android Cop was longer and the pace slowed down it would have felt much less hectic and may have been a tad more coherent. Atkins' direction is sloppy, the material completely goes out of control, the actors should have had much more to do than what they had, he rushes through things and slaps it all together and he should have realised that the movie needed a serious re-write and that the scenes between White and Vereza needed re-takes because of how badly Vereza(White occasionally too) fluffs her lines. To sum things up, not absolute garbage- you can certainly do worse than Android Cop- but on most counts it is a mess. 3/10 Bethany Cox
Jesse Boland So it's just Asylum's version of Robo Cop. And no they have not made a good version, not even passable. Were are they getting the money from to make this crap? it makes no sense. Why not just make one good movie every few months instead of 7 crap movies every week? What they have given you in this movie is a bunch of really good actors that you will know from some of your favorite TV shows or movies of the past (millennium) and stuck them in a bad set with another really bad script, and blinded them with money, and what ever else they seem to have over these actors. I did not Enjoy this crock, nor do I recommend it to anyone. Avoid this, and maybe Asylum will take the message.