Atlantic Rim
Atlantic Rim
R | 09 July 2013 (USA)
Atlantic Rim Trailers

When monsters suddenly appear from the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean, a special team pilots giant robots to combat the new threat.

Cebalord Very best movie i ever watch
Sexyloutak Absolutely the worst movie.
Brainsbell The story-telling is good with flashbacks.The film is both funny and heartbreaking. You smile in a scene and get a soulcrushing revelation in the next.
Bluebell Alcock Ok... Let's be honest. It cannot be the best movie but is quite enjoyable. The movie has the potential to develop a great plot for future movies
climbingtiger957 Wow,that was awful !! But also a bit of fun just because of the terrible acting .why was graham green in this film what was he thinking ,a well known decent actor even he looked crap in this .ok so it wasn't terrible dependent on what you were expecting and i got exactly that.the slow wet suit walk in the beginning is hilarious.then there's red the main man ,what a hero , what a bell end ! The sort of bloke you wanna punch in the face.10 stone of mouth ! And trying somewhere along the line to base himself on a certain guy from terminator)i reckon ,and failing miserably .anyway don't expect much and you wont be disappointed.
Granger The first hint one should get is that the original title of this movie was "Atlantic Rim"-- apparently trying to grab the few viewers that might mistake it for "Pacific Rim". That they have now changed the title could be only for one of two reasons: 1) Legal troubles with the Pacific Rim people or 2) Atlantic Rim got such a bad reputation they're trying to re-release it under a different name.This is one of the few movies that I would give 3 stars on special effects alone (not great, but interesting)... except that I don't really want to raise the current 1.7 rating. So I chose to not rate it at all, because even a 2 would up the scale a little. The script, acting, logic flaws, senseless storyline... it all adds up to a "rainy Saturday afternoon when the internet is out" movie.But then, anyone who watches a giant robots vs sea monsters movie made by Asylum and expects anything but goofy really is not acquainted with this company. I gave this one a chance thinking "Hey, even Asylum can't totally ruin a giant robots vs sea monsters movie." And I was right. They didn't totally ruin it; they just mostly ruined it. It did contain giant robots and sea monsters after all.Seriously though, recognize there is a reason for that (current) 1.7 rating, and spend time on a hobby or with the family. There, I just saved you a couple of hours out of your life that may have been spent in Asylum drivel. If you're still tempted to watch this, just remember: TRUST THE 1.7... TRUST THE 1.7...
Ole Sandbaek Joergensen Well I guess that Asylum is by now notorious for taking a coming blockbuster and quickly making a cheap version with similar name, if it is to fool the audience and hoping to make some money in people watching these by mistake, or if it deliberately making these b-movie adaption and hoping them to become cult or just making a fan base for them, I don't know, maybe it is a bit of both.I had to see it, just to see what they had done, I liked Pacific Rim and didn't think this would do anything better, I was right... ...this is one of the worst ones I have seen, the big monsters, the Kaiju is particularly bad and the inside of the robots looks like something from the eighties or nineties.There are some fun elements not in a comedy kind of way but in a sad and bad kind of way, mostly it is bad effects, bad acting, very cliché and just not working at all.
Smike93 This movie is utterly dreadful, although that is the precise point of these 'mockbusters'. My flatmate and I watch a s**t movie every other Sunday - we call it "S**t Movie Sunday." This one didn't disappoint. The highlights of this movie (i.e. the most 's**t' parts) are as follows:The moment when a 6-second clip of a jet flying across a sunset was re-used 5 times in a 10 minute action sequence. The 'Love Triangle' which lasts about 21 seconds.A homeless guy getting jumped in an alleyway by the main characters for no apparent reason.This movie is absolutely dreadful... please watch it at your own risk.