Killer Fish
Killer Fish
PG | 07 December 1979 (USA)
Killer Fish Trailers

Jewel thieves attempt to recover treasure from piranha infested waters. Mistrust and betrayals happen amongst the gang in the quest for gold.

VividSimon Simply Perfect
Edison Witt The first must-see film of the year.
Deanna There are moments in this movie where the great movie it could've been peek out... They're fleeting, here, but they're worth savoring, and they happen often enough to make it worth your while.
Dana An old-fashioned movie made with new-fashioned finesse.
Vomitron_G I really am convinced that Antonio Margheriti is a good director, period. "Killer Fish" is an average, but decent action/disaster/thriller with just a few horror elements. Some might say this is a "Piranha" rip-off, but it's not. Because only in the second half of the movie we get to see some piranha action. And even that isn't much. It's more their constant being there that's causing the threatening atmosphere. This is as much a crime movie as it is a disaster movie, as it is a killer-fish movie. And I simply loved the great miniature effects when the dam broke. But what struck me most, was some of the very well-written and catchy dialogue. One guy says to Karen Black: "There I was thinking you've got some German blood in you...". Karen Black denies this by responding "Uh-uh... I WIN my wars.". Or the bad guy saying "Sometimes an unloaded gun is more effective than a loaded one." (you have to see that quote in the context of the scene). And there's much more good stuff like that coming from all characters. Lee Majors is in it too, and something hit me when I saw him in this film... If George Clooney would have been big in the 70's, he would have been Lee Majors! Surprisingly this flick was a bit less silly than "Tentacoli" (which coincidentally I saw a week before, or so), so I say "Killerfish" is a good, average and watchable film. A typical Margheriti cocktail, actually.
sweper74 I saw this movie yesterday. I liked the beginning. A couple of jewelery-thiefs carries out a plan to steal some jewels near a powerplant and a barrage. They succeed to steal them and also avoid getting caught when "escaping". They hide the bait in a preplanned secret place for them to recover later on. So far so good. In this part of the movie i thought that "yes! this could be a quite a good/exciting/thrilling movie to watch.." But when they gather together afterwards, a "new" twist in the plot appears or comes up to surface. One member of the company has already planned a deceiving backstabbing plan to get hold of the treasure alone. And how that is done and carried out in the movie is where I get a bit disappointed. I don't gonna say how, but the realism in that plan is far from reliable. It's quite dull how it is carried out and how the actors acts/behaves in that part of the movie. As the title of the movie claims, there is a human threat in the movie called as we all know "piranhas". Small and dangerous predators. But I don't like how they are described in the movie. Of course they can be dangerous to other mammals and us humans, but they don't attack that easily in real life as in the movie. For what I have learned blood and hunger triggers an attack. With that in mind you can wonder how in h-ll they can attack people so easily as in this movie and will they not ever stop being hungry for one single moment!!!?? They just keep attacking and attacking. I'm not gonna let out all details in this movie, I stop here. However this movie does not s-ck totally. it has some tense/exciting moments but you will probably get bored out quickly. At least i did. I Grade it 4/10.
bobshanks1 i am 32. i first saw this on TV in the UK about 18 years ago and thought it was basically a mess. A few years later after smoking something, it was on TV again and i can honestly say i have never seen myself or my friends laugh as hard. It is without doubt one of the most stunning examples of why lee majors should be shot dead. The man is an imbecile if he thought that he could forget about this one. To be completely honest i kind of feel sorry for the guy, he's obviously not right in the head. To his credit though, i did manage to get a copy of it on ebay for about £40 such was my fascination with the whole thing, so maybe he knew what he was doing. I doubt it though.4 years later, I still feel the same
neil-blackshaw1 I love this movie!!! We are talking "double cheese" here 1970's style. I saw this film many years ago on TV - I was a huge fan of Lee Majors in the "Six million Dollar man" - and it was great to see him in action taking on Jewel thieves/sexy models and Nasty killer fish in this low budget gem. The Brazilian background is really cool along with the 1970's fashions. The theme song performed by disco Diva Amii Stewart is catchy and the overall acting is ridiculously fun !! You don't get to see the actual killer fish very much but this only adds to the overall tension of the picture. A funny scene where "Ollie" - the fat photographer who gets eaten by the Piranha fish is really hilarious and a classic B Movie sequence. I am now a proud owner of the film on DVD and it stands proudly in my collection of B movie killer fish movies