Gone in Sixty Seconds
Gone in Sixty Seconds
PG-13 | 09 June 2000 (USA)
Gone in Sixty Seconds Trailers

Upon learning that he has to come out of retirement to steal 50 cars in one night to save his brother Kip's life, former car thief Randall "Memphis" Raines enlists help from a few "boost happy" pals to accomplish a seemingly impossible feat. From countless car chases to relentless cops, the high-octane excitement builds as Randall swerves around more than a few roadblocks to keep Kip alive.

NekoHomey Purely Joyful Movie!
Phonearl Good start, but then it gets ruined
Megamind To all those who have watched it: I hope you enjoyed it as much as I do.
Gary The movie's not perfect, but it sticks the landing of its message. It was engaging - thrilling at times - and I personally thought it was a great time.
Filipe Neto Movies about cops and robbers are a classic theme of cinema. The organized crime, in turn, is an undesirable reality. This film is excellent when trying to portray the methodical way in which these thieves act, even from a pure and unpretentious fiction film, which doesn't want to be an artwork but merely entertain its audience and give us good action moments. Pursuits that look like street racing, shootings, almost-ruthless bandits, resolute policemen and a good guy trying to help his troubled brother. Oh, and Angelina Jolie playing a character who takes advantage of her physical attributes.The script, of H. B. Halicki and Scott Rosenberg, has nothing extraordinary except the huge amount of cars to steal. But the script falls into an error of many theft films by making the thief a true hero. Memphis Raines (Nicolas Cage) is a retired thief who is forced to steal to save his brother. He acknowledges that is wrong and tries to prevent his brother from stealing but, if we exclude this ideas, the rest of the film is like a "glorification" of car theft. At this point, the script needed to have been amended. I think this film could be more interesting with some more profound psychological conflicts surrounding that, and that troubled familiar relationship. Our society is quite degraded today, why not explore the conflict "good vs. evil" in another way, instead of making the street villains the good guys? The film has two very good things. First, it has a star cast led by Nicolas Cage, Angelina Jolie, Robert Duvall, Giovanni Ribisi, Christopher Eccleston, among others honorable names. A cast too good for this kind of movie. Maybe the film would gain if the director and the writers had been more demanding with the actors, pushing them to their best and allow them to explore the full potential of each character, but this did not happened. For example, Jolie's character simply does not make any honor to her talent. Its just body. Second, the action scenes. Some of these are classical, but are always well, and the visual and sound effect make them even better.
Mr-Fusion As remakes go, "Gone in Sixty Seconds" isn't as bad as say, the made-for-TV "Vanishing Point", but it's certainly no improvement on the original movie. They added a police subplot, huge cast and turned it into a Nicolas Cage vehicle. What's funny about this movie is that, it's stylistically very similar to "The Fast and the Furious" (with a scoop of "Ocean's Eleven" thrown in). It's shot like a music video, lots of whip pans, green lighting and fast cuts.Yet it's disappointingly lifeless. Even the frenetic car chases don't help here (dizzying doesn't equal exciting). And as for that cast (high-profile as it is) Chi McBride is easily at the head of class, while Giovanni Ribisi is . . . well, the less said about him, the better. At the very least, they stayed fairly true to the prized Mustang of the '70s movie (this time, it's a '67 Shelby), and made her the star of the show. If that car can't sell tickets, I dunno what could. Oddly, such an attraction was blurred out on the poster, in favor of floating heads Cage and Jolie (ugh, that hair).But get that original movie out of your head, because such a comparison does this remake no favors.5/10
dragokin Gone in Sixty Seconds came on TV the other night and proved me right in avoiding it in theaters back in the day. Nicolas Cage offers his standard performance, Angelina Jolie gives a lesson in "wooden acting", while the rest of the crew duly follows.There is nothing essentially new or wrong in this movie. It introduces us to a world of small time crooks, car thieves and semi-competent police officers. Since the story revolves around cars, you might even enjoy it if you're into cars yourself.I'm always impressed how such mess of a movie gets funding and then even earns money at the box office.
grishab75 I'm a big fan of Nicolas Cage for all leading roles in a variety of films he played. The Gone in Sixty Seconds production was very unique in terms of exotic cars, stunts performed and off course the story. I remember when i was 18, I'd watch this movie almost few times a week and simply never get tired. I'm assuming, the reason why i'd be so into it, is because of the exotic cars and the speed that Nicolas character Memphis would accelerate from zero to 60. And I'll be honest, when i came across Shelby GT-500 on zeroto60.co stats, i wanted to watch this movie instantaneously but watching at the age of 18 was much more exiting. Even though so many years passed, the movies is still good, but hopefully they'll make the second one with Nicolas Cage and co-star Angelina Jolie.
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