The Bone Collector
The Bone Collector
R | 05 November 1999 (USA)
The Bone Collector Trailers

Rookie cop, Amelia Donaghy reluctantly teams with Lincoln Rhyme – formerly the department's top homicide detective but now paralyzed as a result of a spinal injury – to catch a grisly serial killer dubbed 'The Bone Collector'. The murderer's special signature is to leave tantalizing clues based on the grim remains of his crimes.

Intcatinfo A Masterpiece!
Afouotos Although it has its amusing moments, in eneral the plot does not convince.
Nessieldwi Very interesting film. Was caught on the premise when seeing the trailer but unsure as to what the outcome would be for the showing. As it turns out, it was a very good film.
StyleSk8r At first rather annoying in its heavy emphasis on reenactments, this movie ultimately proves fascinating, simply because the complicated, highly dramatic tale it tells still almost defies belief.
nightwishouge The Bone Collector isn't bad. It's not boring, insulting, stupid, or cynically made. But it's not good, either. It's competent. It's uninspired. Everything about it rises exactly to the level of mere "adequacy". In the wake of Silence of the Lambs, there was a barrage of cat-and-mouse serial killer movies and techno-thrillers. The Bone Collector does nothing to distinguish itself from the glut.Probably the only thing worth commenting on is the cast. I watched this movie after watching Gia and remembering what a brilliant and promising actress Angelina Jolie was at the dawn of her career. (I still like her. But she hasn't been acting much lately.) She does what she can with the role, believably haunted when she needs to be, intelligent and determined throughout. But there's just not much to the character. The same is true for Denzel Washington, unquestionably a great actor but constrained by an underwritten role. The two leads have good chemistry, but it felt more like mentor-mentee chemistry than romantic chemistry. Still, the movie wants us to think they need to fall in love. Michael Rooker, a solid character actor by anyone's measure, is given an entirely one-note character to play, a detective or something who is higher up on the food chain who blocks Lincoln Rhyme at every turn for no better reason than that every techno-thriller needs one of these guys. He decides he doesn't like Angie because early on in the film she stops a train to preserve a crime scene positioned on the subway tracks. No attempt is ever made by the screenwriters to justify his behavior. Luis Guzman is fun in an unspectacular "quirky tech guy" part.There's nothing in The Bone Collector you haven't seen before, but if you're writing a textbook on the cliches of late-90s filmmaking, a viewing of this one will provide all the material you need.
pedrito_rules Not the greatest acting jobs by Washington and Jolie, but the story was very interesting. If you're a fan of Seven and Taking Lives this on should definitely be on your watch list.
The Movie Diorama An extremely overlooked film in my opinion. Yes, Se7en and Silence of the Lambs absolutely annihilate this, but for a 90's detective case it's rather compelling. This is what happens when you cast two great leads, a decent film is produced. Much like any other serial killer story, our main characters must find out who the homicidal maniac is before they kill again. The difference is, the forensic expert is paralysed and so he trains an unwilling rookie to solve the case. Murder case aside, it's all about passing on knowledge and skills to another peer in order to complete a task. Rhyme is unable to do anything, so he envisages his own image within Amelia. Turning her from a rookie cop to the perfect forensic investigator. Highlighting the importance of communication and trust. Fortunately Washington and Jolie have decent on screen chemistry. Both their talents put together to create an explosion of raw acting. Jolie plays a tough yet vulnerable officer, Washington juxtaposes this with an experienced performance. The two amalgamate to create the perfect crime solving entity. The crime scenes themselves were visceral and not easy watches, particularly being scolded to death by oncoming steam. I loved the gritty realism that is sustained throughout. It evokes a sense of mystery, we are attempting to solve the case with the characters. Supporting cast were good, nothing outstanding. Although I wanted more Queen Latifah! The killer's reveal was a letdown unfortunately. The final twenty minutes were rushed to what was an intelligently paced thriller. And thank God we don't have those horrible slow motion frames that were all so apparent in the 90s...just hideously generic. The Bone Collector is a damn good watch, and for any Washington or Jolie fans you are in for a great time.
EBJ THE BONE COLLECTOR - 1999Directed by Phillip NoyceStarring ​Denzel Washington, Angelina Jolie and Michael RookerPlot Overview: ​Policewoman Amelia Donaghy (Angelina Jolie) is in hot pursuit of a serial murderer whose calling card is a small shard of bone extracted from each of his victims. Unable to decipher the cryptic clues the killer leaves behind at the scene of the crime, Amelia calls upon quadriplegic forensic criminology expert Lincoln Rhyme (Denzel Washington) to help. With Amelia acting as Rhyme's able-bodied go-between, the pair piece together disparate clues, hoping they will learn who the next victim is.For me, the very worst sin a serial killer movie can pull is thinking it is smarter than it is. A movie that thinks that its solutions are 'mind blowing' and 'genius' when they are in reality just average or below that are the worst type of serial killer film due to the horrible pretentious nature of it. And that is exactly what this mess is. Pretentious, boring, messy - three words that no film should have the burden of bearing but three words this film claims.Good movies that are 'intelligent' give enough wiggle room for the audience to figure out the solution for themselves. This film, on the other hand, combines myriads of obscure, stupidly insignificant pieces of information into one impossible to solve, obscene solution. I am 100% down with an intelligent lead, but when your lead is omniscient, I have a problem with it. The conclusion for this movie is both lazy and infuriating. I kinda guessed who it was shortly after the film began so the grand reveal meant nothing for me. As for the people I watched this with, it meant nothing for them because the reveal itself was worthless. No hints. No ideal motive. They even do the horribly cliché method of trying to convince the audience that X is the Y, when in fact it is Z. What I mean by that is that they try to convince you it is someone when it is CLEARLY not them. They used this technique with SCOOBY DOO! I would like to think that PROFESSIONAL FILM WRITERS can do a LITTLE bit better than that. Credit where credit is due, Denzel Washington was pretty darn good in this movie, considering he couldn't use 90% of his body. His co- star, in the form of Angelina Jolie was very weak and so annoying to watch on screen. The 'chemistry' between the two in the film is literally non-existent and the romance sub plot more shoehorned in than Wonder Woman in Batman V Superman.Michael Rooker wasn't that good in this movie, as much as I like him as an actor. Queen Latifa was fine in this movie. She gave a perfectly passable and average performance.Personally, I am not a huge fan of the cinematography in this movie. Some of the transitions irked me but there was nothing offensively bad about it so I can't criticise it THAT much.​ Pretentious films like this are just the worst. I can't recommend this hunk of junk. It is a bland, forgettable, generic serial killer flick that tried to act better than it really was. I'll rate it 3 Flying Rats out of 10.