R | 23 October 1998 (USA)
Soldier Trailers

Sergeant Todd is a veteran soldier for an elite group of the armed forces. After being defeated by a new breed of genetically engineered soldiers, he is dumped on a waste planet and left for dead. He soon interacts with a group of crash survivors who lead out a peaceful existence. The peace is broken as the new soldiers land on the planet to eliminate the colony, which Sergeant Todd must defend.

Ameriatch One of the best films i have seen
Ogosmith Each character in this movie — down to the smallest one — is an individual rather than a type, prone to spontaneous changes of mood and sometimes amusing outbursts of pettiness or ill humor.
Rio Hayward All of these films share one commonality, that being a kind of emotional center that humanizes a cast of monsters.
Geraldine The story, direction, characters, and writing/dialogue is akin to taking a tranquilizer shot to the neck, but everything else was so well done.
ernestc-58820 I really like the plot of the movie and I hope it gets a reboot
rwhitenight2004 There was a lot of action in this film, but the part was so difficult to follow because of the back-and-forth action.
bheadher ...and frankly, I don't care if you like it or not. Without having much dialog at all, Kurt Russel gives an outstanding performance in a rather awkward yet entertaining scifi adventure...yes, Soldier is both a scifi movie, and an adventure movie in one. It has elements of several genres, in fact, including a kinda shadowy love story of sorts...I'm not even gonna throw in spoilers here, but I am sure you will enjoy it for what it is. The settings are very well done, with little CGI, and believe it or not, it is easy to follow the story...I frankly watch it every time I see it come on TV...
recognizablethemes Paul Anderson likes to mix his genres. Mortal Kombat was fantasy-kungfu film. Event Horizon was scifi-horror. And now with SOLDIER he has western-sc fi.Soldier (1998) really did understand all the right things about combining science fiction and the western genre.Soldier was written by Blade Runner co-writer David Webb Peoples and, by extension, was done so, not as a sequel per se, but as separate story set amidst the cannon of Blade Runner's future as a distant Off-world exploits. Kurt Russell i a professional fighter trained from birth to be nothing other than an efficient killing machine.In the movie's grim opening scenes, we watch the education of Russell's character, Todd, who is nurtured in an incubator at a special hospital devoted to producing lethal warriors. As a boy, Todd learns to watch with unblinking calm while attack dogs tear apart a man.He is indifferent when a classmate, lagging behind in a long-distance race, is deemed useless and casually executed by an instructor. By age 21, Todd's face has frozen into an expressionless glare. His name and number are tattooed on one cheek and a bicep is inscribed with his war record.Like most science-fiction movies, "Soldier," directed by Paul Anderson from a script by David Webb Peoples.The drama begins when Todd, in his 40s and battle-scarred but still one of the toughest men alive, suddenly finds his generation of soldier about to be replaced by a new genetically enhanced model. The best thing in Soldier is the acting of Kurt Russel. In the film, Sgt. Todd only as about 100 spoken words, 11 of them are "Yes Sir." This means that Mr. Russel, had to develop Todd through body language and actions, and lesser actor would have been unable to pull it off. The talents of Mr. Russel really shine though when Todd interacts with the colonists on Arcadia 234.Kurt Russel, the man who forged Snake Plissken, one of the greatest characters in Sci-fi, worked so hard to make Todd-3465 believable. British director Paul W. S. Anderson has made and surprisingly maintained a career of helming B-movie entertainment with A-list studio backing.Soldier at its absolute best -- when action, story and character harmonize.