Starchaser: The Legend of Orin
Starchaser: The Legend of Orin
| 17 May 1985 (USA)
Starchaser: The Legend of Orin Trailers

Set on the subterranean Mine-World, a band of human worker are treated like slaves under the power of the evil overlord Zygon until one, Orin, unearths the hilt of a mythical sword that only he can master. Escaping the planet, he runs into the rogue smuggler Dagg and a pair of helpful droids and the princess, who all team up to return to the Mine-World with a plan to defeat Zygon and free Orin's enslaved people.

Lumsdal Good , But It Is Overrated By Some
Lollivan It's the kind of movie you'll want to see a second time with someone who hasn't seen it yet, to remember what it was like to watch it for the first time.
Allison Davies The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
Bumpy Chip It’s not bad or unwatchable but despite the amplitude of the spectacle, the end result is underwhelming.
jellopuke Despite being a rip off of Star Wars in parts, the animation was solid enough and the story moved along at a decent clip. The action was interesting (for the time) and the villain was suitably harsh. The whole spirit of heroes past thing was odd, but any movie with the balls to kill off a character by brutal strangulation at the start of the story is got to be given a look.
wickednick I thought this movie was a myth. Since a kid I had a vague memory of a movie where a couple of cyborgs are killed, that's all I could remember. I didn't think this movie actually existed until I saw it on a list of obscure animated films. You could only imagine how excited I was that it actually existed.The movie is rather well animated, in atypically 80's fashion. The story is decent enough and the voice acting is pretty good. This is a movie from an era where people were trying to make epic animated movies, that were more adult. It's a shame this movie is as forgotten as it is.
Garth Tatsudomo I saw a review for this movie by my favorite critic and took a look at the movie myself, and I am not pleased with the results. I'm not even sure why this movie has a 6.7 rating. Above all things, every single character is bland and uninteresting, even the villain, the staple that supports the whole movie. Also, it completely rips off the much more interesting Star Wars trilogy. I was surprised the villain didn't turn out to be the main character's father. The basic plot is this bland main hero finds this magical sword and is told by this old ghost guy to take down the evil overlord. Sound familiar? He then runs into a Han Solo wannabe and flies off in the "Millennium Falcon" (with a built-in C-3PO), and eventually runs into a princess, who, surprisingly, isn't his long-lost sister (or maybe she is and it was never established, just like everything else about any character). There's also this sub-plot about this whiny kid being blind, but that's barely any more interesting than the "much more interesting" actual plot. And there's also this moment where the Han Solo wannabe grabs a female robot for no reason and tinkers with her on the ship to, apparently, make her love him. That just made him creepy, and he must have been really lonely if he wanted to tap some robot-ass. About the animation, I'd give it a .5 on the score for being half-decent, but there's no option for that. I can't even give it a 0, which it deserves. Some of the scenes seem unfinished or uninteresting. Overall, I am not pleased with this even existing, and for Rilean Pictures, if you're still trying to make a live-action remake of this movie, they already did that. It's called "Star Wars"!!!
ReviloTwist I should start by saying that this movie-length cartoon was a clear rip-off of the Star Wars Trilogy. The concept is very much the same, the plot follows a similar chain of events (although there are some interesting ideas added along the way) and many of the characters are no more than distorted mirror-images of their Star-Wars counterparts.For example, the hero, Orin is more a innocent and stupid version of Luke Skywalker (although he surprisingly more entertaining to watch than Mark Hamil's wooden acting). He is assisted in his quest to defeat the evil dark lord Zygon by Dann, the intergalactic smuggler - a cigar-smoking, foul-mouthed Han-Solo who's romantic interest is a female droid (don't even begin to question the logic behind this lustful relationship). Also joining the cast is your average politically-inclined and astonishingly beautiful princess, an evil dark lord, desert-based gangster, endless waves of masked foot-soldiers, the ghost of an old man and an annoying wise-mouthed robotic ship who is obviously depressed about being no more than a machine (although he does make one good point - "After all, you're nothing but a machine made of flesh and blood. How would you like it if I went around calling you meat-brain?").As B-gradish as it sounds, this animated feature has an astounding cinematic feel and many of the stylings of a blockbuster movie. Decent dialogue, exciting chases, huge battles and some very entertaining adult-orientated humor. The plot, whilst clearly Star-Wars inspired, moves with a satisfying sense of grandeur. The music suits the action, with numbers that John Williams himself could have composed. Some of the ideas in this film are admirable - kind of making you wish that George Lucas had included them in his opus - and as the tale develops, you get the sense of a complicated and interesting universe unfolding.It's a shame that this film has faded into obscurity, obviously due to it's similarities to Star Wars. Despite it's clone-syndrome, I felt that this was a great film to watch, especially as a kid - when cynicism was a foreign word to me. It inspired my youthful imagination. That's why I give it a 7 out of 10.