Alien Adventure
Alien Adventure
| 20 August 1999 (USA)
Alien Adventure Trailers

The movie begins with an extraterrestrial humanoid species, the Glegoliths, wandering through space in search of a new world. Encountering an unknown planet (which turns out to be Earth), the Glegolith leader (Cyrillus) sends two "manned" probes to the surface to determine if it is suitable for colonisation. The scouts in the probes think they have arrived at a great city, but in fact they have arrived at a new amusement park that is not yet open to the public. They proceed to explore four amusement rides.

SpuffyWeb Sadly Over-hyped
Teringer An Exercise In Nonsense
AshUnow This is a small, humorous movie in some ways, but it has a huge heart. What a nice experience.
Sameer Callahan It really made me laugh, but for some moments I was tearing up because I could relate so much.
Boggman O.k. look.....if you are watching or thinking of watching Alien Adventure in 2-D, you are really just wasting your time. This movie is enhanced 3Xfold by viewing it in 3d--and it is simply amazing! Alien Adventure is the funnest DVD I own (and I have 100's), simply because of its amazing 3d effects.Lights off, stereo sound cranked up, and with LCD glasses on, Alien Adventure is quite a crazy ride. Roller-coaster rides through the Arctic and Prehistoric times are simply spellbinding; as is also a GREAT trip through a child's bedroom filled with all sorts of toys, gadgets, and gizmos.The story is not the point of Alien Adventure (although it is a simple fun tale), as it is all about showcasing the latest in computer animated and digital 3D.A fantastic job all the way around! I can not wait for similar movies to be released!! These 3d short movies are the future of home entertainment!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Chuck Straub Alien Adventure is a film that consists entirely of 3D effects. There isn't any plot. The entire basis of this film is to show special effects in 3D. I saw this DVD on a regular television screen losing the 3D effects. The special effects were still nice but since I couldn't see it in 3D and that was the main purpose of the movie, there was no real point of watching it. I don't understand why they didn't combine some plot, some point to the movie, with the 3D viewing. If you can't see this in 3D, don't bother to watch it. It's a waste of time. If you are able to see it in 3D, expect to see 3D and some great special effects but nothing more.
taita We made one big mistake when seeing this movie. We had just eaten! Being virgin Imax viewers in the big city we popped along to see what was on for the afternoon. Hey! There's one starting in 10 minutes, and wow its 3D!! Based on your normal movie the production quality and the graphics were excellent especially the space docking scenes. The aliens were well composed and their personalities come through even with the dialect barrier. The first 3D experience is via a simulator in a theme park. This one takes us to the arctic circle for a sleigh ride. We get tobogganed all over the place. One thing I noticed in all the 'rides' was that there was quite often another car/item directly in front of the one you are supposedly sitting in. Can someone help here, is this to enhance the sensations or to temper them a bit. It meant you tended to focus on the middle of the screen. Anyway the Arctic one was very good, the bedroom one was very well done as well, I think I stopped appreciating them after that as the food and the sensations worked their own magic on my constitution.It was probably about 10 minutes too long. I remember thinking the aquatic scenes were not nearly as good as the earlier ones. Even so, I think everyone should have at least one session in a 3D movie and although I have nothing to compare it with, (as yet) I will recommend this one.
Shiva-11 Alien Adventure: A band of aliens that travels the galaxy looking for planets to conquer discovers a small blue green planet that they think will be perfect for their newest base. However, when their scouting party lands in a soon to be opened virtual theme park the begin to have second thoughts.Besides having the biggest screens of any theatres the IMAX format also allows for excellent 3-D effects. While there have been several attempts to exploit this format most of them have consisted of paper thin plots that serve to connect the special effects sequences and showcase what is possible (Encounters in the Third Dimension however did manage to combine both aspects successfully). This feature is no different.Adventure 3-D sequences are very well done - you feel like you are actually on a roller coaster, (they were so well done that I almost got as sick as one of the characters in the movie). Unfortunately, that's all there is- each sequence is a slightly retooled version of its predecessor.Once you take into account the length of the film and the cost, you're better off going to Six Flags (or any other big amusement park) for the real thing - it will cost less and be more exciting.