NASCAR: The IMAX Experience
NASCAR: The IMAX Experience
| 12 March 2004 (USA)
NASCAR: The IMAX Experience Trailers

A big-screen look into one of America's most successful entertainment industries, NASCAR racing.

ManiakJiggy This is How Movies Should Be Made
Afouotos Although it has its amusing moments, in eneral the plot does not convince.
Guillelmina The film's masterful storytelling did its job. The message was clear. No need to overdo.
Jemima It's a movie as timely as it is provocative and amazingly, for much of its running time, it is weirdly funny.
aidro10 I really liked what was in the movie, but what ruined it for me was how short it was. Although at least 5 minutes of the movie is spent looking at fans (most particularly American women) i believe it was very informative and interesting. If you need time to kill before a date then this is a must see. If you enjoy big crash scenes, constant action, and hot shot rookies you will not enjoy this. As strained in the summary this movie was intelligently produced but needed more time to be further gone into, in other words perhaps a further explanation of a few things would make this movie better. I know its a imax movie and was made to be short but i still stand by opinion. Worth the trip to the video rental place, but not the video store.
cgiddens32 Not only to you get to see, hear and sometimes feel the excitement of being at a race:You also get to see things from the drivers perspective.One thing that I really liked was Keifer Sutherlands commentating and getting the chance to learn a lot about this great sport.If you haven't been to a race, you cannot appreciate the power of the awesome 800 horsepower engines. The sites, sounds and smells of being at the track are something that you have to witness in person at least once!I really hope this movie is released for DVD - that's where it belongs when it's all said and done!
bereshr1 The lights went down, and the IMAX presentation started. We activated our goggles, and the guard rails came down. It felt a little strange at first, the weight of the goggles, the feeling of being strapped in by the bar, more like a roller coaster than a movie... Then the movie started, and what a ride! A documentary like no other, "NASCAR: 3D" captured race history to raceday in a method so akin to natural storytelling, that my jaw was permanently dropped. Placing the viewer behind the driver at 230+ miles per hour, in the grandstand, in the pits, and behind the scenes makes you feel like you are more than just there, it makes you feel like you are in the race and part of the history. See this movie. It's a true movie experience.
rezzy I kept wanting to touch the images, especially in the opening sequence. This movie just has to be seen to be believed. It literally picks you up and sets you right down onto the track. I thought I was sitting on that banked oval!. The sound was excellent also as I kept turning to tell some patrons to be quiet. Then I quickly found out the voices were part of the 'surround' dialog. Ear-blowing as well. The sound could have been a bit louder, but you can't have it all. And Keifer Sutherland's narration was, well--Keifer Sutherland. You can't go wrong with him in any role. I could sum this film in 5 words or less, but IMDB needs 10 lines for my review. What can I say? I give N3D a perfect 10 as a 'documentary' movie. Now I want the IMAX 3D experience at home...dang!