Fighter Pilot: Operation Red Flag
Fighter Pilot: Operation Red Flag
| 02 December 2004 (USA)
Fighter Pilot: Operation Red Flag Trailers

Fighter Pilot: Operation Red Flag follows American F-15 Eagle pilot John Stratton as he trains with some of the world’s best pilots. The movie depicts Stratton’s progression through the challenging and dangerous exercises of Operation Red Flag, the international training program for air forces of allied countries.

Greenes Please don't spend money on this.
Exoticalot People are voting emotionally.
Lightdeossk Captivating movie !
Freeman This film is so real. It treats its characters with so much care and sensitivity.
Michael Dowswell I read a couple of very damning review of this film saying that it was completely dumbed down (simplified) and that some bits are completely fake. You could see watching it that this was indeed the case......but, I still think, that it's wonderful to see 70mm films in high definition (especially if your new to it too) the quality on the footage is so very clear and detailed….again its very nicely edited with long takes. There's a wonderful sense of being up there flying...its really quite scary actually! It's a problematic film definitely, but I still have to recommend it because of the detail in it that the 70mm cameras get...there is after all not many films made in this format they are rare things.I can completely understand people being upset about it...being a expert in something and *then* seeing a film about your specialist subject and that film missing the mark completely is very, very I do understand it.THE BAD: the person doing the narration is very monotone and that was very unfortunate.THE GOOD: It's a heck of a experience with the detail this high.
Snoopysjk-1 If you don't understand what the directors when through then why do you automatically downplay the movie? This movie revolves around Captain Stratton a fighter pilot new to Operation Red Flag at Nellis air force base in Nevada outside Las Vegas.For the cinematography, it was excellent and well done. Of course not all the scenes where real, they couldn't have been. Do you really expect the air force to let a filming crew into a war zone with 120 million dollar fighters from over 5 different countries? The only CGI in the film was the '3D' fighter sequences onboard the AWACS and there was no CGI 'fire' when the fighters blew up tanks. Most everything was real with exceptions to the opening scene when they go through briefing the first time. With all the scenes using munitions, the camera crew was in fact there. In the 'bonus features' on the DVD if you rented it they even show how close they stood to one of the bombing runs.As for the rescue sequence when the pilot was 'downed' as part of the excercise, come on, do you really think the air force would conduct a rescue operation with a bunch of IMAX cameras hovering around a 'hidden' pilot and still called the mission 'practice for the real thing'? Obviously some things were 'staged' in this movie but what the film should be notorious for is the angles with which the camera captures. I guarantee you will see nothing on par with this in other films and the way the director accomplished this is truly 'stunning'.
disdressed12 (this movie has a an HD option which is playable on your windows XP PC.however,i just watched it on my standard TV.)i just finished watching this 48 minute wasn't quite what i had hoped.***possible spoiler ahead***the back cover of the DVD promises "thundering,roaring,screaming sound and stunning aerobatics that will blow you away" that's exactly what it says on the back cover of the DVD.i didn't see any of that.the movie is more about the training mission itself than anything.i still found it interesting though.Operation Red Flag is apparently the gold standard,when it comes to training,not just the pilots,but also the ground crew,for combat situations.although i don't think the movie delivered what it promised,i still thought it was entertaining and informative.there is also a 10 minute 'making of' feature which has some interesting things.anyway,my vote for Fighter Pilot:Operation Red Flag is a 6.5/10
Internist Notwithstanding the outrageously low score awarded to this film by at least one self-proclaimed "frustrated" reviewer, this is a terrific flick.Obviously (and thankfully) exploiting the spectacular IMAX technology, director Stephen Low provides us, the uninitiated, with shot after shot of awesome and awe-inspiring aerial combat and the planes that participate in it. This is a movie that simultaneously wows us with aesthetics and excitement. Indeed, isn't that what fighter pilots have said so often - that 'it's beautiful but scary up there'.In addition to the breathtaking cinematography and heart-stopping action sequences, I was especially impressed by some of the less glamorous depictions. The shots inside the AWAC plane are simply exquisite. In fact, I would have guessed that the luscious views we see of the computer displays on board that intelligence craft would have forever remained off limits to us civilians. Likewise, we are treated to stunning panoramas of the airfield and runways at Nelles AFB. Wow! A super example of something that must be seen to be appreciated.And that's just it. 'Fighter Pilot: Operation Red Flag', Low's brilliant work, allows us to SEE modern air warfare first hand and up close. The IMAX process has never been put to better use.
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