Big Buck Bunny
Big Buck Bunny
G | 10 April 2008 (USA)
Big Buck Bunny Trailers

Follow a day of the life of Big Buck Bunny when he meets three bullying rodents: Frank, Rinky, and Gamera. The rodents amuse themselves by harassing helpless creatures by throwing fruits, nuts and rocks at them. After the deaths of two of Bunny's favorite butterflies, and an offensive attack on Bunny himself, Bunny sets aside his gentle nature and orchestrates a complex plan for revenge.

MamaGravity good back-story, and good acting
Brendon Jones It’s fine. It's literally the definition of a fine movie. You’ve seen it before, you know every beat and outcome before the characters even do. Only question is how much escapism you’re looking for.
Celia A great movie, one of the best of this year. There was a bit of confusion at one point in the plot, but nothing serious.
Delight Yes, absolutely, there is fun to be had, as well as many, many things to go boom, all amid an atmospheric urban jungle.
Gordon-11 This animated short film tells the story of some animals in the forest, who are cruel and bullies other animals. One day, Big Buck Bunny has had enough of bullying, and decides to teach the bullies a big lesson."Big Buck Bunny" shows how cruel some people can be, and the effect of bullying on the victims. The main character decides to hit back in a comical manner, and the measures he employ are very successful. The moral lesson in the story is clear, and it is fun to watch.
Horst in Translation ( This 10-minute animated short film is a tale of revenge. A trio of small furry forest animals led by a sadistic squirrel keep bullying a huge harmony-loving rabbit. They keep throwing apples at him and kill the butterflies that he so much loves to watch. How mean. Halfway into the film, Big Buck has enough. He starts taking them out, one by one. This is probably not a short film for very young audiences as characters get killed on-screen. The best thing about it is probably the animation. The story isn't bad either, but it's a bit generic and not too memorable in my opinion. Also, quite brave of these small animals to constantly harass somebody five times their size. Or maybe I should say foolish. This is a Dutch production, but don't worry. There is no dialogue in here, so you don't need to be able to speak the language. It's the only work by writer and director Sacha Goedegebure so far, but I can see some talent here and hope he gets to make another film at some point. I recommend "Big Buck Bunny".
menschmachine Truly a very good all out effort to incorporate the open-source (or better: open-movie) community with Hollywood CGI standards. Qualitywise characters, environments and storyline are comparable with the best short-movies Pixar has made. In that respect BBB is clearly targeted at a general audience with it's rather lightweight storyline, 'cudly' characters and somewhat crude humor. Realising that this free (!) cartoon is made by 7 people in 7 months and it's main purpose was to enrich the free CGI-software Blender with new technology (like 'fur'), the result is awesome. People and software who are capable of doing things like this, may well be rendering Pixar, Disney or Dreamworks obsolete in a few years.@Bladerunner: don't hijack my remark for a private rant. Just read literally what I wrote. Pointer: notice the 'may' in the last sentence. As said both execution as script are up there with Pixars shorts IMHO. Even regardless to quality: Blender Foundation clearly found a way to produce quality shorts in a very different way than the Pixars and Dreamworks produce theirs: with a coreteam of seven, their work supported by hundreds, maybe thousands of artists all over the world who make props, backgrounds etc. and submit them through the net. Bunny (and the new Sintel, which btw uses the voices of two of the biggest and mosty expensive Dutch international actors)) prove me right: you do not need big pockets, you need talent, creative commons license and the opensource community.And that, my friend, may be a way to render the big studio's obsolete in a few years.
theovosse OK, this movie is a bit different: it's licensed under "Creative Commons 3.0", so you are free to distribute it and to adapt/remix it. Nice, and it does have merit, as the visual and auditive part have been done with great attention to detail. Some people call it better than some of DreamWork's productions, I would call it on par. But still, that's a heck of a qualification for a labor of love and released for free.The down-side is that the movie is just uninteresting. It is just not funny, nor moving, nor interesting enough. Its plot is weak and predictable, and although the movie is 3D, the characters are truly flat. The only thing it has in abundance is cynicism. I'm not going to spoil the plot, but if you've seen one or two animation blockbusters, you've seen this one.