A Man Apart
A Man Apart
R | 04 April 2003 (USA)
A Man Apart Trailers

When Vetter's wife is killed in a botched hit organized by Diablo, he seeks revenge against those responsible. But in the process, Vetter and Hicks have to fight their way up the chain to get to Diablo but it's easier said than done when all Vetter can focus on is revenge.

Dynamixor The performances transcend the film's tropes, grounding it in characters that feel more complete than this subgenre often produces.
Plustown A lot of perfectly good film show their cards early, establish a unique premise and let the audience explore a topic at a leisurely pace, without much in terms of surprise. this film is not one of those films.
filippaberry84 I think this is a new genre that they're all sort of working their way through it and haven't got all the kinks worked out yet but it's a genre that works for me.
Robert Joyner The plot isn't so bad, but the pace of storytelling is too slow which makes people bored. Certain moments are so obvious and unnecessary for the main plot. I would've fast-forwarded those moments if it was an online streaming. The ending looks like implying a sequel, not sure if this movie will get one
dworldeater A Man Apart is a more gritty, more realistic type of film than leading man Vin Diesel usually participates in. Vin Diesel is a former LA gangbanger that is a top undercover DEA agent. When a big bust headed by Diesel is successful in bringing down a Cartel drug lord, it is not without repercussions. In retaliation, The Cartel sends shooters to Vin Diesel's crib. Of course they all end up in body bags, but not without murdering his wife. This has Vin Diesel on a all out roid rage until the film's conclusion. He enlists the help of his partner and a homie from the hood, Big Sexy to avenge his wife's death. Vin Diesel now operates on both sides of the law to achieve his means of street justice and vengeance. It seems that this film was meant to be more of dramatic piece than one as action driven as this is. Vin Diesel is cool, but he lacks range as an actor. However, he is real good at kicking ass and acting hard at all times. His support cast is pretty strong though and the film itself is pretty quick paced, action packed and is pretty entertaining. A Man Apart may have some flaws and Vin did not possess the acting chops to play a character that is not a superhero, but otherwise the film is fairly cohesive and well done.
Scott LeBrun Vin Diesel tries his best to emote in this ultimately routine crime / revenge saga. He plays Sean Vetter, a former gangbanger turned DEA agent. The persistence of Sean and his colleagues over the course of seven years finally pays off, as they successfully apprehend a drug kingpin, Memo Lucero (Geno Silva). The consequence of this episode is that soon Seans' beloved wife Stacy (Jacqueline Obradors) is killed in an assault on Seans' house. Once he's recuperated, Sean is hellbent on finding out just who gave the order to attempt murder, if it wasn't Lucero. All he knows is that a mysterious figure named El Diablo has taken Memos' place and is even more evil and ruthless than Memo.Larenz Tate plays Seans' friend Demetrius Hicks, who must make a decision between being loyal to Sean and letting the law handle things. Ms. Obradors is an absolutely gorgeous and appealing presence here, and she and Diesel do make a believable couple. Silva delivers a creditable performance as the low key crime boss, with whom Sean actually makes a connection when Luceros' wife falls victim to El Diablo. There's other notable talent in the cast: Timothy Olyphant, Steve Eastin, Juan Fernandez, Jeff Kober, Marco Rodriguez, Mike Moroff, Ken Davitian. The filmmaking is reasonably slick, with the soundtrack full of hip hop and rock, and the action scenes are high energy stuff. But it's hard to get all that interested in this tale when everything just feels so familiar and predictable, not to mention senseless.As this viewer already said, Diesel gives a reasonable effort as the tormented and enraged lead character, but he's simply outshone by his supporting cast.Watchable enough for 110 minutes but pretty forgettable.Six out of 10.
SnoopyStyle Sean Vetter (Vin Diesel) and Demetrius Hicks (Larenz Tate) are part of a DEA team sent to join Mexican police to take down drug lord Memo Lucero. Memo is captured and brought back to the US. A mysterious new player Diablo is taking over Memo's territory and killing his men. Diablo's men kill Sean's wife (Jacqueline Obradors) in a failed assassination attempt. He goes to seek revenge for his dead wife. They start investigating Hollywood Jack (Timothy Olyphant).It's a crime melodrama. There is a good deal of overacting. The story has several cliché plots jam together. Vin Diesel tries to do a lot. I don't blame him because that's the way it's written. He's a super cop. He's a happy street-wise family man. He's a grieving widow. He's a gangster thug avenging cop. He's too much and the movie suffers. It feels like a lot of poser acting. It doesn't get the benefit of gritty realism. There are quite a bit of gun action but it's not fun or exciting. This movie is going for a lot and probably too much. Around the halfway point, I stop caring about this movie.
Maleplatypus OK, everything in this movie has been, one way or the other, seen in many movies before and after. Even the "twist" (which should not be surprising if you've watched carefully, which you won't, of course), but it's somehow relaxing and simply good made in every (technical) aspect. Casting is good (Diesel and Olyphant stand out a bit, which was also to be expected), directing, editing... Everything done with some sense of measure for a story. There's a head and the tail, and a good balance in-between (especially in the matter of black/white presenting of the characters). However, clichés could be assembled in good, bad, awful and so on kind of fashion. This time it was good and I recommend it as a relaxing 100+ minutes after a working week.