R | 09 March 2007 (USA)
Outlaw Trailers

A group of people who feel betrayed by their government and let down by their police force form a modern-day outlaw posse in order to right what they see as the wrongs of society.

Diagonaldi Very well executed
Matialth Good concept, poorly executed.
Stoutor It's not great by any means, but it's a pretty good movie that didn't leave me filled with regret for investing time in it.
Mathilde the Guild Although I seem to have had higher expectations than I thought, the movie is super entertaining.
David Holt (rawiri42) Outlaw definitely made me wonder... about myself.I have often thought that, in a different life, I could have been a hit-man and those feeling certainly rose to the surface as I watched this movie. A bunch of unlikely guys with a common thread come together as much by chance as anything else when they are let down by society. One (Sean Bean) has suffered the unimaginable (unless you've been there) horrors of war in the middle east only to come home to find his wife in bed with another man. Another (Danny Dyer) has been beaten half to death by a gang of mindless street thugs. A Negro barrister (Lennie James) has his pregnant wife murdered because, with a moral interest in serving society and make the world a better place, he won't walk away from prosecuting a criminal drug dealer who has bent London cops on his payroll.As the plot built and the scene was set I found my anger rising by the minute along with the victims of criminal rule as a state of anarchy was graphically portrayed. I wanted to wreak retribution on the low-life perpetrators and so, when that began to happen, rather than feeling offended, I felt exhilarated. I know I could have pulled the trigger without compunction!I guess one thing I wouldn't have done personally was work as a team which the vigilantes did. I would have preferred to work anonymously and alone. I was reminded a bit of the TV series, "Arrow" although "Outlaw" was a lot more realistic than that. Some of the vigilante gang were hampered by moral qualms about what they were doing whilst I was almost eagerly wanting to not only dispose of the thugs and bullies but to do so in a slow and painful way! Hmmmm.So, for me, Outlaw was more of a social statement than just a movie. I was reminded of news stories on TV like one recently where a beautiful young pregnant wife was raped and murdered on her way home from work at Macdonalds just down the road from my home and the 18-year-old perpetrator - who had had a bad family situation - was given a token jail sentence by some bleeding-heart judge. I just hope he ends up in a jail where the other inmates will deal out the justice that the courts so often fail to deal out. I don't want to pay (they tell me) over a million dollars a year to keep that scum-bag in an air- conditioned jail where he will get three healthy meals a day prepared for him and won't even have to do the washing up. If it was up to me, he would have been executed and the world rid of one more waste of time!But the bleeding-heart brigade say that's inhuman! I wonder what the judge would say had the victim been his daughter! So, as it is, we NEED people like Sean Bean and his mates to clean up the filth from our streets. I loved the closing shot and, when Manning said his line, I said aloud, "Wanna bet?!"OK, many might say that Outlaw portrays a side of life that they don't want to go to the movies thrust at them and I wouldn't mind betting they're the ones who lobbied their MPs to have corporal punishment abolished. Well, maybe they don't realise it but the situations portrayed in this movie exist in just about every big city in the world.
Leofwine_draca When I saw the trailer for OUTLAW I knew I wanted to see it – Sean Bean is one of my favourite actors and I loved the look of the vigilante plot. But it was one of those films that slipped by until now, when I finally caught up with it on TV one night. I'm glad I didn't get to it sooner.The film is a crushing, no-budget disappointment, nothing like it's made out to be in the trailer. The plot is passable at best, and while it contains some intense, shocking moments (the attack on the barrister's wife is one of the most disturbing I've seen in some time), it never seems to go anywhere, and by the end turns into the usual good guys vs. arch villain type action flick. Some scenes are ludicrous, like the bit with the shoot-out with the police in the wood, and the characters are never likable as they should be. Take Sean Bean's lead for instance – he's a disturbed ex-soldier, yes, but we never learn a thing about his background or what makes him tick. Bean tries hard to make the best of the material, but his talents are wasted here.It's a shame, as the talents of other decent actors – such as Lennie James and Bob Hoskins – are also left unexploited to their full potential. The biggest problem of all lies in the director, Nick Love. For some stupid reason, he adopts a shaky cam in an attempt to give his film edge, but it's distracting at best and nauseating at worst. Paul Greengrass he certainly isn't – and the camera-work alone is enough to ruin what was potentially an interesting film that raises some important questions about crime and justice.
SaintCool When I first heard that Danny Dyer and Sean Bean were appearing in a film together, i thought it was going to be legendary. Before I saw this at the cinema it had received several slatings by film critics. There are some holes in the story, but it is a gripping film, with some violent and traumatic scenes (yes I thought these were good), and the cast and acting was very good on the whole: Sean Harris (aka the Kestrel) plays the part so well, Danny Dyer is always good in my opinion, and with the gravitas of Sean Bean and Bob Hoskins its almost faultless. Film-making was good, but it does seem like the story line was adjusted to fit the film as its not always logical. P.s. If this was a DVD rating id give it 9 because of the film commentary by Nick Love and Danny Dyer. That is what would make me watch the film again.
alicecbr So is Sean Bean building a wing onto his house? Michael Caine once said that you can always tell when he is needing money ....he'll make a stinker of a movie. Or has he really turned into a Fascist? The tone of his last 2 movies, at least, has been racist and bigoted. Maybe he's just trying to call to our attention how barbaric we have become in the U..S. and the U.K. Listening to the commentary for some explanation of the mysteries in this movie is futile, because love, the director and one of the actors, Danny Dyer, just use the f word every other word, and talk about everything BUT the movie: living in the country, organic food, the smell of asparagus feces, being pregnant, how all the critics hated this movie, etc. the ending is sad, as Dyer says, "Well, this may be our last time together. It's been a good trip." I almost cried, something I didn't do while watching this nauseating gratuitously violent movie. And of course the bad guys live: the police captain and the betraying corporate 'buddy' of Dwyer. Factual, this movie wasn't but if you like Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid , you might like this movie as the director stole that ending. These guys live when they should have been dead long ago judging from the point blank shooting at them. Sorta a waste of the talent of Bean and Hoskins. They must need a new room on their house.