Ill Manors
Ill Manors
| 06 June 2012 (USA)
Ill Manors Trailers

Ensemble film revolving around characters living in Forest Gate, London. Over the course of a few days, six inter-linking stories explore issues of drug use, prostitution and urban poverty.

Plantiana Yawn. Poorly Filmed Snooze Fest.
KnotStronger This is a must-see and one of the best documentaries - and films - of this year.
Gurlyndrobb While it doesn't offer any answers, it both thrills and makes you think.
Bob This is one of the best movies I’ve seen in a very long time. You have to go and see this on the big screen.
Prismark10 Inspired by Brit urban dramas such as Kidulthood, singer-songwriter Ben Drew developed this film after the 2011 summer riots in Britain as a response to David Cameron's Broken Britain.Ill Manors is a chaotic film set in an area of inner London as we criss cross the lives of various drug dealers, street kids, crack addicted prostitutes, sex gangs with their imported sex slaves.With a soundtrack consisting of urban rap and grime which gives the background of the characters and their little tales as well as ageing punk poet John Cooper Clarke popping up as a chorus.There is the story of the street kid teen Jake who uses his friend's £20 to buy drugs and is ripped off and then has to beat up the friend he took the money from to get respect. After that initiation he beats up more people, gets to have sex, gains what he thinks is respect and is used to kill someone, betrayed and later winds up dead himself. As the accompanying song proclaims, he was only a kid.The main part of the story is Aaron (Riz Ahmed) who is stuck working with childhood friend and drug dealer Ed (Ed Skrein) who both grew up in the same children homes. Both are hustlers, there is a sleazy sequence as Ed forces a crack addicted prostitute to have sex with a series of sleazy kebab shop owners in order to pay off her debts.There is a redemption of sorts as Aaron finds a baby on a train as his mother is forced to flee a gang of sex traffickers, Ed sees this as an opportunity to sell the baby to a loving family, the alternative is growing up in a home like he did with no future. In a fire Ed rescues the baby and Aaron manages to reunite the baby with the mother.The film is energetic, frightening, sordid and perversely has its own conservative streak. It is all about the men, their pride, fear and respect and women treated like chattel.The movie is also derivative, a kind of movie I have seen before such as the ones written by actor-writer Noel Clarke and we end up seeing a newer stereotypical London, the one depicted in morose urban street dramas with tower blocks and gangs running around.
MattyGibbs I must admit that 45 minutes in I wanted to switch this off. It was almost unbearably depressing and grim, however I am glad I stuck with it through to the end. I don't know if this depicts normal life in inner city London or not but from news reports I wouldn't imagine it was million miles away. The film paints a bleak picture of people stuck in an almost lose lose situation although of course ultimately you shape your own destiny in life. For a directorial debut this is amazingly assured. I have not a fan of Plan B as it's not really my music taste but he is obviously a hugely talented guy. The film follows various people and their stories throughout the film and these gradually intertwine. The fact that all the stories are interesting as well is also impressive as you rarely get this in movies that mingle multiple stories. The film boasts a largely unknown cast which makes the almost uniformly excellent performances all the more staggering. There is little of the usual cockney wide boy caricature to be seen here. I felt the performances of Riz Ahmed and Anouska Mond were particularly good. The film in many ways reminded me of Trainspotting but with an even darker edge and the film is almost on a par with that one. This is a brutal and tough film to watch but one which really pays off with a great ending. This by word of mouth will end up being a cult classic of that i'm pretty sure.
Rich Wright From the mind of the bloke otherwise known as Plan B comes this sprawling saga about the seediest bunch of misanthropes you would never wish to know, and a London you won't find on the tourist map full of druggies, human trafficking and kebab shops. It's not a pretty sight, and Mr Drew deserves credit for not shying away from the tiniest detail in his quest to seek out the sick underbelly of our Capital City. He is also responsible for turning it into somewhat of a gangsta-type musical, with rap songs by him along the way which are efficient at advancing the plot, but I don't think would be worth a relisten on the soundtrack CD.The formula of following a few characters at once until their fates collide has been done since time immemorial, or at least Quentin Tarantino. Here, we get the standard flashbacks that introduce us to the main people, and after that the cocktail of sex, bad language and babynapping(!) begins. It's by no means perfect, with a bit of overacting going on and in parts being either OTT or simply a bit dull. But it's made in an admirable rambunctious style, and you get an inkling that Plan B really does care about the social conscience of Great Britain (Not so great these days, though)
ldnw44144 David Cameron was born in London yet I doubt very much he has witnessed a social London manor such as Ben Drew's depiction of this brilliant portrayal of the inner London of today.Teenage girls & boys, young men & women, a new-age society that only knows gang-culture, turf war, drug dependency, gun violence, prostitution, fear and a one-way ticket to the abyss.The movie world makes me smile regarding what is considered a good, or a bad film. Politics is always under the surface, take for example, best picture of 2013 - Argo - it's loaded with inaccuracies and is as dull as mud. But, it is a stars & stripes flag waver for the shallow minded to remember who the enemy is.Ill Manors makes you think, on a British standpoint - who exactly are the wrong-doers and why are they doing it.Cameron is allowing Britain to sink deeper than the Titanic, and Ill Manors will reveal that lifeboats in inner city societies are also in short supply.8/10