The Age of Stupid
The Age of Stupid
| 21 September 2009 (USA)
The Age of Stupid Trailers

The Age of Stupid is the new movie from Director Franny Armstrong (McLibel) and producer John Battsek (One Day In September). Pete Postlethwaite stars as a man living alone in the devastated future world of 2055, looking at old footage from 2008 and asking: why didn’t we stop climate change when we had the chance?

JinRoz For all the hype it got I was expecting a lot more!
TaryBiggBall It was OK. I don't see why everyone loves it so much. It wasn't very smart or deep or well-directed.
Adeel Hail Unshakable, witty and deeply felt, the film will be paying emotional dividends for a long, long time.
Taha Avalos The best films of this genre always show a path and provide a takeaway for being a better person.
Granger This starts out under the guise of science fiction, but the viewer quickly realizes it is current fact being viewed from a predicted future. As such... it devolves into one documentary clip after another.Informative? Yes. Alarming? Yes. But like all such endeavors it fails to realize a primary fact of life: no documentary is going to change people. This isn't the first documentary that's been done on Global Climate Change (GCC), it isn't the last, and it's no more effective than the rest in actually solving the problem.It started out being somewhat interesting, alarming and unique. By about halfway through it was becoming a preachy yawn-fest... just one nagging mini-documentary after another with none of them offering a viable, people-moving solution to the issues. In short, it lacks what all such documentaries lack: actual means to motivate people to stop driving their cars, flying airplanes, deforestation and all the other things that we as a species are OBVIOUSLY doing to ruin the planet on which we live. At the time this documentary was made the scientific community was already warning we were approaching the "point of no return" in which no matter what we did, we've already triggered an unstoppable planetary-changing, potential extinction event. This film was made in 2009 and now, 8 years later, we are no closer to a solution than we were when this came out. Net result effectiveness of this out-of-date film: zero. The film pointed toward 2015 as the time when we had to begin our emission decline. Instead, global pollution escalated beyond all projections so that 2015 became the year that the scientific community realized our society had already done too much damage to reverse. In order to have any chance of averting disaster, it's now realized (by anyone without his head up his hind end) that to stop what is about to come we would have to reduce all carbon emissions to practically zero and then find someway to scrub the emissions damage that already exists. Since that's pretty much NOT going to happen by any stretch of the imagination, any current documentary would be telling us one thing:Get ready for the most devastating events to hit this planet since the supposed ice age, because there is now no averting it. We consumed ourselves to death, ignored all warnings, and now we and our children and our grandchildren are going to pay the price for it. For those who claim GCC is a "natural cycle" or that it "doesn't really exist": it doesn't matter how many clueless, brain-dead morons there are denying reality-- that reality is still going to bite everyone in the butt, big-time.Welcome to the age of consequences. Obviously this film didn't achieve its purposes and frankly... at this date and time is more of an antiquated history lesson than valid warning. Even by the time this was made (2009), their forecasts were already significantly under-estimated. We just came through two years of the worst storm cycles in modern recorded history. Anyone who believes we've seen the last of this has their head buried in the sand. I give it 5 stars for effort. It's not that it's a bad film. It's just USELESS. And frankly, it was already so the year it was made.
TheBlueHairedLawyer This film takes us through the 19th century history of what led to the "severe issue" of global warming.Not much is special about it, just another environmental extremism film done by a global warming alarmist.Do you consider your parents stupid for prospering in the 19th century, when factory work was readily available in the States and Canada? Do you consider your grandparents stupid for happily living in this time? That's right, for the most part families had jobs, had food, had water, had everything they needed and were happy...Then the real "age of stupid" came about with the environmental movement. Environmental regulations, carbon offsets, promoting recycling and "green living" and Earth Day in schools before students could even decide which side of the fence they were on... we're all controlled by the green age, the real age of stupid.This movie isn't worth your time to watch or your money to buy. Of course, if you do decide to purchase this load of biased crud, don't forget to litter and drop the DVD on the ground after viewing.
stg213 Of late, indie & to a lesser extent corporate media is flooded with "awareness-type" documentaries that try to present a green point of view, and shake people out of apathy.The Age of Stupid is one of the better attempts in regard at least to asking the right question: "why are we not stopping when it's obvious to just about everyone that things cannot go on this way for much longer?".I wouldn't call the answers provided by the film "excellent" but at least in part they are closer to truth than most of the ones presented in other documentaries. For example, compared to "Home", it's in a completely different class at tackling real issues. Home does nothing to address the real issues but just hits you with pretty pictures and says to go petition your local administration. Gore's flick barely scratches the surface but maybe as another reviewer noticed, it was necessary at the level of people's thinking at the time.The single documentary I've seen so far that really covers the "whole story" is the less known 2007 "What a way to go. Life at the end of empire." That one goes to the very bottom of the question of "why aren't we stopping" and does an almost excellent job at getting the viewer to understand, not only rationally but also emotionally what's actually going on.On the bright side, in more "mainstream" docu's on global warming & the "other (far more important) stuff" I see a move from surface scratching stuff like Gore's "Truth" to more in depth movies, like "age of stupid".On the downside, global warming is still the overarching theme of the movie, and the more serious issues don't get the attention they deserve. Global Warming may be "Civilization-threatening" but it's a warm breeze compared to ecological collapse due to agriculture-induced extinction. A warmer planet may be bad for big cities, a domino-like failure of life-cycles on the other hand... The dangerous part of these kind of documentaries is giving the impression that rationing your carbon foot-print is enough, that "going green" will make a difference, it does not, it just reinforces complacency and the idea that "I'm doing something, so everything is going to be just fine". Sorry folks, it's not... and no matter how carbon-free our products are we're still in deep s**t. Or put otherwise, we can destroy life on earth using solar as well as oil... as long as that's the main goal.
lheckerman Another arrogant, falling sky interpretation of climate change. Don't waste your cash unless you are one to kneel at the alter of prophet Gore. I believe that we need to be good stewards of this planet to preserve it for future generations, but the planet itself will kick our butts without any help from mankind. That's just the way it is and nothing can be done to stop it. In order to have any meaningful impact on climate change, you would need to change nature itself. Tilting at windmills comes to mind. The human race is not a virus and films like this perpetuate that extreme mindset. I new what to expect regarding the message and was hoping that the film would present an intelligent and entertaining perspective, but left the theater disappointed.