Little Miss Sunshine
Little Miss Sunshine
R | 26 July 2006 (USA)
Little Miss Sunshine Trailers

A family loaded with quirky, colorful characters piles into an old van and road trips to California for little Olive to compete in a beauty pageant.

Curapedi I cannot think of one single thing that I would change about this film. The acting is incomparable, the directing deft, and the writing poignantly brilliant.
Plustown A lot of perfectly good film show their cards early, establish a unique premise and let the audience explore a topic at a leisurely pace, without much in terms of surprise. this film is not one of those films.
FirstWitch A movie that not only functions as a solid scarefest but a razor-sharp satire.
Verity Robins Great movie. Not sure what people expected but I found it highly entertaining.
educallejero I honestly wanted every one of these characters to die. Other ending than that it was going to disappoint me. So. That wasn't the ending. Then, I totally HATED this trash
pencritical When this movie came out I saw the reviews, heard the hype, knew it was nominated for top awards and just didn't see the reason for it. It didn't interest me anymore than Juno and I still have not watched that. Probably never will. I do wish I had continued to listen to my intuition, but this movie is on my shelf, having been given to me as a gift somewhere along the way and I happened to see a trailer for it here last night as I was looking at something else, so I thought, what the heck. Maybe. What was I thinking? Definitely not. This movie did not leave me feeling good. It left me actually feeling repulsed and a bit like I needed a shower. There is not much I can say nice about this movie. I'll try. I don't know the young man who played Dwayne (or was it Duane), but I love every other single actor in the movie. They are all wonderfully talented. How anyone could manage to put them together and come away with a movie so jaw-droppingly bad is beyond me. I actually enjoyed Duane's little bit in the movie a bit, but it was only a tiny piece almost unrelated to the story and it wasn't much of a story at all. There isn't much more to say that is nice, unfortunately and other critics have said it all. The jokes are lame and stolen from other shows. The end routine is not funny, it is stomach turning. I was rooting for the horrible lady to shut it down. The grandfather was disgusting and I am far from a prude - but seriously, you left that man alone with your seven year old when he talked like that in front of you with her present? How do you think a man like that talked when the parents weren't in the room? I love Steve Carell, even though I despise his trite sitcom, The Office, (see note) but he had absolutely nothing to work with here. His story was trite and 'Jonah and the Whale tale' unbelievable. Toni Colette probably does ditzy lady better than any comedienne in the business since Carol Burnet retired, but you have got to give her something to work with and though Greg Kinnear's comedic chops are far inferior, he does make a good straight man when he has a good partner. But, again, you have to have an actual script to work with and a director with some respect for the actors he/she is directing. Obviously these actors had neither. A couple of other things: If I have to watch them push that van one more time I think I'll barf. We get it. Enough already. Not funny the first time . But neither was stealing grandpa's body, the cop not noticing it, or six dozen other stupid jokes. And for heaven's sake, you are driving through some of the most beautiful country on earth and all you show is gas stations and asphalt? The cinematography is atrocious. Especially the little girl make up in the end. Yes they wear too much make up. Not that much. Enough rehash of what all this movies critics have already said more eloquently than I can. I hated the movie. I felt bad for Abigail who is a doll. Next time my gut says don't bother; I resolve to remember to listen, even over a decade later. If you've never made the mistake of watching this- Don't. Note: Don't read anything into my not liking The Office. It's just me. I haven't liked a sitcom since Mash except Will and Grace and Third Rock and I only kind of liked both of them. I didn't like W&G well enough to tune back in to the reboot...
camilleesteve Little miss sunshine is a dramatic comedy created in 2006 by Jonhatan Dayton and Valerie Faris. The movie was shot in the USA. This characters are very sweet and funny but the family is dysfunctional. The little girl called Olive is very cute because she has big glasses and she looks innocent. The grand father takes drugs and Dwayne, Olive's brothert has made a vow of silence because he wants to join the flight academy. We don't recommend this film because it is boring and the scenes are often repeated.
dank1994 It's an average film that has garnered excessive praise and ratings by a lot of these reviewers. The story is unimaginative and predictable, and the scenes are quite often, boring. I feel as though the ending definitely saved it, but again, still a very average film.But seriously, people on here are going on about how amazing the production, the message, the acting, and everything else was. Sadly, its really, really not the case. There's nothing novel about a dysfunctional family being forced to spend time with each other because of certain circumstances, and certainly nothing new about that very same family coming together by the end, due to a collective realisation of just how important they all are to each other and what really matters in life. The sad or emotional scenes ultimately seem out of place, and delivered in the midst of the monotonous journey to the end destination. I'm not saying that it's an awful film, but there's nothing different or poignant about a film that is clearly supposed to stir some emotions. If you want an uplifting film - watch the intouchables, forrest gump, remember the titans, life is beautiful; you know something different. Not this film that delivers nothing new, nothing powerful, and rarely anything funny or memorable. The ending is quite funny and cute, but is really not that great, and I'm genuinely quite confused about the hysteria in some of these reviews.