Ruby Sparks
Ruby Sparks
R | 25 July 2012 (USA)
Ruby Sparks Trailers

Calvin is a young novelist who achieved phenomenal success early in his career but is now struggling with his writing – as well as his romantic life. Finally, he makes a breakthrough and creates a character named Ruby who inspires him. When Calvin finds Ruby, in the flesh, sitting on his couch about a week later, he is completely flabbergasted that his words have turned into a living, breathing person.

Scanialara You won't be disappointed!
InformationRap This is one of the few movies I've ever seen where the whole audience broke into spontaneous, loud applause a third of the way in.
Humaira Grant It’s not bad or unwatchable but despite the amplitude of the spectacle, the end result is underwhelming.
Kaelan Mccaffrey Like the great film, it's made with a great deal of visible affection both in front of and behind the camera.
Aly_Bird Well that movie is definitely different from it's trailer! The trailer doesn't tell it all or even half! Although I download it because I'm into romantic movies but that one totally exceeded my expectations!!Awesome performance for both Dano and Zoe and the story itself is very amazing and full of things to consider in real life.Without spoiling the material I read once but can't remember where a saying: "If you love someone let him/her go if they came back then it's real if they didn't then they ain't your ones from beginning" .. And that what happened! Simple as!
jackcwelch23 One of those movies that is good but could have been great if they added on about 20 minutes. The movie just feels disjointed in its pacing and its themes are not explored as much as they should be. It does not take long before the seemingly perfect girl Calvin has created is fed up with his own frustrating personality. We feel as frustrated as she does, he wants a complicated girl, but can't come close to dealing with it when he gets one. Plus Annette Benning and Antonio Banderas parts are glorified cameos when they really should have had more to do later on in the story, like Steve Coogan and Elliot Gould. We enjoy the happy times Calvin and Ruby share, but that part is glossed over and we get to the unpleasant parts too fast. Im summary, equal weight is not given to both sides of a relationship, something done better in the movies it draws inspiration from. Still, it's an insightful and well made fantasy comedy drama, but it just didn't dive deep enough for me.
codefool Not going to say much about Ruby Sparks other than if you're expecting a romcom then prepare for enlightenment. This is a tightly written, wonderful, internally exploratory existential piece that will leave you thinking. I wish it were based on a novel, so I could curl up and read it on a rainy afternoon.
yea boiiiiiiiiii Ruby Sparks: wonderfully imaginative concept, not so wonderful execution. I walked into watching this movie with the expectation of being enriched afterwords; my hopes were high. After reading a short summary, I loved the overall idea and character of Ruby Sparks, a woman who is literally created by an author with writer's block, and presumably, is said author's love interest throughout the movie. The film makes you laugh, cry, and paints a beautiful picture of passion and internal conflict. However, I found myself unsatisfied with several aspects of it, including the ending. I tried really hard to like the movie, and did in fact enjoy many fragments of it. But as a whole, would not want to watch it again. It definitely presents intriguing ideas, questions, moral issues, and is considerably heavy at times, but to reiterate, something just didn't click. So although I applaud the acting and thought, by the end it left me with feeling like I wished it would have been better.