Material Girls
Material Girls
PG | 18 August 2006 (USA)
Material Girls Trailers

Two wealthy sisters, both heiresses to their family's cosmetics fortune, are given a wake-up call when a scandal and ensuing investigation strip them of their wealth.

Alicia I love this movie so much
Micransix Crappy film
Kaelan Mccaffrey Like the great film, it's made with a great deal of visible affection both in front of and behind the camera.
Fleur Actress is magnificent and exudes a hypnotic screen presence in this affecting drama.
carissarama I happened to stumble across this film one day on Netflix (I think.... maybe it was HBOGO) while I was home terribly sick one day. Normally I really don't have any interest in films of this sort... "Chick Flicks" or whatever you might want to call it... I am more of a documentary type of person and when I do watch "movies" that aren't documentaries, they are usually either crime type movies that are based on a true story or psychological thrillers or something more in that vein. Now, when my 17 year old daughter was very little, she LOVED Hilary Duff and I thought that Hilary had a very nice singing voice and was MUCH more of a positive role model than many of the other "tween pop" artists out there and I had also seen her on the Lizzy Maguire series and thought she was just adorable. So, while this movie is not some sort of "cinematic tour de force" it is definitely fun, lighthearted, and something very easy to watch when you are not feeling well. I quite enjoyed it and have watched it several times since. Definitely recommend to young women and also found it to be appropriate to show to "preteen" girls who I think might enjoy it for a sleepover or something.... in the same kind of category as "13 Going on 30" which is another of my "guilty pleasures"!
MLDinTN This movie was pretty lame. It was like a soap opera made for MTV starring 2 hot teen heiresses in the mold of Paris Hilton. The target audience is 12 year old girls and that is about all who will like this. The Duff sisters are too rich kids in charge of their late father's cosmetic company. A scandal breaks out and their company loses value, instead of selling for 100 million each they could only sell for 60 million each. Real tragic for the Marchetta sisters. Their friends outcasts them and they decide to do a little investigating rather than sell. They find sabotage within the company and fight to save their company's reputation.FINAL VERDICT: Not much of a plot. Mildly amusing, but this movie isn't for everyone.
xxThalinaxx millie The movies storyline was a good idea , I remember before I saw this DVD I thought this would a a good chick flick, but it wasn't hilary and haylie's acting was terrible as always. I must admit I didn't expect it to be Oscar worthy, but a movie that was average and fun. In the scene where hilary (tanzi or something) gives haylie (ava) a pampering type session she accidentally knocks over the nail polish remover and then when ava is smoking she "throws the cigarette" onto the carpet with the nail polish remover on it, oh yes which is highly flammable! Soo...the house sets on fire, what do they do..? They run OUT of the house screaming taking a few possessions with them. Pathetic. These are the parts of the movie I don't understand, I know they are supposed to be ditsy and its supposed to be funny, but its at a point where making dumb stunts like that make the movie boring and not funny..I would find a fart joke better...
nikki wiggins I love this movie because it shows how a 'rich girls' lifestyle can be ripped away from them in just one second. But also because every movie Hilary duff has been in she has retained her innocence and hasn't become like all the other typical Hollywood stars.....Plus there is also a scene with the Good Charlotte hotties, Joel and Benji madden.. Its short but so good. Its also a great laugh for when you feel down. The way that the girls manage to keep their company and get back up on their feet whilst also keeping their father a legend and hero...... Plus there is still love and romance, (which of course, i mean Hilz always finds love in all of her films), between both the marchetta sisters............If you like a good drama then this is the movie for you...I love this movie 10/10