According to Greta
According to Greta
PG-13 | 11 December 2009 (USA)
According to Greta Trailers

Dumped on her grandparents for the summer by her indifferent mother, acerbic and self-destructive teenager Greta disrupts the elderly couple's staid life on the Jersey Shore. Eventually, a romance helps Greta face down her demons.

Mjeteconer Just perfect...
FeistyUpper If you don't like this, we can't be friends.
AnhartLinkin This story has more twists and turns than a second-rate soap opera.
Guillelmina The film's masterful storytelling did its job. The message was clear. No need to overdo.
elizabeta-75468 The silent take away their life without anyone knowing to save them and the loud are drama queens who want attention and are not serious in taking away their life is the message I got from the movie. The drama queen wants attention from her mother. Her mother doesn't want to face her because she resembles her father, which is a painful memory for her. Grandpa reuniting all to face each other slowly heals the pain.
johanschutten I like movies with Hillary Duff. Acting is not one of her strong points, but she lookes great and sweet and beautiful no matter what movie she's in. Yet it's a pity I couldn't give 'Greta' a better vote. The movie was just really, really bad. (I'm sorry Hillary, you looked great anyway! Wondering if she's ever gonna read this...) Duff plays a sweet, troubled child called Greta who's father killed himself when she was much younger. Her mother can't handle the child growing up and sends her too her grandparents (off course, it's a Hollywood movie and therefore not very original). Her grandparents are sweet folks who wouldn't hurt anybody. Greta hides herself behind a mask of sarcasm and tries really hard to shock almost everybody arround her. She even thinks of killing herself. But that though mask of her begins to break when she meets a boy...The movie did make me smile a lot. There was a lot of melodrama and the acting was sometimes really awful (which in turn is very funny ;-)). Earlier reviewers compare the movie with 'Juno'. That is a comparison I totally disagree with. The scetches in 'Greta' vaguely remind me of 'Juno', but that is all. The acting in 'Juno' was great, the characters well played and the theme far more interesting en well thought of than 'Greta'. So, in my humble opinion, you can't compare these two movies with each other. And to end this review: Greta is just bad. That's all, folks!
thirteensixsixsix This movie was, simply put, amazing.The things that the producers were able to do with very basic plot was incredible. It's basically "Georgia Rule", but much better.Greta is a sarcastic, pessimistic, rebellious teenager that has been sent to live with her grandparents over the summer. During her trip, she learns more about herself and the people around her. As I said, basic plot.But the acting was amazing, the humor was solid, and the compassion in this film was heartwarming. I can't stop watching this movie; I don't understand why something like this isn't in the theaters, but a movie like "The Last Song", which I didn't particularly enjoy at all, managed to gain a wider range of viewers.This movie is deep. And it's funny. And it's really well-done. I don't know what else I can say. It's a definite ten for me.
mvgijzel I watched this movie with my daughter last night. Do yourself a favor and skip this one. Watch Georgia Rule instead if you like movies about growing up daughters. The character Greta is such an unsympathetic character (Is she playing herself?) that we both (young and old!) found it painful to watch. The whole story/dialog is not credible. We just kept going so we felt entitled to write this review. Painful also because we could not understand why a girl of 17 (also not credible, sorry Hillary) would consistently behave like she did and then all of a sudden turn soft on a random person. We did like the performance of the grandparents specially Ellen Burnstyn's performance. Can you imagine that you send a daughter who is like Greta to your elderly parents. That could be considered cruel, in fact it is just not credible again. We both do like serious/confronting movies but this is not one in that category.