The Canyons
The Canyons
R | 02 August 2013 (USA)
The Canyons Trailers

The discovery of an illicit love affair leads two young Angelenos on a violent, sexually charged tour through the dark side of human nature.

Alicia I love this movie so much
Steineded How sad is this?
Lela The tone of this movie is interesting -- the stakes are both dramatic and high, but it's balanced with a lot of fun, tongue and cheek dialogue.
Francene Odetta It's simply great fun, a winsome film and an occasionally over-the-top luxury fantasy that never flags.
tomchaud Now that i know James Dean Willie i can't imagine seeing this movies without seeing James Dean in action :))) well what can i say James Dean and Lindsay Lohan great combo :)))) Rest is tippically rich people hollywood lifestyle
sussmanbern THE CANYONS is a film done on the cheap. Financed by rattling the tambourine on Kichstarter, soliciting actors on another website to work for scale, and mostly borrowing existing locations. The reason: Lindsay Lohan, the only "nomenclatura" in this production - and the co-producer eager to revive her movie career, was so notoriously into drugs and dodgy behavior that no investors or insurance companies would touch this project. Her co-star is Bryan M. Sevilla, who rejoices in the screen name of James Deen and has attained ephemeral fame in skin flicks ... the press kit dares to say that The Canyons is his first non- porn movie, but that's a fib; The Canyons is just pricier porn.This movie was filmed and then re-edited ruthlessly. There were hopes that it would do well at Sundance or some other film festival, but no such luck. As far as I know, it stained only a few theater screens and then went to DVD and cable.Originally intended as a thriller, this ends up as a noir study of life among over-indulged youthful Hollywood sociopaths. Christian (Deen) is a young Hollywood millionaire, and Tara (Lohan) is his girlfriend, and at various times Christian takes Tara out to restaurants to meet with people who would like him to throw money at their movie projects. If things seem promising, Christian invites these people to his fabulous house in the Hollywood canyons (this was actually rented from the architect who built it), where he throws a little drink-and-drug party with Tara the door prize for all participants. Tara puts up with this because she hopes that someday Christian will keep his promise to make her a star, and even so Christian is cheating on her with Cynthia (Tenille Houston), whom he treats every bit as badly as he treats Tara. There is some back and forth between Tara and her former boyfriend, Ryan (Nolan Funk), and Cynthia, about Christian's pathological behavior, but the simple fact is that Christian is the one with the money and presumably the power. Every now and then we are shown a shuttered old movie house to tell us that the movie industry (as distinct from maybe cable TV) is dying and so are Tara's hopes. Before it's over we find out that even Christian's family keeps him at a safe distance, a fact that would be significant for the others to know.The one remarkable feature in this film is a couple of glimpses of Lindsay Dee Lohan barefoot all over. She was 27 when this was filmed - but she looks closer to 37 and that was not intentional. If this was supposed to be a mystery, the mystery is why they bothered to make this movie. I would suggest several other movies for stories about drugged up sociopaths such as TRAINSPOTTING.
Gloria Marie Predictable, usual nihilistic Bret Easton Ellis script, all they do is show bored and cynical people, usually texting o having sex or taking advantage of someone else, "Hollywood style", of course. Broke bartenders/actors ready to do everything for a role, gay people ready to "help" them, pretty girls faking relationships because they don't wanna be broke anymore, the usual, you know. Pouty-lip James Deen is OK as a proper actor I guess, that role didn't require much effort after all. Lindsay is basically playing herself or possibly the tabloid version of herself, I'm afraid. Don't waste your time, unless you're an Easton Ellis die-hard fan.
tigerfish50 'The Canyons' is a farcical tale about a collection of characters who deceive and manipulate each other to distract from the emptiness of their lives. Chief amongst them is a sociopathic film producer, Christian, whose jaded girlfriend Tara reluctantly consents to the sex orgies he arranges with random internet strangers. After Tara helps a former boyfriend, Ryan, get the lead role in Christian's new movie, they resume their old affair, despite Ryan having a girlfriend called Gina who is also working on the film. Christian grows increasingly suspicious of Tara's fidelity outside the group sex dynamic, and has her followed by a slacker private eye, while he hooks up with a former assistant, who is also an old girlfriend of Ryan.This juvenile nonsense is merely the set-up, and director Shrader cannot elevate the subsequent hokey-pokey above the level of a day-time soap after making disastrous casting decisions with Lindsay Lohan, James Deen and Nolan Funk as his lead trio. The only competent actor is Amanda Brooks who plays the scorned Gina in a minor role. Although she's actually five years older than Lohan, she looks fifteen years younger and fifty times more desirable than the supposedly irresistible Tara. Sex is a crucial plot element, but no erotic intensity is generated since the characters are pathetically undeveloped. Instead the film wastes many tedious minutes on lengthy shots of them entering and exiting cars and buildings. 'The Canyons' limps along with wooden direction, dialog, acting and storytelling, failing miserably to invest this portrayal of Hollywood's seedy glamor with any vitality. None of the deceptions and manipulations have any discernible goal, but they eventually lead to a pointless act of violence and an implausible tired conclusion.