Single White Female
Single White Female
R | 14 August 1992 (USA)
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Attractive Manhattanite Allison Jones has it all: a handsome beau, a rent-controlled apartment, and a promising career as a fashion designer. When boyfriend Sam proves unfaithful, Allison strikes out on her own but must use the classifieds to seek out a roommate in order to keep her spacious digs.

Teringer An Exercise In Nonsense
Jenna Walter The film may be flawed, but its message is not.
Jakoba True to its essence, the characters remain on the same line and manage to entertain the viewer, each highlighting their own distinctive qualities or touches.
Isbel A terrific literary drama and character piece that shows how the process of creating art can be seen differently by those doing it and those looking at it from the outside.
betty dalton Wow. I think a comparison with "Fatal Atraction" is justified. You could call this thriller a female (lesbian) remake of that other stalker classic "Fatal Attraction" with Michael Douglas and Glen Close. Seen "Single White Female" several times over the years and this stalker thriller has stood the test of time. Even though I know exactly what is gonna happen, I am still thrilled and excited by this suspenseful stalker story.The story is about the lovely Bridget Fonda whose boyfriend had an affair. She breaks up with him, but cant pay the rent anymore. Places an add for a female roommate and there you have it: she unknowingly invited a mentally disturbed female roommate into her appartment. How disturbed this roommate is you will find out yourself... Acting is superb in this picture. Bridget Fonda is as lovely and innocent as ever. And Jennifer Jason Leigh depicts the mentally disturbed roommate perfectly. If you wanna get spooked and creeped out, then "Single White Female" is the perfect choice.
leplatypus First, I wanted to watch it because of Bridget, but after watching recently DC and FB, I felt it was worthy too because of Jennifer. So their meeting should be engaging and it has been in fact more than that because the movie challenged me in addition on several personal items. Because I live in one of the poshest area of Paris but in a monk or prisoner cell size studio, I'm highly sensitive to stories that focus on houses (like Dark Water). Here, the place is fantastic because this is an old NYC building, with no modern appliances, high ceilings, maze rooms, and individualistic neighbors… The other development that speaks to me is the twin factor as I'm indeed one. I think it's a heavy factor to build own's personality because it's hard to tie and it's always comparison. In a way, you don't exist by yourself as you are always stuck with your twin. So I could understand the troubles Jenny could feel and her parasitic mood. The last part of the movie is maybe less believable but it's interesting as it's a sort of Misery but in a city! Usually we can think that abductees are hidden in recluse country locations but cities are like a wild jungle and with blind and mind their own business neighbors, this can happen right next door!So the expected meeting was really captivating, gripping, moving and scary as Bridget is really this cool, smiling, careless and helping girl and Jenny is rather this fragile, determined, brooding one….
hellholehorror The single white females were beautiful and plenty naked. Camera movement was a annoyingly shaky at times. Solid music, dialogue and effects. It was a good thriller but not as good as other similar ones. The control this woman has involves her being violent and not clever. The suspense isn't as intense as it should be.
FletchGives "New friend turned psycho" films have been made before, multiple times, but this was a good one. It is hard to remember sometimes which came first. Was it "Play Misty for Me" or that one with Glenn Close? The stereotypical gay friend upstairs, and the fiancé who can't seem to keep himself zipped up. Yet even the less than perfect men in the movie aren't all bad. Sure the client boss enjoys a little sexual harassment, and the fiancé isn't perfectly faithful, but then in reality who is morally perfect in life? And while both are jerks in different ways, poetic justice sets in when they both get dispatched permanently, while the gay friend only suffers a concussion from which he timely revives and saves Bridget Fonda from being killed by psycho woman. The movie is true in that most people are neither all good or all bad, and that once in a long while you run into someone who is a sociopath and frankly diabolical tendencies are breathtaking.