Happy Together
Happy Together
PG-13 | 04 May 1989 (USA)
Happy Together Trailers

Christopher is an ambitious college freshman, striving to become a writer. Through a computer fault he's assigned the same room as Alex, a real party freak and... a girl! He's annoyed and tries to get a different room as soon as possible, but when he learns to know her, he also starts to like her. She not only improves his sexual life, but also his writing skills

Vashirdfel Simply A Masterpiece
Moustroll Good movie but grossly overrated
Konterr Brilliant and touching
Dynamixor The performances transcend the film's tropes, grounding it in characters that feel more complete than this subgenre often produces.
SnoopyStyle Chris Wooden (Patrick Dempsey) is a college freshman. The computer mistakenly puts him in with Alex Page (Helen Slater). She's a flighty social butterfly and he's trying to emulate a stuffy writer. They don't get along at first. Brian "something with a K" (Brad Pitt) is her boyfriend until the next one. Stan (Dan Schneider) is their wacky neighbor always with his girlfriend mannequin. Ruth Carpenter is their drama teacher.I have never been a fan of Dempsey. Slater is on and off. She's pretty but I'm not always in love with her characters. Together, they don't have enough chemistry. The dialog isn't good enough to have fun with their relationship. I struggle to get involved with this duo. They are a lot better on paper but they are not in reality. I actually think that it would work if they become friends and it would be more interesting. Her problem is that she hates her flirtatious reputation and her lack of stable relationships. Stan's wackiness isn't particularly funny. Just in case you're wondering, Brad Pitt doesn't do much in this movie.
Shashank Paliwal Last night i had the chance to watch this not so popular, not so well known movie and i must say its definitely better than 5.6(current rating) .Patrick Dempsey despite playing a role of teenager has a character much matured than that in Cant buy me love.But is very natural and plays his part of a aspiring writer perfectly. Helen Slater was a total surprise. This was d first movie of hers i have seen and she plays a really difficult role with much ease and effortlessly. Happy Together is so much better than crappy teen comedies and other rubbish RomComs.Overall its a good watch with lots of entertainment.Recommended for fans of RomCom.They wont be disappointed
Veronica Lake This was the midday movie today and I saw Patrick Dempsey's name and I thought "Oh no! Not another 80s teen flick starring Patrick Dempsey!" Then I saw Brad Pitt in the opening scenes and I thought I'd stick around. I'm glad I did because it was quite a sweet movie and well worth a look. Patrick was great, Slater was a bit over the top but that was what the character called for. All in all it was a nice movie that had a lot to say about love and relationships. It falters a little towards the end but overall I really liked it and might even consider seeing it again.
Cockney-2 Have to be honest, it's not the best film I have ever seen, but the film does have it's moments. I have seen Helen Slater act better in other films than this and the storyline is totally unbelievable. The film is basically about a boy meets girls, girls helps boy do better in life, boy and girl get mad with each other etc you get the picture. Bottom line, if you have a couple hours to kill, go ahead and watch it