R | 23 July 1999 (USA)
Trick Trailers

Gabriel is a young, aspiring musical composer whose life seems stuck in the First Act. When his new musical number gets a critical reception, a theatre colleague, Perry, tells Gabriel that he needs to get a life before he can write about one – so he heads straight for his local gay bar.

Phonearl Good start, but then it gets ruined
Odelecol Pretty good movie overall. First half was nothing special but it got better as it went along.
Tayloriona Although I seem to have had higher expectations than I thought, the movie is super entertaining.
Kimball Exactly the movie you think it is, but not the movie you want it to be.
jhill78757 This movie was a real trend setter for members of the gay community. People who were in the closet for so long and felt inadequate out in the dating world got a real boost to their confidence from this movie. Christian, a regular guy, average as many in the gay community would say, gets with a muscle guy like JP? REALLY? Damn!! It never has happened for me, but he beauty of the movie is that it could. That there are guys out there who will accept you for who you are and see beyond that physical thing. I love it. Thanks to the guys who played it so well, JP and Christian.... you go guys! Thanks! And why not do another one 16 years later? :)
masterdioshi This film has been on my radar for 14 years and I finally saw it. Now I understand why there is so much affection for this film. It's really a bundle of contradictions. It's a gay movie, but its flavor is ultimately very much old-fashioned rom-com. It is sexy and very out, but surprisingly chaste and tasteful. It is not focused on AIDS, coming out, or angst, but acknowledges these things without being defined by them. The comedy is effective but largely because all of the actors play their emotions totally straight-faced, drawing humor from recognizable human reactions under pressure, not because of one-liners or gags. The cast has unknowns and at least one star, but the casting doesn't feel lopsided as they are all terrific and have great group chemistry. Coco Peru would threaten to steal the movie as the evil drag queen if the rest of the cast were not so uniformly stellar. The iconic Tori Spelling and the fabulous but unknown Lori Bagley seem to be two flavors of screwball adorable. The two male leads are just knockouts. The director has coaxed two very memorable performances out of them. One thing that must be said is how fully the characters have been directed to use their bodies and inhabit them (or not inhabit them) to make us feel their unease or their confidence. Just look at hand acting in this film. When Gabriel doesn't know where to put his hands whenever they are not set at a piano keyboard or when Marc peels his shirt off with one unthinking hand as soon as he enters the club, it says volumes about their back history so economically. This is outstanding acting and outstanding direction. SPOILER AHOY Finally, the interesting thing about the film is that it is structured as a brutal series of instances of coitus interruptus. The boys keep getting sooo close to finding a place to hook up and keep getting interrupted so cruelly that an hour and a half of this should feel intensely frustrating. However, instead, it feels like the most exquisite foreplay and the most skillful teasing. By the lovely end of the film, which ends in just one chaste, but soulful kiss, you don't feel cheated, you don't feel teased, you feel COURTED, and when was the last time a movie made you feel like that? EXEUNT SPOILER So anyway, go rent it or buy it. You're welcome.
mark.waltz Sweet office boy Gabriel (Christian Campbell), a wannabe Broadway musical writer, is forced to spend a night out on the town when his selfish straight roommate keeps monopolizing the apartment for flings while his girlfriend is out of town, and ends up meeting the handsome Mark (John Paul Pitoc), a quietly charming dancer who entices him for a fling. The only problem is neither of them have a place to go, and when they do manage to find time alone in Gabriel's apartment, they are interrupted by his comically neurotic friend (Tori Spelling) and later the girlfriend of the roommate. So while trying to find a place to successfully do what the boys do, they find they share more than just a desire for sex, being tricked by fate (as the theme song reveals) as they possibly head for more than just being each other's "tricks" (a slang term for pick-up).Taking another gay tale of the naked city, "Trick" ends up being a sweet and likable romantic comedy, taking the viewer into the nightclubs of Chelsea, an Off-Off Broadway theater, a piano bar, a late-night village diner, and finally to the corner of 7th Avenue and Christopher Street as the two new acquaintances part. "What kind of a girl do you think I am?", the confidently macho Mark asks when Gabriel inquires about their initial plan for sex. Along the way, there's a visit with Gabriel's older effeminate friend (Steve Hayes), who sings a dirty song in Spanish, a truly hysterical intentionally bad performance from Spelling as she sings one of Gabriel's songs at a musical theater workshop, and views of various types of gay and lesbian characters, some naughty, some nasty, a few nice, yet all identifiable to anyone who has ever ventured into a metropolis gay ghetto. Campbell and Pitoc share a sweet chemistry that has you really rooting for them, and you will laugh until you cry at the obnoxiously over-demanding character that Spelling plays. There's also a fabulous cameo by Miss Coco Peru who is not afraid of allowing the camera to get a little too close to her face to parody the drag queen image which only serves to show that there's more beyond her than what you see on screen.As far as this one's place in the over-emergence of gay cinema in the 1990's, it certainly is one of the more interesting, because it really explores the desire to find love while de-emphasizing the physical nature of the stereotypical sexually needy gay male. Even its title is a metaphor, the first impression being that it is all about the pick-up, then raising that flag in the viewer's head that indeed, it was about something else all the time.
Gordon-11 This film is about a shy young man going out of his closet by picking up a go go boy. However, they don't have a place to go to, and the next few hours become a chaotic mess.This is a linear film that concentrates on the events that happen on one unbelievable night. The story is simple and straightforward, but convincing. There are a lot of scenes with great music and eye candy scenes. The acting is mediocre, and the only person to have stood out on acting skills is Tori Spelling. She successfully portrays this annoyingly enthusiastic woman who cannot stop talking.The good thing about this film is that it is funny and entertaining. It does not play on the stereotypes, and does not show anything gross or degrading. It is a rather enjoyable film.
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