Jungle 2 Jungle
Jungle 2 Jungle
PG | 07 March 1997 (USA)
Jungle 2 Jungle Trailers

Uptight New York City executive, Michael Cromwell, pursues his soon-to-be ex-wife to South America and returns home with the son he never knew he had—a boy raised in a tribal village in Brazil. Armed with only his blowgun, the 13-year-old Mimi-Siku discovers that the world outside his jungle home is indeed a strange place.

Marketic It's no definitive masterpiece but it's damn close.
LouHomey From my favorite movies..
CommentsXp Best movie ever!
Erica Derrick By the time the dramatic fireworks start popping off, each one feels earned.
tensorbundle Just a few questions to show how stupid movie this is: 1. How on earth a 13 year old tribal boy can travel to US from Amazon basin without visa and passport? 2. How can a naked tribal boy with loin cloth come to airport, board on plane without attracting attention? 3. How on earth the tribal boy bring an endemic spider from Amazon to US without being stopped at customs? 4. How come a 6 inch blow gun, and a 2 feet bow goes unnoticed in airport scanner and safely transported from Amazon to US? 5. How come the 12 year daughter of Richard kiss a stinking, forever unbrushed, gross stuff eating mouth of the tribal boy from Amazon?I hope now you understand how stupid is the director and this movie.
Neil Welch Tim Allen plays an uptight New York stockbroker who ends up having to look after the teenage son he never knew he had, and who has grown up in the South American jungle.The convoluted set up leads to a straightforward family movie full of simple knockabout humour. The fish out of water antics of the boy are the main substance of the film, but there are additional threads: the gradual father-son bonding, a young love story, a Russian criminal, the realisation that different values may not necessarily be worse, for instance...This is not a sophisticated movie, but it is enjoyable for family viewing. Tim Allen anchors it well, Martin Short, Jobeth Williams and David Ogden Stiers offer sterling support, and it is good to see Sam Huntington and Leelee Sobieski in young roles.
drsonoma I'll admit I gave this movie a try because there was nothing else on, but it turned out to be funny, with a great deal of skill on the actors and actresses parts. Allen portrayed the father rather well, and the kid who played Mi-Mi, (I don't remember the actor's name), did an excellent job. The casting staff did their job in picking a decent crew to act.If you're looking for a movie that has an intricate plot, don't watch this one. The plot is quite simple and predictable, after all it's a Disney film, but it's still something I would advise one to rent some night.
IanLyons This film is about a New York broker, Michael ( Tim Allen ) who was marries several years ago has been separated from his wife, Dr. Patricia Cromwell ( JoBeth Williams ).Michael wants to divorce her to marry his friend Charlotte ( Lolita Davidovich ), but when he tries to meet her, she is not there so Michael has to find her.Michael finds her in Venezuela with a Brazillian tribe. When he asks her for the divorce she also tells him that he has a child.He then has to look after him and then take him to New York, where his son, Mimi-Siku ( Sam Huntington ) has to go on a quest in New York to get the fire from the Statue of Liberty.When Michael takes Mimi-Siku to New York, Michael has to tell his friend and then his girlfriend which he will be getting married to.But Mimi-Siku needs to be taught what New York is like, even what to eat and how to eat! Mimi-Siku gets in a little bit of trouble and then finds a girlfriend, his father's friend daughter.Then Mimi-Siku has a stay-over at his father's friend's - Richard, ( Martin Short ) house.Still Mimi-Siku get's in trouble, killing and eating Richards pet fish. Later Mimi-Siku has to go back to Venezuela to his mother and to his tribe.Then when Mimi-Siku arrives back at Venezuela, Michael is at the broker exchange and he sees a fly and kills it with a present that his son gave to him, a pee shooter.Michael and Richard family then go to Venezuela to stay with Mimi-Siku.Written by Ian Lyons