First Kid
First Kid
PG | 30 August 1996 (USA)
First Kid Trailers

Some say that to be the leader of a country is one of the loneliest jobs in the world. But being the child of a world leader can be doubly so. Constantly surrounded by security officers, restricted in movements and having almost every waking moment carefully monitored makes normalcy an impossibility. No one knows this better than young Luke Davenport, the son of U.S. President Davenport. He vents his loneliness, frustration and feelings of isolation from family and friends by being a brat to his private Secret Service agent. When the agent snaps from the strain in front of the First Lady, a new agent is assigned to Luke. He turns out to be the enormous Sam Simms, a bit of a rogue who managed to rise through the ranks by sheer determination rather than strict adherence to Secret-Service protocol. At first, Luke tries all his old tricks upon Sam. But instead of getting angry, Sam seems to actually understand.

Artivels Undescribable Perfection
Lovesusti The Worst Film Ever
Verity Robins Great movie. Not sure what people expected but I found it highly entertaining.
Tymon Sutton The acting is good, and the firecracker script has some excellent ideas.
Python Hyena First Kid (1996): Dir: David Mickey Evans / Cast: Sinbad, Brock Pierce, Timothy Busfield, Blake Boyd, James Naughton: Part family film and part really bad skit. Sinbad plays secret agent Sam Simms assigned to protect the President's son. With his wild ties and sense of humour he attempts to win the boy over. After failing attempts he decides to teach the kid how to box, dance and ask out girls. The only thing he left out is teaching the screenwriter how to write a decent story. Simple plot travels formula with little or nothing original to be found. It is disturbing how the villain got to his current state. Director David Mickey Evans does what he can with the cardboard material but he is dealing with recycled nonsense. Sinbad is basically reduced to formula doing everything expected. Brock Pierce is hardly likable as the kid. In fact had he not been such a snot nose brat then none of this would have happened. Timothy Busfield plays a former bodyguard who is mistreated by this miserable brat. Blake Boyd provides no personality as the President. He is played by James Naughton and is the basic father who is absent but learns lessons of fatherhood by the conclusion. What a total crock. Film supposedly stresses the importance of good adult role models but comes off as a juvenile James Bond that should be locked away and never heard from again. Score: 1 / 10
shenry255 This is a wonderful Family Movie. We ALL loved it and it leaves you with that "feel good" feeling that romantic comedies leave you with. It doesn't have all the violence that you see in today's movies on television but yet it hints at the cautions of the violence that kids need to be wary of so that it makes you think about it in terms of being cautious. It also hints at a little puppy-love with the thirteen year old kids. The phrases that they use are current so it makes the movie believable in today's times. It is just the right length and also ends very nicely. It's a great all-around movie that everyone can enjoy watching over and over again. I'd see it again and again because I liked it so much.
yamsrus I am not a big fan of Sinbad's movies, but he made me laugh more than once in this movie. I recommend it to people of all ages! The other actors are OK, but it has a good plot and strong ending. Don't let the Disney fool you. I think that this is one of the best childrens movies I have seen lately.
neoprene I thought I'd stumbled upon another cheesy movie. But no, this is one of the good ones. As a matter of fact, I'm surprised why it's getting such a low rating.Sam Simms (Sinbad) is hired to be the personal Secret Service agent of the President's son Luke Davenport (Brock Pierce), after the current agent got fired. No wonder, too, because Luke is a pain in the neck who pulls all kinds of stunts and practical jokes - for fun or for attention? You'll find out.Sinbad and Brock Pierce work wonderfully together, and the scenes with the two of them are good. The scenes with them and Dash (Blake Boyd) are even better. I must say that I particularly liked Dash's (however brief) dancing outside the school hall - seem familiar? Oh, yes.They could have left out the kidnapping plot, but it does make for an interesting addition.A great movie. Worth the rental.