R | 26 June 1981 (USA)
Stripes Trailers

John Winger, an indolent sad sack in his 30s, impulsively joins the US Army after losing his job, his girlfriend and his apartment.

Cubussoli Very very predictable, including the post credit scene !!!
Stevecorp Don't listen to the negative reviews
Invaderbank The film creates a perfect balance between action and depth of basic needs, in the midst of an infertile atmosphere.
Zandra The movie turns out to be a little better than the average. Starting from a romantic formula often seen in the cinema, it ends in the most predictable (and somewhat bland) way.
jacobjohntaylor1 This is not funny. It is awful. It has an awful story line. Not that people who like comedy movie care at all about a good story line. Has long they laugh. And it really does not have to be funny or people to laugh. People will laugh long before they will cry. Tell people to laugh and will laugh. Tell them cry and they will laugh ever more. If you are some who only like comedies that are really funny and have good story line see Ghost busters. If you some one I just will like any thing at is a comedy. Then you will like. this movie. Most people like something just because it a comedy. If that were not case this movie would not be so popular. This movie a piece of pooh. And if you can not see that. That is your problem not mines.
TownRootGuy This is one of those movies that begs for IMDb to allow us to each have a handful of 11's to use. It has some action, a little FX, some eye candy, some naked eye candy, some spyglass candy AND it enlists a duffle bag of funny. Murray, Ramis, Candy and Reitman together equal the second best way a guy can spend a couple of hours. This movie can be watched yearly, or even more frequently, for decades. Before the internet, teenage boys could watch it daily even. Not that I have first hand experience with that. Or any other hand. Really.
Bella Stripes (1981) is a War Comedy starring Bill Mayer as John. John loses his job, apartment, car, and girlfriend all in one day. He is having a mid-life crisis and he doesn't know where his life is going until he gets a crazy idea. He decides to join the US Armed forces. He is lazy, irresponsible, and shortsighted... Will he be able to turn it all around or will he completely crumble under the pressure?Bill Murray is so great to watch in this film. He is comical, full of life, and brings his character alive. This is a movie that will make you laugh out loud. Bill Murray have some funny one liners as well as an inspirational speech. There are a few parts of the movie that I thought could have been done a bit better since some parts are corny and could have been funnier but it is good to watch just for Bill Murray's hilarious performance.
Kevin Lea Davies If you haven't seen it and you're not sure if you want to, stop reading right now and sit down for an evening of silly nostalgic humour.For those of you have seen it, you know how much this film has to offer in hilarity. Filmed just a year before I was born, this movie was always on the shelf at home, and when the parents were out, my brothers and I would put this on and laugh our butts off! Bill Murray, Harold Ramis, John Candy, and plenty of other well known actors started their cinema roots with this off kilter homage to a military that was still pristine in image and was known for making men out of even the most wimpy souls in America.If you had nowhere else to go, no ambition, or nothing better to do, the army would put you through basic and make a man out of you! It was the perfect stage for a comedy like this one. A bunch of life's miscreants join up for their own individual and mostly stupid reasons, and come together to form one of the worst, miss-guided and downright terrible troops the U.S military ever produced. Not for lack of trying however, it's just... when you get bunch of lemons, it's hard to make champagne.The jokes are silly of course, some fall flat, and most are out dated by most comedic standards, but that is what makes it so damn good! And for some reason this movie has like... 6 acts (It's a bit like 2 movies in one to be honest, the original in the first half, and a sequel covering the second half of the film). Yet it still holds its edge and lightheartedness against the rude and crude comedies of the 2000 era.Grab a few beers, sit down, and try to remember that there was life before terrorism, mortgage bubbles, and Justin Bieber.6/10