American Dreamz
American Dreamz
PG-13 | 04 March 2006 (USA)
American Dreamz Trailers

The new season of "American Dreamz," the wildly popular television singing contest, has captured the country's attention, as the competition looks to be between a young Midwestern gal and a showtunes-loving young man from Orange County. Recently awakened President Staton even wants in on the craze, as he signs up for the potential explosive season finale.

Alicia I love this movie so much
Micitype Pretty Good
Exoticalot People are voting emotionally.
Acensbart Excellent but underrated film
MRavenwood Really badly paced, with a weak script. Lots of hate-filled messages and non-stop unfunny stereotypes that a teenager would dream up. Big-time hate going on for George Bush, which radically dates the movie. Too bad because there is some decent talent here who could have made it funny if only the producers were so focused on mocking American Idol, and perhaps more specifically - its audience. Which... is exactly who would have bought tickets to this film if only it were a loving poke at Idol, instead of a mean-spirited disdain. And for the record, I don't watch the show or care about it. The only reason I am not giving it a 1 is because the cast didn't write this piece of S.
Chrysanthepop Against good advice I decided to watch 'American Dreamz'. The fact that Dennis Quaid is playing president and that Hugh Grant is in it should have been reason enough to avoid this. But the reality show spoof concept and the supposed satire angle got me interested. Moreover I had read Ben Elton's 'Chart Throb' (that came out the same year) which also revolves around the behind the scenes of a song contest reality show and it's one of the funniest books I have ever read. So 'American Dreamz' couldn't be that bad now can it? In all fairness, with the exception of the terrorist angle, it is quite funny in the beginning. It could have been more amusing but nonetheless I laughed a little. Then somewhere before the second half it heads downhill not standing any chance for recovery. The movie felt very rushed. The whole terrorist angle felt out of place and clichéd. There's also a boring preachy 'patriotic' sequence. Mandy Moore is adequate. Willem Dafoe, Judy Greer, John Cho, Shohreh Aghdashloo and Marcia Gay Harden are first rate (but every one of them have tiny roles). Hugh Grant is irritating as usual. Dennis Quaid is passable. And, 'American Dreamz' is forgettable.
marieinkpen i'm sure this is a bit of a politically dubious film, especially where iraq is concerned, and it isn't the sort of film that stays with you after it is over, but it did have many moments that made me laugh out loud - sheer wonderful surprise. the acting on the whole is nicely understated and dennis quaid stops short of making his president completely mockable, doesn't take the easy route. tony yalda is wonderful as iqbal but hugh grant lacks both the charisma and the comic timing for his role and his voice keeps changing throughout - but he wasn't complete rubbish, and yes, well, he's still rather sexy. but still, ultimately rather a slight film.
stephmax_sp I'm sorry to tell everyone this, but i believe this film is terrible. I know what some of you may be thinking, the film has a good cast, a cheesy light-hearted look and looks harmless enough.The creators and advertisers tried to portray this film along the same lines as teenage dreams, American idol, Simon Cowell, search for stardom etc...Unfortunately, it's not anything of the sort. It deals with Terrorism, race, politics everything that the key demographic doesn't really relate to. It also deals with the issues in a terrible way and comes across as patronising and insulting.It's boring, far too sporadic, pointless and when it finishes you HONESTLY feel like you've just wasted an hour and a half of your life.I'm warning you in advance.