R | 10 August 2012 (USA)
Ecstasy Trailers

ECSTASY is a dark romantic comedy, based on the controversial book, “Ecstasy”, by Irvine Welsh. “Ecstasy”, was translated into 20 languages and was a number one bestseller in over 20 countries. Mr. Welsh’s first book, “Trainspotting”, published in 1993, (and voted by Waterstone, Europe’s largest bookstore chain, as one of the Ten Best Books of the Century), sold over 1 million copies in the UK alone, and has its own Cinematic Cinderella success story.

Wordiezett So much average
Micitype Pretty Good
FuzzyTagz If the ambition is to provide two hours of instantly forgettable, popcorn-munching escapism, it succeeds.
InformationRap This is one of the few movies I've ever seen where the whole audience broke into spontaneous, loud applause a third of the way in.
K Michaels Saw this article about Mark Blamire's design of the poster in a cleaver marketing package. But the story and script in the film are very cleaver too. I have seen the film a few times and there are few films these days that are worthy of multiple viewings.Although marketed to Neds and the like, the film is about the spiritual aspect of redemption and getting another chance. Who wouldn't want another chance to change things?The cast did a wicked job of show what Ecstasy is really like. Irvine Welsh gave his stamp of approval and loved the film. I was at the Glasgow Film Festival screening and the Q+A with Mr. Welsh was a hoot!The definitive film about Ecstasy and clubbing culture.
cgenuardi This is a great adaptation based on the book by Irvine Welsh. Although some of the details have changed to work for storytelling, I really enjoyed it. I saw an interview with Irvine Welsh talking about the differences between this and Trainspotting and I had to see it. I saw the film with a large group of friends and we all decided we loved it. Especially Adam and Billy. Billy Boyd is hilarious as Woodsy a nutter who ends up taking too much and going to a mental hospital. I loved the music and the love story with Heather. It was totally realistic - like it has happened to friends of mine. It was a wonderfully strange, yet great film. I strongly suggest you see it with friends and see what characters you like best. There are some funny bits and sad parts but overall a great story.
Toxiceye Just went to see Ecstacy last night... luckily I had a free pass to a media screening of it as if I had spent money on seeing this rubbish I would have felt pretty ripped off! Where to begin? Trainspotting was great; funny, topical, great acting and well made. None of these can be attributed to Ecstacy, it seems like a weird Trainspotting rip-off, very dated (nostalgic?) and none of the threads of the characters stories seem to go anywhere. Wooden performances, uninteresting storyline, terrible writing, the only saving grace for this turkey of a film is the lovely views of Edinburgh... makes me wanna visit! I wanted to enjoy this film, but the dialog was so cringe-worthy, the acting sub-standard and the story so utterly boring that I just gotta say avoid at all costs, don't even bother watching on DVD.
jonicuquet A "must see" film not only for entertainment value, wondering what is going to happen next, but a look into Irvine Welsh's world one may not be familiar with. The chemistry amongst the cast, especially between the leads, Adam Sinclair (Lloyd) and Kristin Kreuk (Heather), was heartfelt and real... anyone can relate to one character or another at some point, it truly hit home. Billy Boyd (Woodsy) performs an impromptu array of genius; while Carlo Rota's (Solo) performance can do no wrong, even as the bad guy. Most people who have seen the pre-theater screenings conclude that the cinematography was authentic and breathtaking and draws you in to be a part of the scene. As well, the soundtrack featuring Cold Play, Primal Scream, the Mahones, in addition to the dance music with performances by Tiesto, Orbital and Bedrock, displays perfect timing and are excellent!