The Change-Up
The Change-Up
R | 05 August 2011 (USA)
The Change-Up Trailers

Dave is a married man with two kids and a loving wife, and Mitch is a single man who is at the prime of his sexual life. One fateful night while Mitch and Dave are peeing in a fountain when lightning strikes, they switch bodies.

Alicia I love this movie so much
ThiefHott Too much of everything
BootDigest Such a frustrating disappointment
GazerRise Fantastic!
blumdeluxe "The Change-Up" tells the story of two middle-aged friends who one day notice that they're actually jealous of each other's lives. One married with children, the other a playboy without a real plan for life, they couldn't be more different. Through the switch, they learn to appreciate their identities and to work on their on deficites.What you get here is the prototype of a body switch comedy. Two very different guys with very different lifestyles, who fail trying to adopt to the other. I won't lie, the film is quite entertaining and some of the gags aren't even bad, it's just that we've seen this plot a million times and the quite unlikely term of urinating into a fountain doesn't make it a lot better. Thus, the movie ranges somewhere between a cheap box office success and a film to switch off your brain.All in all this is nothing you have to see, but it can be an entertaining piece for a boring evening or if you're really not looking for anything clever and thoughtful.
janusniq I like the idea of this movie, the casting is great and everybody is doing his/her job. I had few laughs and as I have written above, if you like comedies and have some time to kill, this is a good choice.However, I think that they could have played a little bit more with the script. At the beginning, we are "told" that Mitch's life is great and Dave's not so much. Of course, a viewer with an average intelligence knows that things are not always as they seem. However, I think that in the end Mitch's life was portrayed really negatively and all perks and good moments in the "Mitch's body" had to be created by Dave himself. What I mean is that writers could have maybe worked a little bit more on Mitch's character.
FilmBuff1994 The Change-Up is a good movie with a well developed storyline and a great comedic cast.It was certainly a lot if fun to see Jason Bateman and Ryan Reynolds switching bodies and trying to deal with being the opposite person that lives a completely different life.The first hour of the movie is certainly really funny,but the second half,when it's starts trying a bit too hard to get sweet gets a but irritating,I understood having some heart of course but I felt like when it tried to be too emotional it ended up stretching out to movie to a length that wasn't necessary,the movie is two hours long and it really should have been just an hour and thirty minutes.I felt like the writers were trying to hard to make us feel sorry for these characters while still be a comedy,which didn't work out because the characters personality and the movies set up is just too goofy to really feel sorry for them trying to coup with being a different person.It has its flaws and it's definitely overlong,but the Change Up is still an enjoyable movie that I would recommend to anyone looking for a fun comedy if you have some time to kill. Two friends magically swap bodies after they envy each other's lives,only to realise the grass isn't always greener on the other side.Best Performance: Ryan Reynolds
adi_2002 Dave is a successfully lawyer and a business man. He is married and has a little girl and two babies. His brother Mitch is exactly the opposite. He doesn't have a decent job, he plays in light adult movies, pick-up girls every time he has a chance and is not concerned about his life or his future. One night the two reunite for a drink and on their way back home they have a need and do it in a fountain and at the same time say that they are dissatisfied with his own life and wish to be in the other one's place and lives his life. They don't know that a short blackout will make the wish come true and the next day they woke up and finds out that they swap bodies. Now one of them is forced to grow two babies and live with a woman and take important matters at his work and the other one to have affairs with girl and endure a nasty job and a stand in a very messy flat.Maybe a little bit to long, the movie could be at least half an hour shorter, the rude humor also is a bad thing, the scenes with the babies are too harsh, crude dialog the embarrassing situations witch are mocked is too much even for this movie but unfortunately they don't make comedies like they where twenty-years ago. However if you don't take it serious and you are in a mood for a laugh or in search for a silly comedy then you got it just right by watching this one.