Love, Wedding, Marriage
Love, Wedding, Marriage
PG-13 | 03 June 2011 (USA)
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A happy newlywed marriage counselor's views on wedded bliss get thrown for a loop when she finds out her parents are getting divorced.

ShangLuda Admirable film.
Casey Duggan It’s sentimental, ridiculously long and only occasionally funny
Kaelan Mccaffrey Like the great film, it's made with a great deal of visible affection both in front of and behind the camera.
Darin One of the film's great tricks is that, for a time, you think it will go down a rabbit hole of unrealistic glorification.
t_maly I like light romance comedies, but what I found most unlikable about this particular movie was Mandy Moore's character's very one-sided personality. She's been in too many movies where her characters have been irritating, one-sided, primadonna types. It's unfortunate given that she is so attractive. It's incredibly irritating to see a protagonist force her vision of what her parent's marriage should be. It was pounded again and again, just irritating, and there was no depth to it such as her showing a painful side as to why she needs to 'fix' things (ie some sense of childhood neglect), nor did it show her maturing into someone who wants their parents to be happy in their own way, without somebody, society, etc telling them what they 'should' be happy with. Who's to say anybody can tell another what makes them happy? Can't a couple go their separate ways for a few days or months, to discover their individual selves? I was more pleased with Jane Seymour's character to experience a life, grow, do new things, travel, etc apart from being some wife-servant. At least with Mandy Moore's character, she could have had some evolution in her efforts (not just that last second fake pill overdose shenanigan to manipulate her parents), to be more altruistic instead of dominating/manipulating.The conflict with the husband regarding the manipulation was well played. Mandy's character manipulates a fake life-and-death situation to deceive his mother into not wanting to be on her own for 6 months out of her life for once. Mandy's husband called her out on this blatant manipulation and I felt that was the most honest part of the movie, how shallow, selfish the manipulation was, to judge for other people what 'should' make them happy, that it involves some stereotype instead of personal discovery/independence. The resolution of the conflict came out of nowhere. The dialogue started with Mandy's character trying to apologize, but was interrupted, as if an apology or personal change/growth was completely unnecessary. The things the husband wanted from the wife (to accept, in him) was actually nothing to do with why he was angry in the first place. She gets interrupted from her apology, he asks to be accepted, they kiss, end credits. She never got the chance to apologize and so that almost says that it was unnecessary, superficial. Messages like that are dangerous. Even with the movie being a comedy.I found Mandy's character overall annoying/irritating and given that she felt no remorse for manipulating her parents, that she had no soul. I don't think it was Ms. Moore's fault, as that has more to do with the script and directing, hinting at emotion, providing pause, reflection, etc that the director simply did not provide. These romantic comedies that have such absurd conflict only to end in even more absurd resolution are ultimately dangerous stories of fantasy that even a lighthearted audience should not see. It only can give terrible impressions in a relationship, bad example, and make relationships more painful and illusive. At least a comedy could teach the viewers something. There was no lesson of compromise, of heart-felt communication, of acceptance, of change, of growth, etc - the conflict was sudden and the resolution was even more sudden.Normally I don't mind watching rom-coms multiple times, but i don't think this is enjoyable to watch again. The characters were too irritating to enjoy. It reminds me of the irritation I felt with another Mandy Moore movie, License to Wed, where the conflict felt so incredibly contrived/out-of-nowhere and the helplessness of the characters (to augment the ridiculous conflict) just made it really annoying. I actually liked her better in Swinging With The Finkels, even though in that movie I found the shallow, apathetic and loyalty-less husband quite irritating.
stmosquera I absolutely loved it! I love all types of movies from the Horror Genre to the Romantic Genre. For a romantic comedy I thought the story was great. People will be able to delve into the story and follow the lives of the characters portrayed by a fantastic cast. The character of Ava was perfect for Mandy Moore. She and Kellan Lutz had great chemistry throughout the movie. It was nice seeing Jane Seymour playing the role of Mandy Moore and Jessica Szohr's mom. There are some woman out there that are in the shoes of her character. After several decades of marriage to man you love what would you do if you found out that he had an affair let alone fathered a child from another woman? Of course he didn't know about the child until after Ava's wedding, but at least he stepped up and tried to do something about it. All in all the movie followed the romantic movie recipe; Love+Conflict+Happy Ending=Great Romantic Movie. For a chick-flick I give it two thumbs up. I have seen in 3 times and honestly I would watch it again. Keep making movies like this...there is definitely an audience out there for these types of movies.
MovieLoverEasyCritic So many well known actors....I LOVE romantic comedies. Mandy Moore's character is so DUMB....and her acting is awful! The best thing about this movie "Kellan Lutz" when he's not wearing a shirt! But all the parts were not believable and LAME!I don't know who to blame for this waste of time....The script...the just did not flow...or "click"....very sad....Brolin and Seymour had silly unbelievable parts! This movie offers....Nothing ....NEW.... easy to predict!You can't like or enjoy any of the characters!I Love Romantic comedies and I'm a Very Easy Critic! I would not even recommend Renting this movie!
Naneaux If this is the best that Dermot Mulroney can do as a director, then I can safely say that I'll pass on any future projects to which he is attached. This is another "Pottery Barn/cashmere throw" style rom com a la Nancy Meyers (with his and hers convertibles!), but her scripts are superior. This one ranks with the worst offerings on Lifetime TV-- superficial, dull and directed in a lumbering style. The lead is miscast: Mandy Moore is unbelievable as a marital counselor with a Ph.D and a thriving private practice. She has no intellectual weight, no emotional maturity and delivers her lines like a high school girl. It gets old fast. I'm not a Jew but I was offended by the way Brolin's character tries to "explore" his spirituality by taking on all the trappings of that faith and nothing else. If this "subplot" was supposed to be funny, it really wasn't. (Compare the scene in "Annie Hall" when Woody Allen decides to become a Catholic and unpacks white bread and mayo from a grocery bag.) In order to get to the end (which I had to do because of my work), I entertained myself by ticking off how many times Jane Seymour dropped her American accent in the middle of sentences (47). This is a waste of 90 mins and you're better off watching something else.
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